When Tong Si Nian heard this, he hurriedly said: "Thank you, Emperor Xie, the hand of the minister-it is no problem."

After speaking, he carefully raised his hands and raised his sleeves.

The people present all gasped. Caution Pingyuanben was still nestled in Zhu Feng's arms. At this moment, he made a "wow" sound, his neck stretched, and his eyes stared at Tong Sinian's. hand.

His hand-or the hand that was cut off, is now replaced by a mecha hand!

Nan Yan was surprised at first, but immediately, a smile appeared on his face.

She whispered: "It's done!"

To the horrified eyes of everyone, Tong Sinian was very quiet, and moved slightly, the mecha hand moved with it, it was no different from an ordinary hand.

Zhu Feng said: "This is--"

Tong Sinian lowered his head and said softly: "Thanks to the love of the emperor and the imperial concubine empress, Mr. Tang made this mecha hand for the caomin. After several repairs, now this mecha hand is no different from a real one. Caomin is now on. Acting lying down, all barrier-free."

"good very good."

Zhu Feng nodded, with a smile on his face.

Said: "This time I send an envoy to the Western Regions and let you serve as guides. Naturally, it is more appropriate. But -"

Having said this, he paused, looked at Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian, and slowly said: "Guide, there is no official position. Speaking of it, it is just a guide hired by the court. Do you understand what I mean? ?"

Hearing this, Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian felt very calm.

The meaning of Zhu Feng is also very simple.

If they really want to canonize them an official position, it is very easy, but now, the Gu family already has a cabinet minister, Gu Tingqiu. After He Yi essentially withdrew from the cabinet, Gu Tingqiu is already equivalent to the cabinet's first assistant.

A few days ago, Si Muyun was also promoted.

The most important thing is that as a noble concubine, Sinanyan holds the seal of the phoenix in the harem. Although he does not have the status of a queen, he has the status and actual power of a queen.

In this case, Zhu Feng could no longer make her family huge.

After all, balance is very important throughout the front harem.

No one hopes that there will be another "Cheng Guo Gong" and another Wu rebellion.

Tong Sinian said quietly: "The emperor's words, the people understand."


"Caomin does not seek to be an official, but only to do things."

Do not seek to be an official, only to do things.

Hearing these words made Zhu Feng a little moved. He looked at Tong Sinian and Gu Yiyou who was standing next to him, and then looked at sitting beside them, nodding his head with a satisfied expression on Gu Ting. Qiu also sighed softly.

Said: "Your words have come to my heart."


"If the Manchu dynasty civil and military can have your mind, then my great cause is just around the corner."

With that, they raised their glasses to him.

The two were flattered and hurriedly raised their wine glasses and drank with the emperor.

After drinking this glass of wine, Zhu Feng said: "This matter is set. Since you two act as guides, I will let people communicate with you on specific matters at any time. These days, you should also take care of it. The preparations for the mission to the Western Regions are not easy."

The two said at the same time: "The Caomin takes the order."

Zhu Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "You all, sit down."

The two sat down.

After dealing with this matter, the atmosphere of the whole dinner also became more relaxed. Nan Yan sat next to Zhu Feng with an emotional smile on her face. She knew that Zhu Feng’s main purpose for banqueting the Gu family and the Xu family tonight was to marry Wang Wei and Gu Qiqing, but the reason Gu Tingqiu brought these two young people into the palace just to settle the matter.

In fact, she had faintly imagined this in her heart.

After returning from the northwest, she thought about the fact that Anxi had already sent a special envoy to the country of Yan, and she also asked Zhu Feng for a jade suit, whether it was a gift to them, or a courtesy exchange. Sooner or later, Yan Country will send a special envoy to the Western Regions.

Besides, restarting the Silk Road is Zhu Feng's long-standing wish.

And when these things are calculated, the guide is indispensable.

Although she did not take the initiative to mention the two brothers Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian to the emperor, she knew in her heart that these two people had been away from the Western Regions and had a very good understanding of the local customs. As a guide, they were the most suitable candidates.

However, Tong Sinian's severed hand is a problem.

Therefore, she pleaded with the emperor and transferred Tang Yanyun from Shazhouwei back to the capital. These days, he went to Gu Mansion in his spare time to make this mecha for Tong Sinian. Over the past few months, he has experienced several failures.

Today, it is considered "consummation of merit".

And now, political and family affairs are all handled.

She sat next to her, smiling slightly, and then said: "The emperor, I said that I would not talk about political affairs today, but I still said it. Now everyone is hungry, let's use some wine and food first.

Zhu Feng laughed: "It really is because I was negligent."

So he said: "Everyone, move your chopsticks."

Everyone also picked up their chopsticks and started using dishes. However, although everyone was eating, everyone was surprised at Tong Sinian’s hand because they had not seen Tang Yanyun’s mecha craftsmanship before. They were still staring at his hand while eating. .

But I saw that Tong Si Nian raised his chopsticks and twisted the cup, there was nothing wrong with it.

Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes seemed to be tied to Tong Sinian's hand by a thread, full of surprise, and even the food he had picked up was forgotten to be delivered to his mouth.

Nan Yan was still talking and laughing with everyone, but turned his head inadvertently and couldn't help laughing when he saw Xu Xiaoxiao like this.

This night banquet did not end until late.

During the banquet, the host and the guest are naturally happy.

Although it was very late to leave the banquet, everyone went home a little drunk, but it didn't affect the early dynasty the next day. As soon as Zhu Feng went to dynasty, he promulgated several imperial edicts.

The first is to announce the marriage of Wang Wei and Miss Gu Qiqing.

Because they were still in the period of filial piety, the two were just engaged, and the wedding could be held after Wei Wang's three years of filial piety.

The second is that Wei Wang took the post of Jing Zhaoyin.

This imperial decree suddenly caused an uproar in the world.

Everyone also understands that the position of the prince of King Wei has basically been determined.

The third imperial decree was to enshrine the young prince Zhu Chengjun, who was just born, as King of Han.

This is unprecedented.

However, compared to Wei Wang's prince Yin Jing, the fact that a baby just born was canonized as a prince does not seem to be big news.

Especially in the harem, as soon as the news spreads, everyone has their own minds.

When Chen Lianxiang heard it, she sneered and said, "I finally gave birth to a son, but I couldn't even touch the side of the crown prince. This noble concubine, I'm afraid she will vomit blood."

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