Zhu Feng's breath sank, he reached out and pinched her chin, turned her face hard to face herself, and said in a deep voice: "Don't you know that if she stays, the rumors will slowly calm down; but As soon as she left, the rumors were completely settled."


"Moreover, such a rumor cannot be changed until death!"


"Are you dealing with rumors?"


"Or deal with her through rumors?"

This sentence made Nan Yan's heart beat.

But at this time, she had nowhere to go. She simply raised her head to look at Zhu Feng, and said with a stubborn neck: "The emperor said that the concubine was selfish and dealt with her through rumors? But without her, there would be such rumors? If not? She, Kang Jieyu would do such a thing? What was wrong with her concubine's disposal?"


"The emperor, she messed up the harem, and the concubine should deal with her for granted!"

This time, Zhu Feng did not speak immediately.

Just looked at her deeply.

After a long time, he said, "Nanyan, what's the matter with you?"


"She Xue Yunruo is really a man, even if - not a man, but an eunuch, I will not be merciless if she is involved in Kang Biyun."


"If it's a man, or even an eunuch, there may be unruly attempts to get along with Kang Biyun, and some hints may be made. In short, even if the nine points are wrong with Kang Biyun, I will blame this person for the last point. Body."


"But, you and I both know that she is a woman."


"She doesn't have the habit of grinding mirrors. It is impossible for her to have any unruly attempts in getting along with Kang Biyun, nor can she have any hint to make Kang Biyun feel strange. Then, what do you think about the crime of'filthy harem'? Now, press on her head?"


Nan Yan was also speechless for a while.

He could only bite his lower lip again and tilt his face to the other side.

Indeed, she had no way to admit that in front of anyone, she could confidently tell others that she was exercising the power of the imperial concubine to stabilize the harem, but Zhu Feng - indeed, not as foolish as those mediocre people.

Or, two people know each other too well.

In his eyes, she couldn't hide anything from her careful thoughts and small movements.

She never gave up and wanted to let Xue Yun leave.

Although she does not like to use despicable means to deal with her like Nianqiu, but as long as she thinks that she has admitted her feelings for the emperor, and then thinks that she is still in the palace, she may meet Zhu Feng at any time. I felt like being bitten by an ant.

At this time, Zhu Feng said: "It is because she said that she has feelings for me, so you have been unable to tolerate her, even if I have told you so clearly, you still go your own way, right?"


"You can't tolerate someone who has feelings for me. Then, in the future, will I also worry that you will start with Xinqing?"


"Or, if you really want me to give her a position, you will stop?"


Nan Yan was startled and turned to look at him: "The emperor!"

Zhu Feng interrupted her and said, "If this is the case, that's all, but it's just a sentence."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

When he reached the door, he stopped and didn't look back. He just said coldly: "From tomorrow, you move to Yonghe Palace. Two days later, I will announce Xue Yun's affairs!"

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