Nan Yan thought for a while in silence.

Said: "Not necessarily."

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly asked: "Why?"

Nan Yan glanced at the pile of musk beads, then looked back at the mess on the ground, and said calmly, "Do you still remember, who sent this Guanyin to the palace?"


Everyone was taken aback.

Aunt Tongyun said immediately: "It's Hui-it's Wu family!"


Nan Yan nodded and said quietly: "If the palace remembers correctly, she had just reset at that time and came to Peiping City to thank her. By the way, she also brought a lot of things to the palace, which was regarded as a gift. And this Guanyin for the Empress was brought by her for the empress."

Aunt Tongyun hurriedly said, "The slave and maidservant remembered."


"At the beginning, all the things she brought were thrown away, only this one stayed, and it was put out."

Nanyan Road: "Of course you can't throw things away from the queen, let alone put them on the shelf."

On the side, Ran Xiaoyu frowned, and said: "The empress means that these things may also be the ghosts of the Wu family on the way?"

"Most likely."


"She wants to harm this palace, but she must know that everything she sends will be dealt with by this palace."


"Only this is a gift from the empress, it is impossible in this palace, and I dare not handle it."


"She is the safest thing to do in this thing."

Ran Xiaoyu also nodded gently.

After a long while, he said again: "But now, the Wu family is dead, there is no proof, and there is no way to ask her."

After all, the possibility is still half and half.

Aunt Tongyun stood aside and said softly: "Would you like to find a chance to test the empress's tone?"


Nan Yan was heavy and did not speak immediately.


For the truth, she really wanted to go.

However, she did not dare to go.

If the result of the question is the one she least wants, how will she face the queen in the future and how will she get along with her?

She is not the kind of aggressive person, she doesn't want to always make enemies around her.

What's more, it's someone like the Queen.

However, if you don't ask clearly, it feels like a big rock is pressed in your heart.

I am afraid that I will not fall asleep.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside, and when he turned his head, he heard Fu rushing in from the outside, with a panic expression on his face.

Aunt Tongyun immediately said: "What's the matter? So panic?"

Listening to Fu ran over, knelt in front of Nan Yan, and said breathlessly: "Manny, you go to the Yonghe Palace."

"Yonghe Palace?"

Upon hearing these three words, Nan Yan's brows wrinkled again.

I just thought that I want to go to the queen to ask for clarity, and now ask her to go to Yonghe Palace?

She said, "What's the matter?"

Tingfu said with a weeping face, "The slave and maidservant just went out and heard news outside that it was the empress, she, she was afraid it would be bad."


Nan Yan was shocked and hurriedly got up from the couch.

There was a violent rush, and she was suddenly dizzy and staggered. Fortunately, Ran Xiaoyu and the others immediately supported her.

Nan Yan shook two more times before barely standing still, and let out a heavy sigh.

Then he asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

Listening to Fu said: "The slave and maidservant were just outside, and I saw that the people from Yonghe Palace had invited all the imperial physicians from the Taiyuan Hospital, and some people went to the court to invite the emperor. The slave and maid only found out when she asked, the empress, it’s not OK ——"


Nan Yan's face turned pale.

Aunt Tongyun and the others still had to help her sit down, but Nan Yan had already raised her hand, gently pushed them away, and said, "Quickly, help my palace to—"

Having said that, she paused for a while.

Changed his mouth and said: "Help my palace dress up."


"If the queen is really bad, my palace... must send her off."

Hearing her saying that, Aunt Tongyun and the others looked at each other and stopped talking, and immediately helped her sit down and help her comb her hair and change clothes.


But in Yonghe Palace, there is already a sad cloud.

The curtain in the main hall hung down. Outside the curtain, the concubines from all palaces were almost there. Standing at the forefront was the concubine Shunqing who had the best relationship with the queen. Her eyes were red. Up.

People around her urged her to sit down and rest, but she refused.

Also, Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan standing on the side.

He didn't cry, but his eyes were red, and he stood there, his whole body froze without speaking, his hands were tightly clenched, and the backs of his hands were bruised.

Across the curtain, I could barely see the thin figure lying on the bed.

Zhu Feng is sitting by the bed.

Just now, when he was still in the early morning court, the people of Yonghe Palace informed the Queen of the Queen's situation, and the father-in-law hurriedly told him that he didn't even have the morning court and came over immediately.

I saw the face in front of me, which was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

Even, with a faint blue gray.

His breathing was weak, and he was lying under the quilt, almost unable to feel the ups and downs of his body.

Zhu Feng came from the battlefield. Even after he became the throne, he has experienced a lot of life and death. He knows too well that Xu Miaoyin at this time has come to the end.

The heart as strong as a rock is also in pain at this moment.


He called.

But Xu Miaoyin, who had fallen into a coma early in the morning, didn't feel at all, still closed his eyes, breathing weakly.

"Wonderful sound..."

He called again softly.

At this time, Xu Miaoyin's eyelashes trembled slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

The pupils of the eyes also seemed to disperse, turning into a light gray.

Zhu Feng's heart sank into the abyss.

But he still let himself smile a little, and his voice was as soft as possible, saying: "Wake up?"


Xu Miaoyin looked at him blankly for a while, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

He said: "The emperor, why are you here?"

There was almost a faint voice in her words.

You can only hear it if you get so close.

Zhu Feng said softly: "I'll come and see you."

Xu Miaoyin said: "Isn't the emperor supposed to be in the early dynasty? The emperor... the government cannot be abolished."

Zhu Feng nodded, and only said: "I have already left the early court."

"That's good."

Xu Miaoyin nodded softly.

Having said that, she herself smiled again.

Then he said: "The emperor should not be too long-winded. As the queen of the palace, it is the responsibility of the emperor to advise the emperor."

Zhu Feng's voice choked slightly.

Said: "How can I dislike you."


"You are a good queen, I cannot ask for it."

Upon hearing this, Xu Miaoyin smiled.

Eyes were crooked, so that blue-gray face was a little angry.

And then she said softly: "I'm afraid, this time, it's true, it's incredible."

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