At this moment, Grandpa Yu walked out and bowed to her. Shen Lianxiang felt happy and wanted to walk inside.

But when he saw Grandpa Yu accompany him with a smile, he said, "Jingyi Niangniang forgive the sin, the emperor said, no one wants to see him."


Chen Lianxiang's footsteps stagnated, and the whole person froze there.

Grandpa Yu said with a smile, "Jingmi, the princess Xinping must also know about the princess. The emperor is worried about the princess at this time and has to worry about national affairs. I really don't care about other things."


"Niang Niang should go back first."


"When the emperor summons him, the slave and maid will immediately send someone to pass on the empress."

The smile on Chen Lianxiang's face was a little stiff, but she still kept smiling.

After a long silence, he said, "My palace, I see."


"Then, please take care of Grandpa Yu to take care of the emperor and let him take care of the dragon body, but don't overwork."

"This is, this is."

Chen Lianxiang took a deep breath, then turned and left.

When she turned around, the almost stiff smile on her face disappeared immediately. After walking for a while, she turned her head and looked at the imperial study room with closed doors and windows.

The corner of the eye was slightly red.

why? !

In her heart, she felt as though she had been pierced by a needle, with anger and pain, and she was holding her sleeve backhand, wishing to tear it apart.

When that stinky girl was there, every time she came, she interrupted her plan.

But now, she was already lying there half dead.

The imperial concubine can't get up anymore.

Why did the emperor refuse to even see himself?

Could it be that I have to be held down by this pair of mother and daughter for the rest of my life, even if they are not in front of me, I will not have the day to go?

"No way!"

Chen Lianxiang's eyes were almost bloodshot, and she looked at the closed door of the Imperial Study Room, gritted her teeth and said: "I absolutely can't just be like this, I will be crushed by them for a lifetime!"


This day will soon pass.

At night, Nan Yan insisted on sleeping on a bed with Xinping.

Seeing her doing this, Ran Xiaoyu said worriedly: "Manny, you will not have a good rest. No matter what the princess is, you have to take care of your body."

Nan Yan had changed his clothes and sat on the bed.

She calmly said: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with this palace."


"Only by sleeping next to her can I feel at ease. If she—"

Having said this, she turned her head and glanced at Xinping's face, let out a deep breath, and said: "If she wakes up, I can see it at first sight."


Everyone can't say anything when they see her like this.

Although everyone here is looking forward to the princess's early wake-up, but from the words of the doctor Wang, I am afraid that this wish is very slim.

There are only mothers, even if the hope is slim, in her eyes, it is also a huge hope.

Everyone couldn't bear to hurt her.

There is no way to stop her.

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "In this case, the slave and maid will be here to watch the night for the empress."


Nan Yan frowned.

Although she became a noble concubine, she never embarrassed the people below. In the past few years, she hardly allowed the people around her to watch the night. For one thing, she didn't need people to serve tea at night, and secondly, she couldn't bear to let them stay up late. .

But Ran Xiaoyu wanted to watch the night.

South flue: "No need."

Ran Xiaoyu said firmly: "The slave must have it!"


"Furthermore, if your Royal Highness really makes any movement at night, and if the servants are there, you can also call the people from the hospital right away."

Nan Yan couldn't refute it when she said that.

People gave her a quilt and let her sleep under the bed, and after a little tidying up, he carefully covered the quilt to Xinping, and then lay down to sleep.

Soon, it was midnight.

Nan Yan slept very shallowly, listening to the whistling of the wind outside, and the snow pressed against the dead branches, finally breaking the dead branches, making a broken sound and falling down.

In her confused dream, she felt as if she was in a lava.

There seemed to be fire all around.

She became more and more uncomfortable, even trying to tear her clothes, but she couldn't tear them apart, only feeling that her skin would be burned by the hot warmth.

Now, it is obviously winter, why is it so hot?

She felt more and more uncomfortable, and finally struggling to wake up from her dream. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt the sweat all over her body had moistened all her clothes.

However, the hot feeling is not an illusion.

But the peace of mind around!

She even had a high fever.

Nan Yan stretched out her hand, her face and body were so hot that she suddenly panicked, "Heart Ping!"

Ran Xiaoyu slept under the bed, and when she heard her movement, she immediately flicked: "Niang, what's the matter?"

Nan Yan hugged Xinping, her eyes flushed with anxiety: "She has a fever!"


Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly reached out and touched it, and it was hot.

But she reacted quickly, and immediately said: "The slave maidservant will go to the imperial hospital and find an imperial doctor. Niangniang, please pay attention, don't let the princess blow the wind!"

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Go quickly. Put your clothes on and don't be blown by the wind!"

Ran Xiaoyu reluctantly put on a piece of clothing, and even flew out as if to run away.

After a while, the sound of two people's footsteps came to mind again. Nan Yan held her daughter in her arms and looked eagerly, only to see Ran Xiaoyu leading a person in.

"Manny, it's—she."

Nan Yan had a meal.

The one who walked in behind her was Xue Yun with an anxious look.

She didn't care about so much, and said hurriedly: "Come here and help my palace see Xinping!"

At this time, she didn't even wear clothes on her body, but because she knew Xue Yun's identity, she didn't have so much scruples.

And Xue Yun, because of that incident, scared her to hide at home for another two days. Today, it was her turn to be on duty, plus Wang Baizhi and the others had been through it for a few days, so she entered the palace.

Who knows, I ran into Princess Xinping with a high fever.

She also didn't care about getting up, and followed Ran Xiaoyu with the medicine box on her back. At a glance, she saw Princess Xinping lying in her noble concubine's arms. Her face was blushing sickly and her lips were cracked.

She hurriedly said: "Lady, let your Highness down and let the Weichen take a look."

Nan Yan laid her heart flat on the bed.

Xue Yun rolled over Xinping's eyelids, touched her neck again, and immediately said, "It burned so badly, it was the cold that had accumulated before drowning. Girl Xiaoyu, quickly get cold water in."

Ran Xiaoyu went immediately, and soon came in with a basin of cold water.

Xue Yun said "offended", then unbuttoned Xinping's collar, moistened her with cold water, and wiped her hands and feet, as well as her sweaty neck.

Just when she wiped, she suddenly gave a "Huh".

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