"It's okay."

Nan Yan said solemnly: "There is this palace!"


Xue Yun looked worriedly at Zhu Feng unconsciously, but kept holding Nan Yan's wrist forcefully. The blue veins on the back of his hand were violent, showing that he was still exerting force constantly.

She said anxiously: "Weichen is afraid that if this goes on, Niangniang's hand will be broken by the emperor!"

Nan Yan took a deep breath and said, "Don't be afraid."


"Your task is to detoxify the emperor. As long as you can be sure that you are doing the right thing, don't worry about other things."


"My palace knows what to do."

After finishing speaking, the hand that she originally covered Zhu Feng's back was slightly hard, but it did not break Zhu Feng's hand away.

Instead, he firmly grasped his hand tightly.

She said in a deep voice: "The emperor, the concubine is by your side, no matter what, the concubine will walk with you. Don't worry."


Seeing her like this, Xue Yun's heart trembled.

She was raised as a boy since she was a child, but she knew in her heart that no matter how similar her dress is to a boy, but a woman is weak, even if she pretends to resemble her, men and women are still different after all.

But seeing the imperial concubine like this, she felt that perhaps her past perceptions were not entirely correct.

Sinanyan's body is not tall, and he describes it as petite and soft.

But at this moment, she faintly felt that her character was firm and strong, no less than that of a man, and even stronger than too many bearded men.

I want to come, because of this, so no matter there are queens in the harem, there are still so many concubines, they may be closely following Zhu Feng, and the only one who is in communication with him is this noble concubine.

They are not who dotes on whom, who clings to whom.

Instead, they chose each other.

In the most critical time, Sinanyan can rely on Zhu Feng, but on the contrary, Zhu Feng can also rely on Sinanyan.

She took a deep breath and murmured: "Weichen knows."

After finishing speaking, he walked behind Zhu Feng, took out two needles from the needle kit and stuck them at two acupuncture points on his shoulder. This will not affect his brain, nor will it affect the opening of Baihui acupoint, but it can slightly reduce the strength on his arm.

It can also make the concubine feel better.

I don't know if it was her needle that had the effect, or Nan Yan's words, passed in from his sudden emptiness, and finally let him hear a little.

Zhu Feng took a deep breath.

That way, it seemed to come back to life again.

Nan Yan's mood was shaken, and he was eager to say something, but Zhu Feng's strength still did not lighten, but she just held her still.

South flue: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled tightly, and there was a word "Chuan" between his brows. Nan Yan, who leaned in front of him, could clearly see him clenching his teeth, thinking about what to say, but couldn't say it.

She whispered softly: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng gritted his teeth and gurgled. After an unknown period of time, his lips finally opened and closed slightly, and he said two words with difficulty--


It's just that he said these two words intermittently, and his uncomfortable appearance seemed to be pinched by someone, and his breathing became cramped.

Nan Yan's brows tightened.

Just now, seeing Zhu Feng look like this, she remembered the situation when she had just come to serve him and served him at night and saw him fall into a nightmare. At this moment, it is exactly the same as before.

If it is said that the dreams that have been entangled with Zhu Feng over the years are the same as some of his memory fragments that he may have touched after his enlightenment and clarity, then—

What kind of dream, what kind of memory fragments?

It will make him fear like this, who has always been firm.

Not only Zhu Feng wants to know, she also wants to know.

Even if she guessed something that happened between Zhu Feng and her father, she probably had a conclusion in her mind, but no matter whether the result of the guess was right or wrong, she was not totally uninterested in his past.

What is it that made him today.

In his past, what exactly has he experienced that would enable Emperor Gao to attack his own son and make him lose all the memories of the past?

Thinking of this, she endured the severe pain that her hand bones would be crushed by him, and her other hand also stretched out and firmly held Zhu Feng's hand.



"Don't be afraid of the emperor, the concubine is here."


"I will always guard the emperor, no matter what happens, I will stay with the emperor."

This sentence is like a faint stream flowing into the dry desert. Although it may be swallowed up by yellow sand at any time, it is always difficult and moving forward little by little.

Finally, I touched Zhu Feng's already empty divine consciousness.

He trembled suddenly, and the whole person was like the soul returning to the body, and the originally blank eyes suddenly shook, and he recovered.

He turned his head to look at Nan Yan: "Nan Yan?"


Nan Yan's hand bones were rattling, almost crushed by him, tears gushing in his eyes, but when he saw him wake up, he immediately said with joy: "The emperor, you are all right!"

"I, I—"

He was still in a trance.

What happened just now? Why was there a blank in his mind, even the moment he saw Nan Yan, he was shocked.

I don't remember at all, she was by my side.

I don't even remember what I am doing.

At this moment, there was a chill on the top of his head. Xue Yun pulled out the silver needle. He was a little awake, and immediately saw that he was holding Nan Yan's wrist, almost breaking.

He hurriedly let go.

"Are you OK?"

Nan Yan smiled bitterly and retracted her wrist. Although she immediately lowered her sleeve to cover it, at that moment, Zhu Feng also saw that her wrist had several bruises on her wrist.

Can't help but frown.

"I again—"

Nan Yan immediately smiled and said, "It's okay."


"The emperor is fine."

At this time, Xue Yun retracted the silver needle, and only stood quietly, but Nan Yan asked: "Doctor Xue, how is the situation?"

Xue Yun only glanced at Zhu Feng, then lowered his head, and said softly: "Judging from the progress of detoxification and the results of Yinzhen crossing points, there is no problem."


"I just don't know, what happened to the emperor just now, the Weichen needs the emperor to clarify the symptoms just now."


Hearing this, Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled.

He can't remember what just happened, because at that moment, his whole soul seemed to be drawn from his body, passed a long, dark passage, and was suddenly trapped by an endless darkness. .

Faintly, as if there was something in the darkness.

He seems to see...

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