At this moment, Xin Mimi, the talented person in the palace, was standing in front of Nan Yan. Her expression was still calm, but her eyes flickered, obviously a little erratic.

Nan Yan saw all this in his eyes.

Naturally, she also knew how much impact the scene this morning had on her. Although she was here to inform her, the main purpose was to protect herself. She might not have thought that Kang Biyun would end it in such a fierce way. Own life.

For a woman who has never had blood on her hands, witnessing this end of life will definitely have an impact.

I'm afraid she will still suffer for a while.

However, what Nan Yan didn't know was that her back was already wet with cold sweat and her underwear was wet.

Nan Yan leaned back on the couch, changed a comfortable position, and said, "Xin Cairen."

"What is your order?"

"Kang Jieyu's matter, you didn't tell it."

"When, of course not."

Xin Mimi's breath tightened, and she shook her head hurriedly: "The empress has already said that she died suddenly of an illness, that is, she died of an illness. Others, my concubine doesn't know anything."


Nan Yan glanced at her and nodded gently.

He asked again: "Then, besides you and me, do anyone else know about Kang Jieyu?"

Speaking of this, Xin Mimi subconsciously thought of the agreement she had just made with Chen Lianxiang outside. She took a deep breath and said solemnly: "No."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Of course, how can a concubine dare to deceive the empress?"


Nan Yan looked at her again for a while.

I really can't see any flaws. After all, the whole harem is panicking now, and it is not overnight to find out the real messenger behind the scenes.

So he said lightly: "Well, what should be said and what should not be said, I don't need to remind you again."


"You go back."


Xin Mimi breathed a sigh of relief, turned and left.


Two days later, the team of Ye Xu and Xu Shifeng headed south.

In order not to disturb the people in the city, the team was assembled outside the city, and Ran Xiaoyu could not leave the palace early, so he asked Ye Wei to pick her up in the palace early in the morning.

Nan Yan also planned to get up early to send them off.

However, before the time was up, she suddenly felt flustered in her sleep and suddenly sat up from the bed.

When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside.

She just felt her heart beating like thunder, turned her head and looked around, her heart was still the same as before, lying quietly, nothing unusual.

She frowned, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and muttered, "What's the matter?"

After a while, Aunt Tongyun's voice came from outside.

"Niang, are you up?"

They all got up earlier than usual because they wanted to send Ran Xiaoyu. They probably called her after hearing the movement inside.

Nan Yan immediately said, "Come in."

Aunt Tongyun walked in with a water basin and towel, and saw Nan Yan sitting on the bedside, smiling and saying, "My lady got up so early today. It's for Miss Xiaoyu."

"Uh, uh."

She walked over and saw the cold sweat on Nan Yan's forehead at a glance, and she was taken aback.

"What's wrong with my mother?"

Nan Yan himself said, "Somehow, I suddenly felt flustered?"


Aunt Tongyun smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's a nightmare."


Nan Yan frowned and thought for a while. She woke up too suddenly. She didn't remember if she had a dream or what dream she had last night. Fortunately, her heartbeat has returned to normal. She simply got up, freshened up for a while, and Ran Xiaoyu came in.

She had already put on a sarong, plain and unpretentious, on the contrary, it was even more charming with a baby face. When Nan Yan looked up and down, she blushed involuntarily.

Whispered: "What else are you looking at?"

Nan Yan deliberately said: "Why, I can't stand it for a while, so I want to go with him right away?"

Upon hearing this, Ran Xiaoyu became anxious.

"Obviously it's your mother, you asked me to go first."


These days, Ran Xiaoyu is much more mature and stable than before, and she rarely sees her in a hurry, but Nan Yan just likes to tease her.

I am anxious, and I have to coax.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

She beckoned and asked Ran Xiaoyu to come over, holding her hand and stuffing the two silver bills into her hand. Ran Xiaoyu refused, Nan Yan said softly, "You are from the palace, go out. Doing errands also represents the face of the palace. Naturally, you can't shrink your hands. Take the money, buy some delicious and fun things, and bring some fresh things back."

After speaking, he said, "Give Xinping."

Ran Xiaoyu immediately understood.

She didn't refuse any more, and only whispered: "Don't worry, the maidservant, the servants and maidservants will bring things to the princess, she will definitely make them come back."

Nan Yan smiled.

At this time, Ye Wei also came.

He walked in and bowed to Nan Yan: "Meet the concubine empress."

Nan Yan looked at him with a smile, and said, "This time you go south, it's a mountain high and far away. You have to take good care of yourself, and you have to help my palace take good care of her."

Ran Xiaoyu rushed and said, "It is clear that the slave and maidservant take care of him."

Ye Yu chuckled twice.

Nan Yan said again, "No matter who takes care of whom, the emperor's account must be handled properly. If it is done beautifully, it will be beneficial to your affairs, understand?"

The two looked at each other and seemed to understand something.

Nodding gently: "Yes."

Nan Yan asked again, "I'm going to leave soon, except for the two of you, that is General Xu Da, right?"

Ye Xu said, "And that big old brother."

Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment before he came back to his senses.

Lee Sejong, is he going too?

She asked puzzledly: "What is he going to do?"

Ye Yu said disdainfully: "What can he do when he is sick? It's because the weather has been too cold recently, and he said he couldn't stand it, so he followed us to the south."


Recalling Xu Shizhong's pale and severely ill appearance, I was afraid it was really difficult to survive the winter.

Nanyan Road: "Well, it's getting late, don't delay your schedule. Go ahead."

Ran Xiaoyu glanced at her again, and said softly and solemnly: "Niangniang, take care."

Nan Yan nodded.

She followed Ye Qi out.

Nan Yan sat in the chair and watched them go out. After all, she couldn't help standing up and walking to the door, watching their backs go away, gradually disappearing into the faint morning light.

Somehow, she suddenly remembered the panic when she woke up in the morning.

In fact, it was inexplicable.

Looking forward again, Ye Xu and Ran Xiaoyu had already walked far away, and their backs were invisible.

She stretched out her hand to cover her chest, and secretly said: I hope everything goes smoothly in the south this time, and there should be no twists and turns.

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