He cried like this, probably because he understood that something had already left him.

Nan Yan said softly in his heart: "What will you do in the future, when you fight for yourself, fight for yourself."

At this time, Xinping had already ran over.

She slammed her head into her mother's arms, reached out and grabbed her hands, stood on tiptoes hard, craned her neck to look at her infant brother, and said with a pouting mouth: "He is not good! Mother concubine, good heart!"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Yes, you are good."

Still holding Chengjun and not letting go.

Zhu Chengxuan also came over.

Speaking of it, he hadn't seen his little brother much since that night, and at that time, he was still wounded and bloody. Fortunately, he was not very afraid. At this moment, he was dressed neatly and saw each other.

He walked over, smiled and said, "Niang, I want to see my brother too."

I remembered the last time he was holding Cheng Jun. Cheng Jun was still crying, but afterwards he stopped crying.

It's just that, after finally holding the little son, I still feel a little reluctant.

So Nan Yan said: "He is very heavy, wait for the palace to hold him for a while, and he won't be able to hold him, you help the palace to hold him."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Yes."

At this time, Zhu Feng said: "Okay, don't stand still, go sit down."

As a result, everyone walked back to the table and sat down. Gu Tingqiu and Xu Shifeng also looked at the swaddling in Nan Yan's hands, and said softly: "It's been never the time to see the little majesty."

"As soon as I saw it today, the little majesty was... extraordinary."

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan couldn't help but smile.

It is indeed an extraordinary "loud", crying so loudly that even the roof of the house will be overturned.

For a while, everyone's attention was attracted by the little majesty, but no one estimated the problem just discussed, Gu Tingqiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. However, he looked at the daughter sitting next to him. Although Gu Qiqing had not spoken, her eyes seemed to be drawn by an invisible thread, staying on Zhu Chengxuan's body.

In my heart, there seemed to be some unspeakable feeling.

Nan Yan hugged the baby and coaxed him for a while. Although the cry was a little lower, Cheng Jun kept crying. Nan Yan had just been out of confinement and had not fully recovered his physical strength. Gradually, he felt sore in his arms.

I'm afraid that these days, Zhu Feng raises this child as a pig.

I don’t know how much fatter than when I was born.

So he smiled and said, "Wang Wei comes over and hug him. I really can't hold him anymore."

Zhu Chengxuan hurried over, picked up his crying brother, patted it twice, and said, "Chengjun, don't cry, brother will hold you, be good."

Strange to say.

Even the mother couldn't coax him, but when his brother hugged him, the child's cry gradually stopped.

A pair of big eyes fixedly looked at Zhu Chengxuan.

After a long while, a big mouth blisters popped up in his small mouth: "Guru."

Zhu Chengxuan laughed.

Even Zhu Feng glanced attentively, and said with a smile but a smile: "Interesting, when he starts to cry, other people will have to coax him for a long time, and I can't help him. But you, hold him, he Stop crying."

Zhu Chengxuan smiled and said, "Cheng Jun is a good boy."

When I heard this, my heart became calm.

He got down from his chair again, ran to his side, grabbed his arm and kept shaking: "Brother, brother, hug me too!"

As soon as she saw, she was about to pull off the swaddle from Zhu Chengxuan's hand.

At this moment, Zhu Feng grabbed his daughter and said with a smile: "Don't bother your brother, come here, and the father will hold you."

Although Xin Ping was still a little unconvinced, at any rate his father coaxed him and was happy.

So holding Zhu Feng's arm with both hands, he kept pursing his nose at the infant Xiao Chengjun.

But Zhu Chengxuan was full of praise for the younger brother in his arms.

"He is really good."

"No more crying at all, and still smiling at me."

"Father, look, he is smiling at his son."

As he said, he handed the swaddling over, Zhu Feng looked down, and sure enough, there were still tears on the face of this chubby baby, and he had already split his mouth and laughed at Zhu Chengxuan.

There was a meat pocket on each side of his cheek, which was not visible when he cried, but when he laughed, the meat pocket appeared.

Cute to death.

In fact, when he realized his identity and the importance of the position of the prince to him, Zhu Chengxuan also realized how threatening his younger brother was when he appeared.

But he was kind-hearted, and he was not hostile to his brothers and feet.

Therefore, on the night that Nanyan gave birth, he tried his best to protect Yikun Palace, so that this younger brother was born smoothly.

Now, Zhu Feng let the prince Yin Jing, then, the position of his prince has been basically determined, and he feels a little guilty about this younger brother.

By the way, this younger brother seems to like himself very much.

He hugged him, a little reluctant to let go.

Seeing these two of them, Zhu Feng smiled and said: "In fact, I have one more thing, which I have already explained. In two days, I will issue it together with your appointment as Jing Zhaoyin. I, I want to enshrine Jun as King of Han."

Nan Yan looked up when he heard it.

She remembered that before Cheng Jun was born, Zhu Feng had promised to make this child the King of Han.

She got up and said, "Concubine Chengjun, thank you, the emperor."

Zhu Feng waved her hand to her, let her sit down, then turned to look at Zhu Chengxuan, and said: "Now, your brother has more than one sister, and one younger brother. When he grows up, you have to make a good one. As an older brother, he will also be a good brother in the future. Do you understand?"


"There is an old saying among the folks, to fight against tigers, brothers and fathers and sons. There are some that I haven't gotten. You should think about it."

Zhu Chengxuan looked at him, his eyes flickering slightly.

Speaking of which, Zhu Feng has never enjoyed the brotherly brotherhood in his life.

Even after he took the throne, his brother just caused him one trouble after another.

But now, such a rare thing is that this younger brother has been close to himself since he was a child. If in the future, he can really inherit the Datong, if this younger brother is not his resistance, he will be his most powerful help.

Zhu Chengxuan nodded gently.

"Children, understand."

After saying these words, Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at Gu Tingqiu, who had been looking at them with solemn expression, as if thinking about something.

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Ai Qing."

Gu Tingqiu immediately raised his head: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng said: "Have you made your decision?"


Gu Tingqiu let out a deep breath.

He could see that the emperor and noble concubines had already paved the way for King Wei. If Qingqing really married King Wei, his future identity had already been destined here.

This time, Gu Tingqiu did not refuse.

Did not agree.

He turned his head and looked at his daughter solemnly: "Qing Qing..."

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