When Gu Qiqing passed by Zhu Chengxuan's side, the two people's eyes met for a moment.

Zhu Chengxuan looked down at her.

Although it was a cold winter, his eyes were gentle as spring breeze.

With this look, Gu Qiqing's heart jumped again. Although the wind was blowing a little cold snow foam across her face, her cheeks were inexplicably hot, and she hurriedly lowered her head.

Followed Gu Tingqiu into Chengqian Palace.

Looking at her back, Zhu Chengxuan still had a gentle smile on his face, his eyes were even more gentle, and he followed in.

As soon as I entered Chengqian Palace, I saw bright lights inside.

In the middle of the main hall, there is a large round table on which some simple dishes have been placed, but only cold dishes. The hot dishes and wine naturally have to wait for people to come together before serving.

Gu Tingqiu counted the chairs by the round table.

My heart moved slightly.

He turned his head and said to Zhu Chengxuan: "His Royal Highness, I don't know when the emperor and the concubine will arrive?"

Zhu Chengxuan's gaze was still on Gu Qiqing's body, when he heard him ask himself, he immediately closed his gaze back, and said in a regular manner: "Father is still at the Wuying Hall, as if to meet someone. Noble concubine. Niangniang has already sent news over there and will be there soon."

As he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

There is also the happy voice of Princess Xinping.

"Miss sister! Miss sister!"

Turning around, she saw the imperial concubine with Princess Xinping and a few court ladies walking in. As soon as Princess Xinping saw Gu Qiqing, she spread her arms happily and ran all the way.

Gu Qiqing was afraid that she would fall, so he hurried down the steps and knelt down to catch her.

The two hugged each other and smiled happily.

"Miss Sister, I miss you so much!"

Gu Qiqing hugged her and said with a smile, "Minnv misses Her Royal Highness, too."

Gu Tingqiu hurriedly took Gu Yiyou and the others out, and even took Gu Qiqing to his feet and saluted Nanyan: "Meet the concubine."

Nan Yan smiled and raised his hand: "All are flat."

Then he looked at Xin Ping holding Gu Qiqing and refusing to let go, and smiled: "Finally wait until your little sister, I'm afraid it's all-look through the autumn water."

After speaking, he glanced at Zhu Chengxuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhu Chengxuan's eyes were also fixed on Gu Qiqing's body. He blushed and bowed his head.

Xinping opened his eyes wide: "What is "Wang Chuan Qiu Shui"?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Go back and ask your master."


Xinping is now starting to learn. If she doesn’t understand anything, everyone just asks her to ask her master, but Liu Yueze suffers. In addition to the normal content of the class, she has to answer so many strange questions in her daily life. Have fun.

Although Gu Tingqiu didn't like her joke, but after all, she was a noble concubine, so she couldn't say anything.

She just coughed twice while covering her mouth.

Nan Yan looked at him with a smile and said, "Uncle came all the way, is it cold?"

"It's fine."

"The emperor's uploader entered the palace and was talking over there, and he will be there soon."

"It's okay,"

Gu Tingqiu nodded and said earnestly: "If you are a courtier, you should wait for the emperor."


"I just don't know, who is the emperor still seeing at so late."

Nan Yan was about to say something when he heard a sound of footsteps outside, like a few people walking here.

She looked up and smiled and said, "They are here."

Everyone hurriedly raised their heads, but saw Zhu Feng walk in from outside the gate of Chengqian Palace, and the general Xu Shifeng followed him.

And Miss Xu Xiaoxiao.

When he saw them, Gu Tingqiu's face changed.

However, out of the courtesy of the ministers, he immediately led his children forward and bowed to Zhu Feng and saluted: "Weichen worships the emperor."

Zhu Feng immediately raised his hand and smiled and said, "Master Gu, you are no longer above the court, so you don't need to be so polite. Get up quickly."

"Xie Emperor."

When he stood up, Xu Shifeng smiled and came forward to meet him.

The two people usually meet in the cabinet, and they are also old acquaintances.

Gu Tingqiu smiled and said, "It turns out that the emperor is in the general discussion."

Xu Shifeng smiled and said: "It's not a matter of great importance. Originally, the family brother should also enter the palace, but he suffered some cold today and should not walk around. The family wife has to take care of him and cannot follow. Therefore, it is only me. Brought my niece into the palace."

Gu Tingqiu turned his head and glanced.

Xu Xiaoxiao felt a little guilty when she saw him.

He laughed and said, "See Uncle Gu."

The big incident happened before because she passed the news between Wang Wei and Gu Qiqing. Because of that incident, Gu Tingqiu was somewhat unhappy with her, but as an elder, it is not easy to show any emotions. .

Only smiled and nodded.

Xu Shifeng said: "The previous thing was that she was wrong, and I hope Master Gu will not be offended."

Gu Tingqiu only said lightly: "The matter is over, so there is no need to mention it again. After all, it is just a child."

After everyone had a few gossips, Zhu Feng led everyone into the Chengqian Palace. He naturally took Nanyan and sat directly above them. Everyone gave way to each other, and they all took their seats one after another.

Gu Tingqiu sat next to Nan Yan, next to him were Gu Qiqing, and then Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian.

On the other side, sitting next to Zhu Feng was King Wei.

Then came Xu Shifeng and Xu Xiaoxiao.

Sitting down in this way made the two families more distinct, and Gu Tingqiu's mood became heavier.

Zhu Feng had a gentle face, and only said to everyone: "Today is a family banquet. There is no need to distinguish between monarchs and ministers. You can just have fun."

After finishing speaking, he said to Zhu Chengxuan: "Let's let people prepare dishes."


Zhu Chengxuan immediately stood up and waved to the court lady Yun Jian who was standing at the door. After a while, the people in the imperial dining room delivered steaming wine and vegetables.

The dishes are naturally exquisite and delicious.

Even the wine was warmed up in advance, and when it was delivered, the wine was scented, and everyone was about to indulge in the rich fragrance before drinking it.

Xu Shifeng heard it and said, "The best daughter in twenty years is red."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Not bad."


"I don't know, do you know why this wine is called daughter red?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Although everyone knows, now, the emperor doesn't really let people answer, so everyone doesn't speak.

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "This daughter is red, originally from Shaoxing. If people in Shaoxing add a daughter, they will take a jar of new wine and bury it underground, and then take it out to entertain guests when their daughter gets married. Daughter Red'."

After speaking, he raised the wine glass in his hand and looked at Gu Tingqiu with a smile.

"Gu Aiqing, how about marrying your daughter to my son, let's be a son and daughter in-laws?"

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