Nan Yan said earnestly: "The emperor remembers the injuries he suffered in the past?"


Zhu Feng's heart sank suddenly.

And Nan Yan went on to say: "Even Queen Renxiao and Master Heyi have told the emperor about the past, but they have suffered injuries, but they have been hurt. They will never explain to the emperor one by one, right?"


"How did the emperor know?"

Zhu Feng's body seemed a little stiff, and he sat motionless.

However, although the candlelight was still solidified, his eyes were already flashing like a candle in the wind.

Nan Yan even felt that the palm of the big hand she was holding suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Before he could make any movements, Nan Yan grabbed his big hand first, as if to buckle him.

Zhu Feng frowned and said immediately: "What I said is just a casual comment."

After speaking, he pulled his hand out of Nan Yan's hand with force.

Then he said: "Okay, it's getting late, you should rest earlier."

Then he got up to go outside.

But how could Nan Yan tolerate him so immediately, he got up faster than him, and stopped in front of him: "The emperor can't go!"

Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled, and he said solemnly: "Don't be fooling around!"

Nanyan Road: "What did the concubine mess with?"


"The emperor is fooling around!"

Zhu Feng's face suddenly sank, and he said, "Presumptuous! Nan Yan, you are becoming less and less plausible. Is this your attitude toward me?!"


Nan Yan bit her lower lip.

In the past two people were together, she even said more presumptuous things, Zhu Feng never cared, but now, actually use the attitude of the king to suppress her.

At this moment, the people who were waiting outside seemed to be shocked when they heard the emperor's angry roar inside.

I could clearly hear their cautious approach.

Father Yu was afraid that things would finally pass, and the two enemies quarreled again, so he whispered, "The emperor...what's the order?"

Zhu Feng said: "Go away!"

"Huh? Yes."

Everyone got out in a hurry.

When there was no more sound outside, and Zhu Feng seemed to be leaving again, Nan Yan didn't say much. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Zhu Feng's hand behind his back was pulled up, and his sleeve was rolled up, saying : "The concubine is really outrageous? What is the matter with the needles on the emperor?"

Zhu Feng was startled. When he looked down, he realized that the eye of the needle he had just pierced today was still on his wrist.

In the past period of time, he was not found because he came to her side less, and the acupuncture points where the needle was used were relatively hidden and not easy for people to see; but today, it is obviously because when he was in the royal library, She kept holding her hand without paying attention.

She was discovered.

Zhu Feng's breath sank and he stopped talking.

And Nan Yan grabbed his hand, as if never letting go, said in a deep voice, "The emperor has been in close contact with Doctor Xue, but the concubine asked, the emperor would not admit anything."


"If you really want to canonize her, as the emperor said, it's just a sentence."


"What can't you admit?"


"Until today, the concubine did not understand that there is one thing that the emperor really wanted to hide from the concubine."

Zhu Feng gritted his teeth.

Nan Yan took a step forward, stopped breathing, and whispered softly, "Is the emperor, is detoxifying the marrow flower?"

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