The two are already "old husbands and old wives", what else does Nan Yan don't understand?

Suddenly, the face that was flushed from the low-grade fever was covered with a blush, but this redness was different from before, making her not only not weak, but also a bit delicate.

What wrinkles and spots...

The real attraction of women is not where they think, but she does not understand.

At this moment, the ignorant karma fire on his body had long since disappeared.

But there was a fire of karma with a name that burned.

It spread quickly, and almost swallowed his whole person, but fortunately, reason still pulled him.

Nanyan is still in confinement.

She can't and can't bear what she thinks.

It seems a bit dangerous to behave like this.

Thinking of this, Zhu Feng took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand to lift Nan Yan's slender body entirely from his arms.

Nan Yan obediently, like a cat nestled in the palm of a person's palm, was firmly tucked back into the bed with a pair of powerful hands.

She opened her eyes wide with tears.



Zhu Feng did not speak, but sat on the side of the bed, turning his head to ignore her.

Deep breathing sounded in the silent palace. Although it was just breathing, it gave people the illusion of a gust of wind, as if the roof would be overturned by the surging power in his body.

After a long time, his heartbeat and breathing calmed down slightly.

Then looked back at her.

Nan Yan's face was still red, but because of weakness, he couldn't move.

Only whispered: "The emperor, are you okay..."

Zhu Feng said Shen Shen, "You can rest, and don't think about it anymore."


"I'm going back."

Although she was a little bit reluctant, Nan Yan herself understood at that moment that she might be walking on the "edge of life and death". She bit her lower lip and said softly, "Then, where is the emperor going?"

Zhu Feng snorted coldly and stabbed her: "I won't go to Xue Yun."


Nan Yan's face was brushed, almost red to the tip of her ears.

Seeing that Zhu Feng got up to go out, she thought about it and said softly: "The emperor--"


Zhu Feng was puzzled that she had to stop herself, and looked back at her: "What's wrong?"

Nan Yan bit her lower lip and said softly, "Or, the emperor will go to Huiyi to see her."


"Didn't we also talk about it before."


"This time, in the funeral of the Queen Daxing, the concubine and concubine Shun are sick, and she has worked hard."


Zhu Feng did not speak, but looked at her quietly.

The gaze seemed very complicated. After a while, he turned and walked back to the bed. His gentle palm gently stroked the top of Nan Yan's head, then turned and walked out.

As soon as he left the bedroom, he immediately felt the chill, and the heat all over his body disappeared.

It was freezing cold outside, like an ice cellar.

There are totally two worlds beside her.

Zhu Feng stood at the door, took a deep breath, and then walked two steps forward, but after two steps, he stopped again and looked back at the closed door of the bedroom.

At this time, Grandpa Yu had already rushed to serve.

He stood outside the door, and when Zhu Feng went out, he immediately greeted him and followed the emperor.

He has fewer words than Xiao Shunzi, and he can't even hear his breathing when he shouldn't speak, and at this time, he just stands quietly.

Zhu Feng remained silent for a while, as if talking to himself, and as if to say to him: "Sometimes, I want her to be my queen."


"Sometimes, I can't bear to let her be the queen."


He said this in a very contradictory way, and the Yu Duke on the side shrank his neck and folded his hands. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Under the world, that woman doesn't want to be a queen? What about the emperor? , The maidservant doesn’t understand, doesn’t understand."

Zhu Feng looked back at him.

He didn't say anything, he just let out a sigh of relief and turned and left.

And Father Yu, with a pair of turbid eyes revealing a kind of calmness that looked at everything, but did not move, he smiled and followed again.


Early in the morning, Nan Yan got up early, opened the window, and saw the snow all over the sky outside, and the cold wind swept the snow foam onto her face.

She took a deep breath.

I saw Ran Xiaoyu and Aunt Tongyun, two of them walking from outside with hot water and towels in their hands. When they saw her standing by the window, they immediately came in and said, "The lady is standing at the window again!"

"It will be sick!"

"It's hard to get better, and I forget it."

Nan Yan listened to their nagging in the past few days, and her ears became callused, and she could only obediently close the windows again. Ran Xiaoyu said angrily: "The lady just wants the emperor to fight the slaves."

Nan Yan smiled bitterly: "Don't wrong me."

Speaking of playing the board, she thought of Nian Qiu, and asked: "Is Nian Qiu still not good?"

Aunt Tongyun adjusted the water temperature properly, held the copper basin, and said, "The twenty boards are strong, and her skin has broken. Recently, she can't move."

Nan Yan sighed and said, "Wang Baizhi will come to Ping An Mai later, and remember to ask him for some great sore medicine."


Ran Xiaoyu came over again with a towel and green salt, and said: "Manny, hurry up. Today is the last day to go to the feast hall and bow to the Queen Daxing. Later, Queen Daxing's catalpa will be sent to the big sacrifice. The altar has been set up."

Nan Yan nodded and rinsed quickly.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly helped her sit in front of the dressing table to dress up. Aunt Tongyun was busy preparing today's dress and making the bed and quilt. Several people were very busy.

Nan Yan glanced at them and said, "Nianqiu can't move, you have worked hard."

Aunt Tongyun turned her head and smiled and said, "Where is this? The slaves and maids don't work hard. Should the empress do hard work?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "That day, didn't the emperor say that he would pick one or two more reliable people to come to our side? Those who are stricken by chanting about the autumn, can't move them lately, so please come one or two people."

South flue: "How easy is it."


"The emperor said he wanted to pick people, but ordinary people, nowhere can they get his eyes."

Aunt Tongyun and Ran Xiaoyu looked at each other and didn't speak.

Obviously, the emperor already knew about Nianqiu, so no one else asked, and only hit her; since he had planted this shadow in his heart, he naturally had to be more vigilant when picking someone to send to the imperial concubine. That's it.

Finally combed his hair and changed clothes.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Hurry up, Niang Niang, today the civil and military officials are going to a few feast halls. By the way, I heard that there is a special person coming today."

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