
Upon hearing this, Kang Biyun's face sank.

"Princess Xinping? She, has she come to me?"

"Yeah, didn't you see her?"

"...No, no."

Shen Lianxiang smiled and said, "It's not surprising that this princess is like this. She always likes to go behind the rockery, climb the windowsill of people, and ordinary people can't find her. Hey, it's really not like a person. The appearance of the princess of Jinzhiyuye."


"But ah, the emperor still likes her the most."


"The emperor listens to what she says, and the emperor wants what she wants."


"I heard that His Royal Highness King Wei has never been so favored by the emperor since he was a child. I can only say that he is not the same person."

Kang Biyun's face became paler after listening to her.

Princess Xinping actually ran to her nourishment fast, but they didn't see them all.

When did she come?

What did you see again?

When she heard that she likes to drill behind a rockery and climb a window sill, Kang Biyun only felt that her breathing would stop.

Shen Lianxiang smiled and said, then looked at her: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"


Kang Biyun reluctantly recovered, only to see Shen Lianxiang looking at her with concern, raising her hand to wipe the sweat beads on her forehead, and said, "You sweat a lot."

Kang Biyun reluctantly said: "It's okay, it's just that I just drank a bowl of medicine, and I drank a little urgently, so I sweated."

"Medicine? Is it the prescription for you by Doctor Xue?"


Kang Biyun shivered even more at the mention of the three words "Mr. Xue".

Strongly smiled and said: "Yes, it's him."

Chen Lianxiang said, "Doctor Xue is very skilled, I believe you will recover soon, sister."

"Thank you sister."

Chen Lianxiang smiled again and said, "But, you have to pay close attention to the talents around you. How can you open the door, and don't know who is going in or out?"


"Fortunately, sister, you have nothing important here, secrets that cannot be leaked."

These words, like a needle, pierced Kang Biyun.

She reluctantly smiled and said, "Of course, how come I have any secrets here."

Having said this, she looked at Chen Lianxiang carefully, and said, "But what does Sister Jingbi mean?"

Chen Lianxiang smiled and said, "I'm afraid I don't know yet, right?"


"This Xinping princess not only likes to scurry around and climb people's windowsills, but also like to spy on the private affairs of other people's houses."


"Of course, our sisters are frank, and it's okay to be seen by her."


"However, I heard that before we entered the palace, there used to be a concubine Ning in the palace... except for the imperial concubine, the only concubine who had been pregnant in these years."

"Fei Ning...?"

Kang Biyun frowned: "Why haven't I heard of this person?"

"Of course you have never heard of it, because this person has already been punished before we entered the palace."


"I heard that she practiced the taboo method of burning moxa in the palace to induce childbirth."


"But do you know that she has done this very confidentially, who is it?"

Kang Biyun held his breath and said softly: "Who is it?"

Chen Lianxiang said, "It's Princess Xinping."


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