Several days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Zhu Feng still handled government affairs in the Imperial Study, because after the early morning, the cabinet was after noon, and there were many things, unknowingly, it was already dusk.

Grandpa Yu looked at him and sighed with distress.

But it can't be stopped.

At this moment, a slender figure in the distance walked towards this side, but it was the newly-appointed Jingli Empress Chen Lianxiang.

Behind her were two close-fitting court ladies Fuer and Ronger. Among them, Fuer, holding a cup of freshly cooked soup in her hand, was walking carefully toward this side.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the Imperial Study Room, Chen Lianxiang's heart couldn't help but tense.

Muttered to himself: "Does the emperor meet this palace?"

Fu'er hurriedly said: "Of course, the empress always remembers the emperor. Today, I have stewed the nourishing soup and sent it here. The emperor will definitely be happy."

"However, this palace has been canonized for these two days, and the emperor never visited this palace last time."

"That's because the emperor's government affairs are busy and it's too late."


"Come here in person, the emperor will definitely see you."

Rong'er also helped out: "Yes, mother, you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing their relief, Chen Lianxiang also nodded, and just then, when he walked to the entrance of the Imperial Study Room, Grandpa Yu greeted her and bowed her respectfully.

"The slave-maid pays respects to Empress Jing."

"Duke Yu is polite."

Shen Lianxiang smiled and nodded. She also knew that Grandpa Yu was always by the emperor's side. Except for Ye Yu and the others, they were considered confidantes. She would naturally be polite to him because she couldn't take the master's money.

Said softly: "My palace personally stewed some soup today. I heard that the emperor has been busy with government affairs in the past two days and did not have a good meal. I want to come and give it to the emperor."


Seeing the other party's voice and anger, Grandpa Yu was not good at letting her go directly.

He only smiled and said: "Don't blame Jingbi. It's just that the emperor's royal study room is not allowed to enter casually."

When Rong'er heard this, she frowned and muttered: "It's okay. We can clearly see the imperial concubines often go in."

Father Yu's eyes flashed slightly.

Chen Lianxiang immediately turned around and scolded: "Shut up!"


"What kind of status is the imperial concubine, how can we compare with the imperial concubine?"

Rong Er immediately lowered her head.

Chen Lianxiang turned around again and smiled at Yugonggong, "Don't take offense if the child is ignorant."

Grandpa Yu just chuckled, and said, "Children are ignorant, just let the adults take care of them."


"However, the imperial concubine’s free access to the imperial study room is granted by the emperor. It is not a slave-maid’s eye-opener, and I hope that the quiet concubine’s maid will not misunderstand. Now, the emperor is reviewing memorials submitted from various places. Can't disturb him."


When I heard that the imperial concubine had obtained the emperor's special permission to enter and leave the imperial study room at will, Chen Lianxiang's heart was tight.

It seems that she is favored, and it is more than just what they can see.

Even in some places they can't see, she is truly graceful.

I want to fight with her, obviously, I have to think long-term.

So, she smiled calmly: "That is, the status of the noble concubine is noble, naturally not comparable to this palace. Since the emperor is busy, then this soup—"

As she was talking, Zhu Feng's voice came from the Imperial Study Room.

"Yufu, who is outside?"

Duke Yu hesitated, and Chen Lianxiang immediately raised his head and said in a not high or low voice: "The emperor, the concubine comes to see the emperor."

Grandpa Yu glanced at her, then turned back hurriedly and reported: "The emperor, it is the empress Jingmei who specially sent the soup made by her to the emperor."


Zhu Feng was sitting behind the table, reading a memorial in his hand.

Hearing this, I thought for a while and said, "Let her come in."


Father Yu walked to the door again with a smile, and said to Chen Lianxiang: "Jing Niang Niang, please."

As soon as he heard that he could go in, Chen Lianxiang was so happy that his face flushed a little, and hurriedly took off the heavy cloak on her body and handed it to Rong'er to hold it. He took the soup cup in Fu'er's hand and walked carefully The Royal Study Room.

When he walked to the table, he leaned over and fell to the ground: "My concubine worships the emperor."

Zhu Feng said softly: "Get up."

"Xie Emperor."

"Listen to Yufu, you have stewed the soup and delivered it?"

"Yes, my concubine heard that the emperor had been busy with government affairs in the past two days, and had not eaten properly, and worried that the emperor’s dragon would be unwell, so she boiled this soup with her own hands and hoped that the emperor could barely use it.

Zhu Feng nodded and stretched his finger to the small table next to him.

"Let it go."


Although he didn't take it to drink immediately, but he was willing to let himself in and leave the stewed soup, Chen Lianxiang was already extremely happy.

She put down the soup and looked up at Zhu Feng, only to see him holding a memorial in his hand, smiling and saying, "Do you know who owns this memorial?"


Chen Lianxiang guessed for a while, and said softly, "Could it be-father's?"

"Yes, after he was released from prison, he immediately gave me this letter of please."

"Father him, he, how is he?"

"Said it was only a little bitter, and with the blessing of my heavenly power, it is now very good. He does not know that I have canonized you as a quiet man. In a few days, when the news passes, he should be very happy. "

Chen Lianxiang was trembling with excitement.

Trembling: "My father is dedicated to being a father, and he doesn't have any thoughts about the promotion of his concubine."

Zhu Feng glanced at her and nodded gently.

"That's good."


"I don't like those officials either. Instead of staring at what you should do, you stare at your own harem. Your father is a good one."


"So, I have decided to promote him to the prefect of Jinhua."

Chen Lianxiang was overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down again, and said, "Thank you, the emperor."

Zhu Feng said: "It is your father who can use it, so I can promote him. If he is an incompetent person, then I will not give your family such honor."

Chen Lianxiang said: "The emperor is so loving, and my father will definitely not live up to the emperor's expectations, and will continue to serve the court until he died."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Get up."

Only then did Chen Lianxiang stand up.

Zhu Feng also walked over from behind the table and picked up the soup she had brought, but after a taste, it was cold.

Chen Lianxiang said: "Oh, coming this way, it's icy and snowy, I didn't expect the hot soup to be cold."

Having said that, she looked at Zhu Feng carefully.

He whispered: "In the concubine's Xianfu Palace, the soup is heating up, if the emperor doesn't dislike it--"

Just before she finished speaking, Xiao Shunzi suddenly walked in from outside.


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