He whispered: "I will be busy recently."


When Nan Yan heard this, a look of disappointment appeared in her eyes.

There was a soft "Oh".

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng couldn't help but move in his heart. After thinking about it, he said softly, "However, I will try my best to make time for it."

Hearing these words, Nan Yan immediately laughed again.

Although she is already the mother of two children, turning a face is like turning a book, without qualitativeness at all.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Nan Yan knew that he was laughing at himself, but he couldn't care so much. He just leaned in his arms, reached out to fiddle with the buttons on his chest, and whispered, "Actually, it doesn't matter if the emperor does not come here often. This way is fine."

Zhu Feng said: "You are here, your heart is here, I don't hang on here, don't hang on you, who is hanging on?"

Nan Yan laughed again.

The two were tired and crooked for a while, seeing that it was not too early, Zhu Feng let her rest first, left here by himself, and went to the cabinet.

Nan Yan didn't even bother to eat lunch, so she slept on the couch.

After waking up, I saw Ran Xiaoyu standing by.

She smiled: "Are you back?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "The lady is awake? Are you hungry?"

She was awakened from starvation. Nan Yan stood up and nodded gently. Ran Xiaoyu immediately looked out the window and told Ruoshui outside to let her go to the imperial dining room to pass the meal, and then smiled and said: "The imperial dining room is still worried about the empress. Are you so angry today that you don’t need to eat? Things have been hot."


Nan Yan asked in confusion, "What is the gas?"

"What can I be angry about, Kang Jieyu."


After sleeping, I almost forgot about it.

However, it was also because this matter was nothing but a small matter to her. After all, from the point of view of murdering Xinping, Kang Biyun was just a shrimp floating on it. It would cost her to catch the big fish below. Fan Kung Fu.

She slept, but luckily her hair was not messy.

Ran Xiaoyu took out the grate to help her squeeze the temples, but they were neat and tidy, just as the imperial dining room brought food over again, everyone came to serve her.

After eating, Nan Yan called everyone over and said, "In two days, Xiaoyu will leave the palace temporarily and go to the south to do something. Tongyun, you can watch things here, and bring Ruoshui. they."

Ran Xiaoyu said in surprise: "The emperor really agreed?"

Although she had just found Ye Xu and told him about it, she didn't say that she was dead. After all, the emperor was the one who made the final decision, but she had already made Ye Xu jump with joy.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Feng actually agreed.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Is this still fake?"

Aunt Tongyun didn’t know what had happened, so she just asked, “Then, how long is Miss Xiaoyu going to go?”

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It depends on Master Ye's ability to handle affairs."

Upon hearing this, everyone understood.

Everyone laughed, Ran Xiaoyu's ears were a little red, and his face scared them: "What a laugh!"

Everyone immediately held back, wanting to laugh or not.

Nan Yan looked at them like this, only smiled and shook his head, and then said: "You quickly pack up, don't have any shortages on the day of departure."


Ran Xiaoyu was so happy that he turned and ran away.

Aunt Tongyun looked at her happy back, with smiles in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, turned her head to look at Xiang Nanyan, and whispered: "Ms. Xiaoyu, is the matter between Miss Xiaoyu and Master Ye almost done?"

Nan Yan smiled faintly: "Look at good luck."

In fact, she knew in her heart that it was not so fast.

Zhu Feng still hopes that Ran Xiaoyu will always be by her side, not only because she is good at work, but also because she is like Ye Wei, a confidant and worthy of complete trust.

If they get married, Ye Zhen would be fine. Even if they are married, they will still do things in the court. However, when Ran Xiaoyu gets married, he must leave his side. Judging from the current situation, he still cannot leave Ran Xiaoyu for a long time. of.

Therefore, even if she let her leave with Ye Yu for a while, Zhu Feng was not very happy.

But thinking about it this way, they are too pitiful.

Thinking of this, her expression couldn't help but feel sad.

What did Aunt Tongyun feel, she stepped forward and whispered: "Niang, what's the matter?"

"Uh, it's okay."

She waved her hand to let Aunt Tongyun go down to work, and walked back to the bed by herself and continued to accompany her daughter.

Soon, the news that Jieyu Kang Biyun "died suddenly due to illness" spread throughout the harem.

It was like a stone thrown into a frozen lake.

Not only did the ice crack, but the water inside was about to boil.

Since he was released from Le Zhizhai, Ruan Mei has been in peace for a while and didn't run around, but when he heard the news, he was also taken aback. He hurried out to inquire, and finally walked on the road. , I met other concubines.

Everyone was talking about it in twos and threes.

Xiu walked over, and several low-rank concubines all saluted her. Yi Fei looked back at her and twitched her lips: "Hey, here too."

Ruan Mei said frankly: "I heard about Kang Jieyu, so my concubine also came out to see if there is anything I can do to help."

Concubine Yi smiled.

The people standing here are all going to the imperial concubine's palace, and none of them go to Yangxingzhai and say "help", but it's just a joke.

The nobleman Yao Ying asked in a low voice: "Manny Xiu, the Jingyang Palace where you live is the closest to Yangxingzhai, have you seen anything?"


"Kang Jieyu was fine the last two days, why did she just... leave?"

Several other nobles also said puzzledly: "Yes, although she was ill, but she just felt the wind and cold. We talked and laughed that day."

"Who knows today, people are gone."

"Lady Xiu, do you see anything?"

Ruan Mei frowned, and said: "She is nestled in her nourishing fast every day without coming out to see people, how can this palace know."

Everyone has some doubts.

At this time, Chen Lianxiang, who had been standing in the crowd but not talking much, suddenly smiled: "Xin Cairen, you have always had a good relationship with Kang Jieyu. You often visit her, do you know what's going on? ?"

Xin Mimi watched Kang Biyun's body fall in the Yangxingzhai with his own eyes, not to mention that the imperial concubine had to keep it secret, even if the imperial concubine did not say anything, she did not dare to talk nonsense.

It is not glorious to say about the betrayal of my sister.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lianxiang asked her suddenly.

She was taken aback, and stammered: "I, I don't know either."


Shen Lianxiang smiled and said, "My palace thought that you two are good sisters, taking care of each other. You should know everything about her."

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