Soon, the sun went down.

The earth fell into deep darkness once again.

And in such a heavy night, not everyone can sleep securely. Many people in the harem are shocked by the drowning of Princess Xinping today.

The one who couldn't sleep the most was Kang Biyun.

Just closing her eyes, she suddenly sat up from the bed again, the cold sweat moistened all her clothes next to her body.

There was a look of horror on her face.

The princess is not dead!

Princess Xinping was not dead!

Although Princess Xinping fell into the water and was not there when everyone rescued her, but the news quickly spread throughout the harem. As a concubine, she had to visit her.

When she approached the imperial concubine's palace cautiously, she heard such news.

The princess is not dead!

She has been in the water for so long, and in such a cold weather, in the cold lake, she didn't even die!

This simply made her creepy.

Fortunately, although Princess Xinping did not die, she was almost dead.

When the other concubines came out and talked a lot, she heard them say that her Royal Highness looks like this, the imperial doctor has already spoken, it is difficult to sober up.

Everyone knows that what the imperial physician said to the emperor naturally had to say it slowly, after all, they also wanted to save their lives.

Even the imperial doctor said that it is difficult to sober...

Basically, it is impossible to be sober.

After thinking about it, Kang Biyun was relieved again.

She sighed for a long time and murmured: "Yes, even if she is not dead, she will not be completely different from death. No third person will know about that. Doctor Xue, he will definitely not. Tell anyone. No one knows my secret, no one knows it!"

Thinking of this, she took a sigh of relief.

Slowly lay back on the bed.

But in my heart, there was still a thorn sticking, although it was not fatal, it brought her heart palpitations and tingling from time to time.

The princess is still alive...

If she really could die, she would be dead.

"God bless, **** bless..."

She closed her eyes and muttered silently: "We must let her die silently. This is also a relief for her, so I don't have to worry about it."


"Please let her die!"


Nan Yan opened his eyes suddenly.


Yesterday, she had been held by Zhu Feng, tears flowed, she couldn't remember when she passed out.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the sky was just bright.

The faint morning light came in through the window, and she was sleeping on the couch, in Zhu Feng's arms.

Last night, he spent the night with himself here.

When he looked back, Zhu Feng's eyes also had a faint cyan color, and obviously he hadn't rested well, but with his own movement, he immediately woke up and opened his eyes to look at her.

The confusion in his eyes faded almost instantly, and his sobriety was restored.

Said: "Wake up?"


Nan Yan's voice was still a little hoarse, and he cried too much yesterday, not only his eyes were swollen, but his whole body was a little soft and unspeakable.

Zhu Feng helped her sit up slowly and said, "Is it better?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, but stood up with a soft body, and immediately walked to the bed to see Xinping.

She is still the same as yesterday.

Lying quietly.

It's the same as when sleeping late.

Only now, no matter how they shook her or called her, she no longer responded.

Nan Yan choked up, "Still still not awake..."

Zhu Feng came over, gently touching her shoulder with one hand, and said softly, "Be patient."


"I know that she will wake up, it's just a matter of time."


"Your concubine, you have to give her strength, not pressure her, understand?"

Hearing this, Nan Yan finally came over a little more sober.

Yes, now Xinping is unconscious. As parents, she is all dependent on her. If she falls down, what should she do?

She can't fall down.

Whether it's for her daughter or Zhu Feng.

So I took a deep breath, stood up, and said, "Concubine knows."

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand to help her haggard face, and said softly: "Don't think too much. The doctor will take care of her body."

Nan Yan stretched out his hands to hold his hands and was silent for a while before saying, "Is it time for the emperor to go to the morning court?"

Zhu Feng glanced at the sky outside.

After thinking about it, he said, "Forget it."


"I will stay here to accompany you today."

On the contrary, Nan Yan said, "The emperor came from the court yesterday, so many things have not been handled."


"The emperor should do business. There are concubines here."

"Can you do it?"

Nan Yan reluctantly smiled and said: "Didn't the emperor tell her, she will definitely wake up, and that concubine will stay with her."

Zhu Feng looked at her for a while, then squeezed her hand backhand.

"If you have anything, let someone report me immediately."

Nan Yan nodded.

Zhu Feng walked to the bed again, lowered his head and pressed her cheek against her daughter's somewhat cool cheek, then turned and left.

After he left, Nan Yan sat on the side of the bed.

One hand holds Xinping's hand.

Although I am still sad, at this time, it is useless to be sad.

She must clean up her mood as soon as possible and handle everything well. Whether it is Xinping or this harem, she needs to calm down, regain strength, and face these problems.

After a while, Aunt Tongyun and the others also came to serve.

When I walked in, I saw Nan Yan sitting by the bed, staring at Xinping with a pale face, Ran Xiaoyu walked over in distress, and said softly, "Mother, you must pay attention to your body."

South flue: "Don't worry."


"Before Xinping wakes up, my palace won't fall."

Everyone served her to freshen up.

After a while, Wang Wei also came.

Knowing the news of his sister's drowning, he hurried over, but the emperor let the door of the bedroom closed, but he could not come in, so he rushed to see her early in the morning and comforted Nan Yan for a long time.

Nan Yan said calmly: "Your father is going to the morning court today, don't be late, go over quickly. National affairs are important."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Niangniang, if you have anything, you must tell your son immediately."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry."

Wang Wei also left.

When there was no one in the bedroom, Nan Yan again ordered: "Go and get hot water, this palace will wipe Xin Ping's body."

Nianqiu brought hot water, and said softly, "Don't work hard, Niangniang, let's be a slave and maidservant. Just take a good rest for Niangniang."

From yesterday to now, Nanyan has no water and rice.

Indeed, very weak.

Everyone helped her to the table and barely ate a little porridge and water, which made her better.

Nianqiu stood by the bed and carefully wiped Xinping's body. Nan Yan waited for a while and asked, "Did you wipe it?"

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