This time, Nan Yan's reaction was quick. She stretched out her hands to hold his face and kept his eyes away.

"The emperor can't lie to me!"


Because Nanyan had not been smooth during the past few births, and because of that miscarriage, the body was left with cold symptoms, and her hands and feet were cold every night.

But this time, with her face in her hands, Zhu Feng felt that her little hands were warm.

No, not just warm.

The palm is even a little hot.

It can be seen that just now, knowing that she has recovered her memory, what kind of ecstasy is in her heart that makes her cold hands feel hot.

With such a pair of small hands holding his face, even if he wanted to avoid it, he couldn't avoid it.

I could only sigh lightly and looked at her eyes.

Honestly said: "Yes."

Nan Yan asked quickly: "What is it?"

Zhu Feng said: "Xue Yun gave me acupuncture and detoxification, not to restore my memory immediately, but to encounter people and things in my memory, or to a familiar place, those pictures will resurface before my eyes, and the memory will slowly recover. Many things before, I saw you, saw Concubine Shun, or went to some places, and then slowly sounded."


"However, it has no effect on my daily life."

Nan Yan nodded gently.

If it really caused an impact, let alone himself, a person as savvy as He Yi would definitely not be able to hide it from him; if he knew it, he would definitely stop it.

South flue: "Then, are there any exceptions?"

Zhu Feng nodded and said solemnly: "It's the altar of worship."


"Only memories of the Great Sacrifice Altar, let me—"

Having said this, he himself frowned.

That feeling is not clear.

It was as if an invisible hand was strangling his throat, and every time he thought of it, he felt almost suffocated.

Also, it is his dream.

The dream that entangled him like a poisonous snake for many years is back.

Feeling that Zhu Feng's eyes were a little confused, Nan Yan's hand holding his cheek shook with a little bit of strength, and said seriously: "What's the matter? The emperor tells his concubine clearly!"


Zhu Feng looked at her in silence for a while.

After all, he sighed and said: "When I think of other things, my emotions will not be affected, only in the altar of worship——"


"At that time, I remembered everything in my mind, but it seemed to be blank."

Having said that, a trace of regret appeared on his face.

Gritting his teeth: "If it wasn't for the lack of focus at that time, I might have reacted earlier, and Ye Yu would not have been hit by an arrow."


Nan Yan's eyes widened.

It turned out that the night at the Great Sacrifice Altar was actually the night when he recovered his memory. If he could concentrate fully and not be affected by past memories and impressions, with his ability, he could control the whole situation, even the person who shot Ye Yu. There may not be such an opportunity.

Unfortunately, everything has happened, and regret is useless.

Fortunately, no greater disaster has been caused.

So Nan Yan hurriedly said: "The emperor has also seen it. The memory of a small large altar has recovered, which makes the emperor's mind uneasy. If there are any terrible memories in the future, can the emperor live in peace? ?"


Zhu Feng did not speak immediately.

After being silent for a while, he turned his head to look at her.

Softly said: "What are you afraid of?"

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