As soon as Xue Yun walked into Yangxingzhai, what he smelled was a strong smell of medicine.

She was not unfamiliar with the smell of this medicine. It was the prescription she prescribed to Kang Biyun to cure her of the cold.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem."

The coughing in the room was also endless. Xue Yun hurriedly walked over and saw Kang Biyun sitting on the couch with a blush on his cheeks, probably because of a cough. When he saw him come in, the corners of his eyes were a little red.

She reluctantly stood up and said, "Doctor Xue, you are here."

"Jie Yu, please sit down."

Xue Yun bowed to her and hurriedly said, "Why don't you see these days, Jie Yu is so sick? Isn't it all right?"

Ruying said unhappily from the side: "Not only is it not good, but it's aggravated."

Xue Yun heard the resentment of these words, and couldn't say anything for a while.

But Kang Biyun said immediately: "Ruying, go down and do something. Doctor Xue is here to check my pulse, it's okay."


If Hotaru couldn't, she could only turn around and leave.

Kang Biyun coughed slightly and said softly, "Doctor Xue, don't mind. This girl can't speak."

Xue Yun said hurriedly: "Jieyu's condition has been delayed so far, and it is also the fault of the official."

"Where, it's my fault."

"Well, the next official will diagnose Jie Yu's pulse first to see how it goes."


Kang Biyun sat down at the table with spring water in his eyes, as if he was being led by an invisible thread, and he kept holding on Xue Yun's body, watching him open the medicine box, take out the cushion and handkerchief, and set them up. , He gently buckled his veins and diagnosed himself.

Two people sat close at hand.

Kang Biyun looked at the handsome man in front of him. Although he was not as tall and mighty as Zhu Feng, he was also polite and gentle. He had been in the palace for so long. What he faced was not a scheming plan, but a wind sword and frost sword. Gentle, probably given to him by the imperial doctor.

Although she knew the danger, she knew it shouldn't.

In my mind, the words Xin Mimi had said to him sounded from time to time.

However, Xue Yun is like a poisonous spring to her.

Obviously knowing that drinking is a dead end, but people are already hungry and thirsty to the edge of life and death, she still wants to get close, or want to drink poison to quench her thirst without turning back

"Doctor Xue..."

She murmured.

Xue Yun was checking her pulse carefully, but when she heard her calling herself, he hurriedly raised his head, but saw that Kang Biyun's face was blushing unnaturally, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes, staring at him.

Xue Yun felt a little strange for some reason.

But she still said: "Jieyu stays safe and not impatient, you will check the pulse condition again under the official."


Kang Biyun became quiet again.

In the incense burner on the table, the cigarette was curling up, slowly evaporating and dispersing in the air, but the scent was completely covered by the bitter taste of Chinese medicine, even if it had been inhaled into the nose, it just felt bitter.

After a while, Xue Yun couldn't help frowning.

She looked at Kang Biyun hesitantly, and asked softly, "Jie Yu, the prescription prescribed by the official...Did Jie Yu drink it on time?"

"Huh? Yes, of course."

Kang Biyun was originally a little lax, but when he heard her asking like this, he hurriedly woke up again.

Smiled and said: "You can smell this too."


"I just took the medicine."

"Oh, that's true."

In fact, after saying this, Kang Biyun herself felt a little guilty. Such a strong smell of medicine diffused in the room, not because she had just drunk the medicine, but because she just took advantage of Ruying's attention and took advantage of that bowl of medicine. He fell in the flowerbed behind the house.

For fear that Xue Yun would find out.

Fortunately, Xue Yun focused on her pulse condition and didn't notice anything unusual. He frowned and said in confusion, "But if it suggests that the medicine has been taken, the cold in the body should have been dissipated."


"But why, Jie Yu has become more severe in typhoid fever?"


"Is there anything to eat these days? You know, when you have typhoid fever, there are also taboos in eating and drinking.

She warned carefully.

Kang Biyun listened carefully, but in fact, she did not listen to a word of what Xue Yun said.

Although she was listening carefully, all her energy seemed to be placed on Xue Yun.

His eyes...

His voice...

Even, it's just his caring attitude...

All make her feel like a spring breeze.

Unconsciously, her soul wafted more and more, and when she looked at Xue Yun, even her eyes were a little lost.

Xue Yun was still giving a serious explanation, but as he spoke, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Especially, Kang Biyun looked at her eyes.

The strange feeling in her heart became heavier. After thinking about it, she stood up and said, "Let’s do it, Weichen originally prepared a few medicine bowls for Jie Yu today. In the past few days, in addition to decoction, Jie Yu let Girl Ruying remembers, take one pill every day."


"In this way, it should be fine."


Seeing him getting up, Kang Biyun stood up and walked over with him.

Xue Yun took out a small box from the medicine box and handed it to Kang Biyun.

Kang Biyun stretched out his hand, but directly touched the back of her hand.


Xue Yun was startled and hurriedly retracted his hand, the box in his hand fell to the ground.

But Kang Biyun's brain was hot, and suddenly he grabbed his hand and held it firmly.

"Doctor Xue!"

"Jieyu, you, you—"

Xue Yun was caught by her fiery hands, and suddenly panicked, and wanted to pull it out, but Kang Biyun didn't know where she was so strong and held her.

Panting slightly and said: "Doctor Xue, in this palace, only you are the best to me, I, I, I to you—"

"Kang Jieyu, don't do this."

Xue Yun's brain exploded, he suddenly understood what he was facing, and didn't know what to do for a while, pulling his hands out, trying to get rid of.

But Kang Biyun was all dizzy at this time, and his feet seemed to be stepping on a pile of clouds. When he was pumped like this, he immediately rushed over.

Both hands hugged her waist.

Xue Yun was even more shocked, neither pushing her away nor holding her.

Kang Biyun smelled the faint medicinal fragrance radiating from him, and only felt that he was going to indulge in such a gentle breath, and for a while, he didn't care about anything.

Said softly: "Doctor Xue, in fact, I have always treated you--"

Having said this, she couldn't wait to raise her head, her red and greasy lips came to his lips, she looked like she wanted to sacrifice herself.


Xue Yun was shocked, and suddenly a force came out and pushed her away.

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