Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng frowned slightly.

Just about to say something, at this moment, Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan beside him stood up. "Father."

Zhu Feng looked at him: "Huh?"

"Erchen, you have something to say to Master Gu."


This means that if he asks for a kiss, he hopes to open the mouth himself.

If this is a difficulty, he hopes to overcome it by himself.

A hint of appreciation flashed in Zhu Feng's eyes, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded gently: "Yeah."

Zhu Chengxuan turned his head and said to Gu Tingqiu: "Master Gu."


Gu Tingqiu looked at him with a complicated expression.

Zhu Chengxuan said earnestly: "Master Gu must know that this king has always been in love with Qingqing and hopes to join hands with her in this life. However, Master Gu has always disagreed, and he has his own consideration when he wants to come."


"You don't want to leave a reputation for clinging to the powerful."

Gu Tingqiu frowned slightly and didn't answer the words, but he did so by default.

Zhu Chengxuan said earnestly: "If Qingqing really marries into the royal family, in the eyes of the laymen, it may be'climbing on the nobles'. But who is the Lord Gu, how can he not know the true meaning of marrying into the royal family?

Gu Tingqiu raised his head and glanced at him.

Zhu Chengxuan glanced at Zhu Feng and Nan Yan, and then said: "A good relationship does not necessarily mean that a woman clings to a man, nor does it mean that the poor and the poor cling to the powerful, but two people achieve better selves in this relationship."


"A good relationship is not only about pleasure, but also responsibility."


"Married into the royal family, the rich and powerful will naturally come one after another, but they also need equal abilities to truly bear this blessing."


"Master Gu, this king and Qingqing are both young people. In your eyes, we are a bit naive and impulsive, and we are not as comprehensive as you. But because of this, this king is willing to work with Qiqing together in the next Facing hardships in the days, we will overcome them together."


Hearing these words, Gu Tingqiu's eyes changed a little.

He didn't expect Wei Wang to say that.

Even the imperial concubine Nan Yan on the side was a little surprised.

Only then did she understand the meaning of the glance that King Wei had just looked at the emperor and himself. Although Wang Wei did not watch him grow up since he was a child, he brought him back to Zhu Feng by himself. He can be regarded as witnessing his journey from Shangbao female officer to imperial concubine.

It has also witnessed the hardships of the emperor and himself over the years.

A good relationship is to let each other achieve better selves in this relationship.

Zhu Feng, in these years of tempering, healed his violent bloodthirsty in the past, and became benevolent and generous. Although his temper has not changed, he has no need for others to help him suppress his own in dealing with major issues. Kill Nian.

And myself...

It was also not the self-willed, impulsive Sinanyan at the beginning.

Nowadays, she is facing the turbulence in the harem, although she can't grasp it with one hand, she still knows how to do it.

Even if Zhu Feng had lost his memory, even if he was scarred, but they never thought of leaving each other and fleeing responsibility, but staying firmly in their place, slowly tempering and shaping a better self.

They never indulged in pleasure, but progressed through practice.

Zhu Chengxuan understands this very well.

Last time in Yikun Palace, after he said those things to Zhu Feng, he probably made up his mind to walk down this road, and this road, he firmly chose Qiqing as his partner.

To meet Wei Wang's firm eyes, this time, Gu Tingqiu hesitated a little.

He looked back at Gu Qiqing, and for a while, he didn't seem to know how to respond.

While he was hesitant, Xu Shifeng, who was sitting opposite, showed a smile of relief on his face.

Not only for this child, but also for the Queen of Daxing.

Before the death of Empress Renxiao, she should be the child who could not let go. Although she seemed to be relieved of the position of prince at that time, in the end, the mother of a thousand miles was worried. Although it was the child who was going to leave, she could stay behind. Still let her worry about it.

Now, seeing Zhu Chengxuan have such an insight, Xu Shifeng feels relieved.

To Queen Renxiao in his heart: This child has finally grown up.

Even Xu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to him, looked at Zhu Chengxuan in astonishment, then covered her mouth, smiled secretly, and gave a thumbs up to the opposite Gu Qiqing.

Gu Qiqing's face turned redder.

Zhu Feng listened to these words, although he was satisfied, but his face was still calm.

He just spoke: "Gu Aiqing."


Gu Tingqiu raised his head and looked at him with a complicated expression.

I saw Zhu Feng smiling and said: "Gu Aiqing, you just said that if Wei Qing gets married, it will make me and the concubine worry about it. In fact, you don't have to worry about this."


"Neither I nor the concubine will worry about this."

Hearing this, Nan Yan turned his head and glanced at him in surprise.

In any case, this is also Wang Wei marrying his wife. As the father and the imperial concubine, how can he not worry about it. After marriage, it is natural to teach them young couples.

However, Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Wei Wang is also old and can't stay in the palace forever."


"I have been thinking about finding a relationship with him, and after getting married, I will let him go out of the palace and live by myself."


"Besides, I have already planned to let him serve as Jing Zhaoyin. He has more things to do."


When these words came out, the people in the hall were shocked again.

Jing Zhao Yin!

The emperor wants Wei Wang to be Jing Zhao Yin!

If it’s another position, or it’s not a big deal to let others do Jing Zhaoyin, but you know, Zhu Chengxuan is the king of Wei, that is, a prince, let him be Jing Zhaoyin, then--

Four characters emerged in everyone's minds.

Prince Yoon Kyung!

All people know what this means.

This was an unwritten practice in the Dayan Dynasty. The heir of the dynasty would first be canonized as the prince, and then the prince would serve as Jing Zhaoyin. As long as these two items were met, the identity of the heir of the dynasty was basically determined.

Last time, because of Feng Shu, Zhu Feng asked King Ning to be Jing Zhaoyin when he was not very clear, which caused a great chaos.

And this time, Zhu Feng is absolutely sober.

In other words--

He had already deliberately made King Wei become his heir and his prince!

Nan Yan took a deep breath.

Even Zhu Chengxuan himself was a little shocked, looking at Zhu Feng blankly, unable to say a word for a long time.

Zhu Feng turned his head again, still smiling, but in his smile, there was some kind of invisible pressure, and he looked at Gu Tingqiu.

"Aiqing, what's your decision?"

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