At this moment, a little court lady slipped her hand, and the Guanyin fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Clang", shattered.

The loud noise shook the entire Yikun Palace as if shaking, Nan Yan's heart also beat, turning around and looking at the debris.

Nianqiu paled with fright, and said, "This, this—"

The little palace lady was even more frightened, she fell to her knees with a thump, and started crying: "The mother forgive the sin, the mother forgive the sin, the slave and maidservant didn't mean it."


"I beg your mother to forgive her sin."


For some reason, Nan Yan's mind was still a little swayed, and she stood there blankly.

Aunt Tongyun frowned.

"How did it happen?"


"Let you be careful, you are so careless, this is the Guanyin sent to us by the empress, you actually—"

The little palace lady cried and kowtows her head again and again: "The slave and maid knew that she was wrong, Niang Niang gave her life."

In the palace, every little thing has to be played, and this Guanyin is still given to the imperial concubine by the empress, so don't you want to lose this life?

She knelt there with fear, shivering.

Nianqiu and they also knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

Aunt Tongyun only said: "Drop it down, put it in the wood house, and wait for it to be dealt with later."

Listening to the blessing, they immediately came in and took the little palace lady away.

She turned her head to look at Nan Yan, and said softly, "Don't be angry, Niang."


Nan Yan didn't say anything

, But the lips are a little pale. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "First, clean up first."

In any case, this matter has to be explained to the queen.

Several people carefully cleaned up the debris on the ground.

At this moment, Nian Qiu suddenly said "Huh".

Aunt Tongyun looked at Nan Yan with a bad face, and was about to help her go back and sit down to rest. Hearing her voice, she turned her head and said, "What's wrong?"

I saw Nianqiu pick up something from the ground and looked at it.

Then he said, "Aunt, what is this?"

Nan Yan just sat on the couch and saw her like this, and said, "What, take a look at the palace."

Nian Qiu hurried over and brought things to her.

Nan Yan took it and saw it was a dark brown bead with a faint, weird fragrance.

She said, "What is this?"

At this moment, Aunt Tongyun's expression suddenly changed, and she hurriedly said, "Manny, can you show the slave and maidservant?"

Nan Yan saw that her expression was wrong, so she handed the things to her.

Aunt Tongyun looked at it, and then smelled it, her face sank even more, her brows became a pimple.

Nanyan Road: "What is this?"

The little palace lady who stayed in place to clean up said again: "Manny, Aunt Tongyun, there is more here."

She picked them all up, holding a full cup in her hand, and took it directly to Nan Yan's face. Aunt Tongyun said in a deep voice, "Okay, you put it on the table, go down first."

She is a slave and she shouldn't have given orders.

But Nan Yan looked at her complexion and knew that it was not easy, so he nodded and let the little palace lady go out, leaving only Tongyun and Nianqiu to serve in the house.

Nianqiu's expression also became tense, and asked, "Aunt Tongyun, what is this? Why is your face so ugly?"

Aunt Tongyun leaned over and said in a low voice, "Here, this is musk."


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