Xu Miaoyin looked back at him again, and said softly: "About the imperial concubine, the concubine does have something to say to the emperor."


Zhu Feng could see that Xu Miaoyin at this moment has reached the end of his life.

So she is honest about many things that she doesn't dare to say.

However, at this time, shouldn't you explain some of your own affairs, why should you talk about the imperial concubine?

He didn't interrupt, only said: "What are you going to say?"


Xu Miaoyin lay there quietly, feeling that she was a little panting, as if she couldn't catch her breath. After a while, she finally had a little strength and whispered to Zhu Feng: "The emperor..."


"From now on, I will hurt the concubine less."


Zhu Feng was taken aback by this sentence.

It was not the first time he heard of this type of words. Large families, or wealthy people, especially the little children of the royal family, outsiders think that they grew up in the beautiful bushes. Only they know that, in fact, these children are living together. Not rich.

They think that the children of large families will have many little ghosts sent by Yan Wangye to follow them, either for a fight or a trip.

Therefore, many children do not grow up.

In order for these children to grow up safely, only if they don't hurt him so much and praise him for good, it can last long.

Now, the queen actually said to herself...

It hurts less.

If it was usual, or if someone else said this, he would be furious.

The palace is most afraid of being jealous, especially, he also made it in front of his eyes, so blatantly tell him.

However, now it is the queen.

Moreover, it was what she had already said at the end of the day.

Zhu Feng's eyebrows were frowned, and he looked down at her with a calm expression, and did not feel ashamed of what he said, or any other emotions.

Zhu Feng said quietly: "You mean--"

Xu Miaoyin said softly: "The emperor should understand that the concubines are not doing anything to the concubine."


"Actually, the concubines wanted to tell the emperor a long time ago, but they couldn't find the right time. Now - if you don't say it again, it will really be too late."


Zhu Feng felt a little suffocated.

He said solemnly: "You said."

Xu Miaoyin said: "The emperor actually doesn't understand. In the harem, special petting is never a blessing, but a curse."


"It's just that the emperor likes her and is willing to protect her."


"But now, in front of and behind the emperor's eyes, here and out, with so many things, can the emperor protect her without leaking?"


"The emperor, after all, do what the emperor should do."


"And she is in the harem, although she is a noble concubine, what happened this time—"

When mentioning this time, Zhu Feng's eyes flickered.

Xu Miaoyin said: "Wu's rebellion, she didn't go to so many places in the harem, so she just pointed at the Yikun Palace and burned it. Don't the emperor understand?"


"This is the result of special petting."


"In the past, the court concubines were still in this palace, they could suppress some, but if the court concubines were not there, all the people in the harem would only look at the noble concubine. How many people envied them, so many people were jealous. The hearts of the people are extremely unpredictable. "


"For the stability of the front harem, and for the concubine herself."


"The emperor, take care of her less."

Zhu Feng was silent.

These words can't help but stabbed the softest and most defenseless place in his heart.

That day, rushing back to the palace from the altar of worship, looking at the mess in front of Yikun Palace, thinking of what Nanyan had experienced that night, he actually had such a faint haze in his heart.

Why, the entire imperial city has experienced such a catastrophe, so many places in the Sixth Palace of the East and the West, and even Huiyi’s Jianfu Palace was directly broken into the house without hurting her fingernail.

But on Nan Yan's side, there were casualties in one place.

Did you bring this to her?

Zhu Feng looked at Xu Miaoyin solemnly: "Queen..."

Xu Miaoyin smiled again and said softly: "The emperor used to use Queen Wei to compare to his concubines, but now it seems that his concubines are more blessed than Queen Wei."


"It's just that if the concubine leaves like this, the emperor will have to worry about it."


"The successor..."


Zhu Feng interrupted her.

He can listen to everything else, but when he talks about "following", it seems that he is really explaining the funeral.

He can't stand it.

Even though he had gone through so many life and death, but also looked down on life and death, but this was the queen he had been with when he was a teenager, and he couldn't accept it anyway.

But Xu Miaoyin was very calm.

Just smiled and said: "The emperor, don't do this, if you don't let the concubines say, in the future, will it be messy?"


"The candidate for successor, my concubine looked on coldly, but it was really difficult."


"Concubine Shun's disposition is the safest, but her origin, she must be canonized, I'm afraid it's impossible."


"And Nanyan..."

At this point, her breath sank.

Said: "Her temperament is still stronger."


"If the emperor wants to make her the queen, she has to be trained for two years."

Zhu Feng only felt the hotness in his eyes. It was so hot that he couldn't open his eyes, and even his voice became astringent. He said with difficulty, "You, don't say it."


Xu Miaoyin really didn't say any more.

Just looking at him with a smile.

When smiling like this, there was finally a little light in her gray eyes. After a flash, it dripped down along the corner of her eye.


Zhu Feng's voice also choked up.

And Xu Miaoyin's voice finally brought a hint of salty tears, and said softly: "The emperor is a little bit painful to Wei Wang."


Standing outside the curtain, after hearing these words, Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan finally couldn't help himself, and took a step forward.

Upon hearing his voice, Xu Miaoyin hurriedly turned her head.

When I saw this child, his face was already full of tears.

She gently stretched out her hand: "Cheng Xuan..."


Zhu Chengxuan hurriedly walked in, held her hand, and knelt before the bed. At this moment, even if he tells himself to be calm and self-sufficient, he can't bear it anymore. For the first time, a young man has to face life and death, and he is his closest relative. For him, this is more than the destruction of heaven and earth. Uncomfortable.

He cried and said, "Queen, you will be better, right?"


"Queen, don't leave me behind."


"Don't leave your son..."

Zhu Feng's eyes were red, and he couldn't bear it, he got up and walked aside.

In the face of Zhu Chengxuan who was crying into tears, Xu Miaoyin still smiled, but in this smile, there was more sadness and helplessness.

The child who grew up on his own will not be able to see him become a success after all.

She gently stroked Zhu Chengxuan's face.

My tears also kept rolling down.

Softly said: "From now on, be good."

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