After a while, there was a heavy and familiar footsteps outside, walking towards the Imperial Study Room.

The closer the footsteps, the more flustered her heartbeat.

In a blink of an eye, the door of the Imperial Study Room was pushed open, and Zhu Feng slowly walked in from outside.


Xue Yun subconsciously whispered for some reason.

And as soon as Zhu Feng looked up, he saw the familiar figure standing in the middle of the room——Xue Yun. Although she was very thin at first, she hadn’t seen her in the past few days. She actually lost a lot of it. Swing in clothes.

Standing there, it gives people a sense of stubbornness.

A small slap-sized face became paler and paler, and his eyes looked much larger than before.

There was a look of panic flashing in his eyes.

Zhu Feng frowned subconsciously.

How did she make herself like this?

Although before, he also knew that the imperial concubine had targeted her a little bit and was murdered by the court lady named Nianqiu, but he also gave her so long to recuperate.

Moreover, the imperial concubine's attitude towards her has now eased, and her life shouldn't be sad anymore.

Why is it more haggard than before?

Zhu Feng was puzzled, and Xue Yun stood there and saw him walk in. For a time, too many complicated emotions flooded into his heart, and he even forgot to bow.

Just staring at the person in front of him blankly, muttered: "The emperor, the emperor...?"

Zhu Feng frowned again.

Shen said: "I asked you to come to the Imperial Study Room to wait. It's not me who came in, but who else?"

This sentence can be regarded as awakening Xue Yun.

She came back abruptly, and hurriedly bowed to the ground: "The emperor forgive me, and the ministers pay respect to the emperor."

Zhu Feng frowned and walked over to her, watching her head down, kneeling there, shrinking to look thinner, and let out a heavy sigh.

Said: "Get up."

While talking, he turned around and walked to the table and sat down.

Xue Yun stood up slowly now, and she was still a little dazed. After she got up, she stood there and stopped moving. Zhu Feng frowned and said, "Why, if I haven't come over the past few days, I will forget. What should I do when I come here?"

"Huh? Oh, oh."

She recovered a little again, and hurriedly put the medicine box on the side table, took out the needle pack, and a newly prepared pair of medicine and a box of incense.

Although these days, she is worried about the imperial concubine's words, and almost hides at home.

To go and stay, these two choices are like two invisible hands tearing at her, even in a dream, there is no peace.

However, dare not how she struggled, she still prepared everything needed for the emperor's detoxification.

Even if you go by yourself, these things can stay.

It's just that she didn't know, if she really left, whether the poison in the emperor's body could be solved for him.

And after leaving the emperor, can I still--

Zhu Feng sat at the table and didn't just sit there. Although he didn't go to the cabinet to discuss matters today, some memorials had already been delivered in advance. He was watching with a copy in one hand, waiting for Xue Yun to do it. After finishing the preparations, he came over to deliver the needles and detoxify him.

Looking around, suddenly, a delicate fragrance was smelled at the end of his nose.

Looking up, it was Xue Yun who put a piece of incense he made into the incense burner on the table.

Although the light smoke curled up and diffused in the air, the fragrance gradually dispersed. The fragrance has a bitterness of medicine in the coldness, but because of this bitterness, it makes the fragrance more elegant.

Zhu Feng said: "This is—"

Xue Yun turned his head and whispered softly: "The emperor, the next acupuncture point is more critical, and it may affect the emperor's daily mind and dreams."


Hearing the word dream, Zhu Feng's heart moved slightly.

He vaguely remembered that he had had countless suffocating dreams. Ye Zhen was not old or young when he was joking with him, and he would also say that he "killed in dreams", but now, most of him can't remember. Up.

And when Xue Yun said that it would affect his dreams, he couldn't help but mumble.

Will it be, what do you see in your dream?

Xue Yun went on to say: "This incense is specially prepared by Weichen for detoxification for this period of time. The emperor's best to light it in the royal study room and when he is resting, especially when sleeping at night."


"It can slightly relieve the symptoms after needle delivery."


Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said, "If there is revelation in the dream, wouldn't it be great?"

Xue Yun said: "The emperor, because in the past ten years or even decades, the emperor’s memories are mostly blank. If there is a revelation in the dream, he does not know when the memory will be, and he will not It is complete, it will only be fragmented, and may even be disordered."


"In that case, it will cause confusion in memory."


"Not to mention the harm to the human spirit. The emperor has to deal with everything every day. If he has to endure the influence of such a confused memory, it will be harmful to the emperor."

But later, she didn't continue.

Not without benefit.

After all, for a person who has amnesia and desperately wants to retrieve his memory, even a small piece of memory is like a straw in front of the drowning person, and he will do his best. Go hurry up.

Zhu Feng frowned and was silent for a while, noncommittal.

Just say: "Come on."

Xue Yun walked over.

She took out a needle from the needle bag, walked behind Zhu Feng, and gently touched the back of his neck with her slender fingers. After confirming the acupuncture point, she was about to pierce the central acupuncture point on his body. Go down.

Zhu Feng took a deep breath and waited quietly.

After these days of acupuncture and detoxification, he probably also knows which acupuncture points will cause severe pain and which acupuncture points will make his eyes clear, but no matter what, he will still care about the needle stick.

However, after a long time, nothing happened.

He couldn't help turning his head: "Huh?"

I saw Xue Yun standing behind him with a melancholy expression, and the silver needle in his hand was not too far away from his body, but it had never been pierced.

To Zhu Feng's suspicious gaze, she bit her lower lip and actually put down her hand.

Zhu Feng frowned.

"what happened?"


"Why didn't you get the needle?"


"Is there anything left to be done?"


Xue Yun's expression became more solemn. Just now, when she reached out her hand and touched Zhu Feng, the words that the imperial concubine said to her that day sounded in her ears.

She struggled to look at Zhu Feng, who was looking at her suspiciously.

Xue Yun said softly: "The emperor...or else, forget it."

Zhu Feng's eyes were cold.

"what did you say?"

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