She raised her head to look at Nan Yan, and said softly: "The imperial concubine, the minister... The imperial concubine knows that everything the imperial concubine does for the emperor and the harem. But the imperial courtier, the imperial minister can't leave!"


Nan Yan gave her a cold look.

Then he said: "If you can't go, you can't let it go."


"Anyway, I have already said what I have said. You are a wise man and you know what to do."


"Get out."

After speaking, Nan Yan turned his head and closed his eyes in awe, as if he didn't plan to talk to her again. Xue Yunzong had a thousand words, and he couldn't say it at this time.

She can only turn around and walk out slowly.

When she walked to the door, she was still unwilling in her heart, turned her head back to Nan Yan, and whispered, "Niang Niang, I--"

Nan Yan said solemnly: "Get down."


Xue Yun finally sighed and turned and left.

Shortly after she left, Ran Xiaoyu walked in cautiously, and saw Nan Yan leaning on the couch, her eyes closed, as if she was already asleep.

She murmured: "Why don't you cover anything, what if you catch a cold?"

While talking, he took a thin blanket and carefully covered Nan Yan.

But just when the blanket was just covering Nan Yan's body, Nan Yan, who had thought he had fallen asleep, suddenly said, "Xiaoyu."


Ran Xiaoyu was taken aback by her, and looking down, she still closed her eyes.

But obviously, he didn't fall asleep.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "The mother didn't sleep, so why didn't she say a word. The servant girl thought you were asleep."

Nan Yan smiled, then opened his eyes.

Said: "My palace is just closing my eyes and resting my mind."

"Or, let's rest for a while."

"No need,"

While talking, Nan Yan stretched out his hand to pull the blanket on his body, and said: "It's later, the emperor should be going to court. If you know about Kang Biyun, you must come over and ask. My palace has to wait for him."

"Oh, too."

Ran Xiaoyu nodded and asked again: "Then, is the empress hungry? The slave and maid let the imperial dining room prepare some snacks, and the emperor will come over later and use some together."

"No need, come here, I have something to tell you."


Somehow, she was so serious that Ran Xiaoyu was a little strange. She walked back to the couch and whispered, "What's your order?"

Nan Yan looked up at her and asked, "When will Ye Zhen leave?"


As if caught off guard, he didn't expect Nan Yan to ask this suddenly.

Ran Xiaoyu's expression suddenly darkened, sighed, and whispered: "It's been these two days."

Nan Yan looked at her and said with a smile, "I can't let it go."


Ran Xiaoyu used to be stubborn in the past, but now, his mind is already "under the broad daylight", and there is no need to lie in front of Nan Yan, so he whispered softly: "His injury has never healed."


"When I was riding a horse, my chest still hurt."


"It's impossible to go so far this time without being affected at all."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Then, I asked you before, do you want to go with him, is your answer still the same?"


This time, Ran Xiaoyu did not answer immediately.

There was obviously a little hesitation in her eyes, but after hesitating for a long time, she still said, "It's still... forget it."


"There can be no shortage of people around the mother."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You were worried about too many things in the harem, and Xinping had something wrong again, so I didn’t want to go with him. But now, the harem is nothing serious, plus, Kang Biyun is already dead, so don’t worry. Up."

Ran Xiaoyu frowned and said, "But, isn't it—"

Having said that, she looked around.

Although the doors and windows of the bedroom were closed, she took a cautious step forward and lowered her voice, "Didn't the empress figure that there is still someone else?"


"The empress also wants to clean up this person, right?"

Nan Yan said calmly: "This person hasn't revealed any deeds yet. It is not an overnight event to find out this person."


"So, don't worry."


"You'd better settle the matter before you."

Having said this, she sighed and said, "In fact, not to mention you, this palace is also a bit uneasy for Ye Xun. His temperament is too detached. Although he is already a great official in Xinjiang, he is very concerned about himself. I don’t care about safety at all. I used to be a target at Shazhouwei."


"On the altar of worship, another arrow was hit."


"Regardless of his relationship with you, he is the most important to the emperor."

Nan Yan said with a wry smile: "If he really has another accident, the emperor is afraid he can't stand it."


"So, you follow, and if you can persuade you if you can persuade you if you have a big deal or a small one, then persuade you."

Speaking of this, Ran Xiaoyu was obviously shaken.

She looked at Nan Yan hesitantly, and whispered, "Is it really all right here, Niang?"

Nan Yan said calmly, "Don't worry."

Ran Xiaoyu grinds for a while, finally looks at her, and carefully said: "Then, the slave and maid really...follow him?"

Looking at her appearance, Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.

At other times, Ran Xiaoyu was very carefree and not afraid of the sky, but she would become cautious only when she encountered Ye Wei's affairs. This appearance made people feel particularly cute.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "If you want to go, tell him quickly."


"After all, it's not a simple matter for you to be such a big living person like Marie Gathering south. My palace has to explain to the emperor.

"Then, will the emperor allow it?"

Nan Yan said: "My palace will help you to talk about it, you just need to talk to Ye Xun."


Ran Xiaoyu was overjoyed and hurriedly turned around and ran out.

Seeing her happy face, Nan Yan smiled and shook his head gently.

Somehow, there is an illusion of marrying a daughter.

However, her daughter is still lying on the bed, not conscious at all, even if she really wants to marry, at least she has to wait for her to wake up and wait for her to grow up safely and healthy.

Nan Yan got up, walked to the bed and sat down.

Reaching out and stroking her daughter’s fleshy cheeks, although she is still as cute as before, but now she is no longer the same as before. She is alive and kicking, and her eyes are crooked when she sees people. .

She sighed lightly.

The mother and concubine can solve the person who harmed you, but you still have to rely on yourself to wake up. Just like your father said, you are our daughter, you have to be strong!

As I was thinking, a big warm hand touched her shoulder.

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