As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a "clang".

The porridge bowl in Nan Yan's hand fell to the ground and broke to pieces.


Aunt Tongyun was frightened, and hurriedly rushed to grab Nan Yan's hands to see. Fortunately, the weather outside was still cold, and the porridge was not boiling hot when it was delivered from the Imperial Dining Room.

However, she still splashed some on her hand, and the back of her hand was red.

"Quickly, get cold water and a veil!"

Aunt Tongyun yelled in a hurry, Nianqiu and Ruoshui didn't dare to neglect, they hurriedly brought something over, and hurriedly helped Nan Yan deal with it. It was simply hot red, and was not injured.

Ruo Shui came again to clean up the debris and porridge on the ground.

Aunt Tongyun held Nan Yan's hand and felt terribly distressed, but when they were dealing with these things, Nan Yan just sat there with a pale face, as if she didn't feel anything.

Nian Qiu said softly: "Niang Niang..."

"Don't talk anymore!"

This time, Aunt Tongyun was really angry, and turned around and screamed at her: "Things are not messy enough? What use are you saying?!"


Nianqiu bit her lower lip and lowered her head aggrievedly.

But Nan Yan said in a cold voice, "What are you scolding her for?"


"Don't tell me, I will still see it when I go to the Wuying Hall."


"Furthermore, I was still unprepared to see, is it to make my palace face sweeping in front of everyone?"

Aunt Tongyun was startled.

She didn't expect this level either, and she only said softly: "Niang Niang forgive me."


"It's just that since this matter has been settled, the empress should not think too much about it. Regardless of who the emperor considers the concubine, the relationship with the empress is still there."

"mutual affection……"

Nan Yan sat there and suddenly laughed.

There was a little bit of unspeakable sorrow in that smile, as if the whole person was shaking slightly, but when she spoke, the words she said were as cold as hard ice.

"How much is this thing worth?"


"If he really disregards his love points over the years and insists on canonizing that woman, then what would be the case for a person in this palace to guard this love point."


"Not as good, not as good as..."

At this point, her voice is getting lower and lower, but the indifference and despair in the words cannot be concealed.

Nianqiu looked at her like this, did not speak, only lowered her head.

Aunt Tongyun whispered: "Niang Niang..."

After an unknown period of time, Nan Yan finally took a deep breath, raised his head and said, "Let's go, go to Wuying Hall."

"But Niang Niang hasn't eaten breakfast yet."

Just dropped a bowl of porridge, Ruoshui immediately went to the Yushan Fang to make up for it.

Nan Yan only looked at the food on the table, her eyes were so weak that she didn't have any desire to eat, and she said indifferently: "My palace can't eat it, just go ahead."


"It's okay if you don't eat it. You don't get sick and throw up."

After speaking, he got up and walked out.

Aunt Tongyun couldn't help but hurriedly followed. After two steps, she stopped again and stared at Nianqiu, who was about to follow, "You don't have to follow it today. Please clean up here."


Nianqiu can only say: "Yes."

After speaking, he stopped in place, watching their backs disappear outside the gate of Yonghe Palace.


In the Wuying Hall on the other side, there was already a loud voice.

Although the emperor did not make an official announcement, the rumor had already spread in the harem, and everyone was sitting in their seats and talking.

"What's going on?"

"Yeah, I'm confused too."

"Then Doctor Xue is not, not with Kang Jieyu two people--"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, you are not dead."

"Oh oh. Anyway, isn't it that? I thought the emperor had already dealt with him secretly, so why is he suddenly called back now. What does the emperor think?"

"Who knows. I heard that the imperial concubine and the emperor were on top for this."

Although everyone lowered their voices, but with so many people talking, the whole Wuying Hall still seemed noisy.

Even Concubine Shun, who has always been silent, frowned.

She glanced at Concubine Yi next to her, and Li Pan'er also looked at her, shook her head gently, indicating that she didn't know.

The only person sitting there without saying a word, but smiling calmly, is Quiet.

It seems that today's affairs are in her grasp.

Just when everyone was a little uneasy, a voice came from outside--

"The imperial concubine is here."

Everyone immediately stood up and bowed down to the imperial concubine who slowly walked into the gate: "Concubine pays homage to the imperial concubine empress."

Nan Yan walked in and said lightly: "Get up all the time."

"Xie Niangniang."

Everyone got up one after another. Everyone wanted to see her face, but when they saw it, everyone bowed their heads.

The concubine's face was so pale that there was no blood.

Especially her eyes, originally a pair of flexible and gentle eyes like Qiu Shui, at this time, Qiu Shui seemed to have frozen into ice, and the frozen eyes looked at everyone without any temperature.

Everyone dared to talk when they saw her like this.

Only Concubine Shun took a step forward and whispered: "Niangniang, are you okay? Your face is so ugly."

Nan Yan said calmly: "It's okay."

After speaking, he walked aside and found a chair to sit down.

When she came this way, everyone didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore. The discussion before was full of enthusiasm. At this moment, she didn't even dare to take a breath. She could only sit back in her seat, you look at me, I look at you.

Jingbing Chen Lianxiang sat diagonally across from the imperial concubine.

Her face was so calm that there was no ripple of smile, and when she saw the impoverished concubine's desperate expression, the smile in her eyes became a bit deeper.

Women are women after all.

This imperial concubine, from the moment they entered the palace, was like a mountain that couldn't be crossed in front of them, life and death, all within her thoughts.

Unexpectedly, she also had such a time of despair now.

Shen Lianxiang smiled, and secretly said in his heart: That's it, the more you are so disheartened, the better, the more you are, the less you can withstand a little blow. How does the emperor arrange Xue Yun today? Even if it was just to enshrine a small beauty, it would be a slap in the face of the noble concubine in front of everyone. At that time, would she still have the face to be the noble concubine.

Thinking of this, she couldn't restrain her smile.

I could only cough lightly, and took the handkerchief and gently wiped the corner of his mouth to wipe away the smile.

At this moment, Grandpa Yu said loudly: "The emperor is here!"

Upon hearing this, everyone stood up suddenly.

Chen Lianxiang looked back, but saw that the imperial concubine's face became paler. She only hesitated for one side, and immediately bowed to the ground with everyone.

"Meet the emperor."

As soon as the voice fell, I felt a cold wind.

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