Wang Baizhi and Xue Yun looked at each other, but they were all relieved. Xue Yun's originally anxious face even showed a little smile.

Nan Yan hurriedly said, "What the **** is going on?"

Wang Baizhi said: "Enjoy the emperor, mother, don't worry. Your Royal Highness this is, it can be regarded as a legacy disease."

"Legacy disease?"

Zhu Feng frowned: "What do you mean?"

Wang Baizhi said: "These are two aspects. On the one hand, Her Royal Highness has been in a coma and slept for so long, her hands, feet and the whole body have not been moved, and the musculoskeletal symptoms will naturally appear rigid."

Nan Yan said hurriedly, "However, every day in this palace, people help her stretch out her hands and feet."

"This is precisely to combat the symptoms of rigidity. It's just that acting on your own and helping others to act is still two different things."

"Then she—"

"Don't worry, my mother helps the princess to stretch out her hands and feet every day to prepare for today. Although the princess still can't move, it's because the bones and meridians in her body can't adapt for a while."


"Yesterday Weichen also said that the next biggest problem is recovery. Let the princess move slowly, I believe she will recover."

Zhu Feng immediately said, "What's the other side?"

Speaking of this, Wang Baizhi also smiled and said, "On the other hand, it is weakness."


"Or in other words—hungry."


When everyone heard it, they were stunned.

Xue Yun hurriedly said: "Even though your Royal Highness has been serving food every day these days, she doesn't eat much after all, and it's just some porridge and water. Although this kind of food can sustain the princess's life, it has already been reduced to a minimum. ."


"The emperor and the empress can imagine that if people only eat that little porridge and water for such a long time, they must be too hungry to move now."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Nan Yan heard that a big rock fell on the ground, and then looked back at Xinping, who was crying with tears, and smiled: "You stupid girl, you don't know why you are hungry."

Xin Ping only leaned softly in her arms. She had just cried for a while, and had consumed the last bit of stamina remaining in her body after waking up. Now, she didn't even have the strength to blink her eyes.

Zhu Feng also relieved his heart and said, "Let the Imperial Dining Room deliver food immediately."

Wang Baizhi went on to say: "The emperor, although the princess is awake, the body, including the stomach and intestines, has not returned to normal, so the minister has already said hello to the dining room, and the princess can only eat some in the past two days. A light soup and water diet, followed by medicated diet tonic. You still have to avoid fishy foods."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "This, I know."

After a while, the people from the imperial dining room sent a small bowl, which contained half a bowl of steaming, milky soup.

Exudes a strong aroma.

Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "This is—"

Xue Yun whispered from the side: "Manny, this is rice oil."

"Rice oil?"

"Yes, this is the rice oil drained after the japonica rice is cooked for the first time. Although it looks ordinary, it is very nourishing, especially for the stomach and intestines, and it can moisturize and ventilate the intestines. Her Royal Highness has been lying down for so long and eating other things. I'm afraid that I won't be able to change it. Only this rice oil is the best."


Nan Yan nodded, took it, scooped it out with a spoon, and brought it to Xin Ping's mouth after blowing a little bit.

Although this girl is weak, her eyes become impatient when she smells the fragrance.

Pouting and sucking in the rice oil from the spoon.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

South flue: "How is it?"

The child, at this moment, had no thought of talking, he just stared straight at the small bowl that exuded the heat and fragrance. Nan Yan was funny and distressed, so he hurriedly fed her a few spoonfuls and ate a little bit. Anxious, she coughed twice.

Nan Yan asked, "Do you want more?"

Xinping couldn't speak at all, just stared at the small bowl, trying to reach out and take it by herself.

But the little hands are still soft, and I can't lift them up.

He said hurriedly: "Yes! I want!"

Hearing her talking, Nan Yan felt a little more vigorous. Finally, Nan Yan was relieved and fed her most of the bowl of rice oil.

After drinking this place, she still didn't want to finish her, raising her head to Nan Yan: "I still want..."

Seeing her so eagerly, Nan Yan was about to raise her head and asked them to send some more to the Imperial Dining Room, but Xue Yun said softly: "Manny, your Royal Highness just woke up, you can't use too much. Just this half a bowl of rice oil. , It's a bit too much."

Xinping pouted immediately.

Nan Yan said softly: "Xin Ping is obedient, you will have stomach pain if you eat too much. Wait a little later, the mother and concubine will let them send it again, okay?"

Xinping could only get aggrieved into her mother's arms. After all, until this time, she was still very weak. In addition to wanting to eat, she just wanted to sleep.

Seeing her sleepy appearance, Nan Yan put her back on the bed.

Softly said: "Sleep for a while."

Wang Baizhi walked up to Zhu Feng and said carefully: "Your Majesty, your Royal Highness will need exercise rehabilitation next. Tonight, or tomorrow, your Royal Highness must try to raise his hands and move his feet anyway. If you are tired, you have to make her move. After you wake up, you can't lie down forever, otherwise, the muscles and bones will really become stiff."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "I see. Go down."


Then everyone retreated one after another.

When they were all gone, Zhu Feng turned around and walked back to the bed, watching Nan Yan take a small fan, and personally fan Xinping.

Softly said: "You can rest for a while."

Nan Yan shook his head and said, "The concubine is fine."


"Being able to take care of her personally will make my concubine feel better."

Hearing this, Zhu Feng's heart moved.

Softly said: "She is awake, are you still uncomfortable?"

Nan Yan did not speak immediately, but her eyes and nose gradually turned red. After a long time, she said softly, "She loves to run and dance so much that she can't hold her back, but now--if her concubine is not careless, how can she let her? such."

"All right,"

Zhu Feng patted her back gently, and said softly: "The matter is over, so don't take responsibility on you. Wang Baizhi also said just now, she needs to slowly It takes effort to recover. If you let the child see you like this, she will be discouraged first."

Nan Yan quickly sniffed when he heard it.

Whispered: "Concubine knows."

The two of them calmed down again, looking at Xinping who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Although it was still the same as before, now, there was a bit of aliveness on her face, which made people feel very comfortable.

After a long time, Nan Yan suddenly said: "The emperor, when is the emperor going to leave for the trip to White Tiger City?"

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