The sun is gradually slanting west, although there is no poisonous sun on the head, but the ground emits the heat that has absorbed the day, but it gives people a feeling of a steamer.

After taking a bath, Nan Yan no longer moved easily.

Wearing only a thin shirt, sitting at the window blowing the wind.

In the yard, there was a burst of crisp laughter, Xinping, listening to Fu and the others took her to practice walking in the yard. Although she can't walk completely on her own right now, she can walk a short distance by holding her hands or holding her squeaky nest.

Both legs are much stronger than before.

Looking at her like this, the corners of Nan Yan's eyes were smiling.

Just a few days ago, this girl was crying every day because she couldn't walk. Fortunately, she was always comforting, and when she couldn't comfort her, she also released her mother's majesty to suppress her, so that the hardest days were passed.

Even Wang Baizhi said that the little princess is recovering well and can walk by herself, which is a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan let out a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, Ruoshui brought in a bowl of mung bean soup. He heard Nan Yan's breath and asked, "What is the empress thinking?"

South flue: "Nothing."

Ruo Shui put the mung bean soup on the small table beside Nan Yan, and said with a smile: "The maidservant can't hide from the maidservant. The maidservant knows that the maid must be thinking about the emperor."

Nan Yan looked back at her.

Without speaking, he just smiled and took a sip of mung bean soup.

Ruo Shui picked up the fan on the side to fan her, and whispered, "Duke Yu is still asking people to ask about how the princess is recovering. If the lady wants to set off, he will let people prepare and can set off at any time. "

Nan Yan smiled and said, "What's the hurry? Can't you walk by yourself without seeing Xinping?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked out the window.

I saw Tingfu and the other little **** holding the princess's hand, half carrying her, the little girl strode forward, having fun, and directly drew in the air, letting them carry her away.

A group of people leaned forward with a smile.

Aunt Tongyun was still on the side, laughing and cursing: "Be careful, don't break the princess's hands."

Ruo Shui watched this scene and said: "Actually, the princess is so much better now. If you want to walk on your own, it is always a matter of time. Why must the mother stay until now?"

Nan Yan raised her head and glanced at her: "Why, do you think this palace shouldn't stay?"

Ruo Shui blinked.

Said: "The servant girl just thinks that the empress should follow the emperor."


"Because, Doctor Xue."

The corner of Nan Yan's mouth raised a little, and he looked at her with a faint smile, and said: "Why, even you have come to tell me about Xue Yun?"

She still remembered that the original Nianqiu was the same way she kept talking in front of her.

Although it is for oneself, the mind becomes more innocent.

And Ruoshui...

Although she was brought into the palace by Xu Miaoming, until now, Nan Yan has not yet figured out who Xu Miaoming is, and is a little uneasy about her looking at her from time to time, but Ruo Shui has been with her for so long. Now, the xinxing has long been seen through.

This is a smart and kind girl.

She didn't want Nianqiu to be stained by the filth of the harem, and another Ruoshui.

With an inquiring look at Shang Nanyan, Ruoshui said very seriously, "Isn't the empress worried at all?"

"worry about what?"

"What about Doctor Xue!"

Hearing this, Nan Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

Ruo Shui said, "Mother, what the slaves and maidservants of Xue Taiyi always can't figure out, what the **** is she doing? Even if she is a doctor, she can't offend herself——"

"All right,"

Nan Yan interrupted her and said lightly: "This matter, I know this in my heart."

After speaking, he raised his head to look at her, and seriously warned: "My palace told you before that you can't tell other people, can you remember?"

Ruoshui nodded and said, "Don't worry, the maidservant, the slave and maidservant never told anyone else."


"It's just that I don't feel relieved."

Nan Yan said calmly: "You, I think too much, you are still talking about things that my palace doesn't worry about."


As she spoke, she sighed lightly, and said: "My palace doesn't want to go, but I always have to see that Xinping can stand up and take a step. Only the mother of my palace can relax. After all, it was because of that. The negligence of this palace will allow her to be victimized by an adulterer."

Ruoshui also sighed.

Said: "Mother, don't think too much, that Shen family has already broken the law, Kang family is also dead, and the people around her have also passed away. The palace is now much calmer."

Nan Yan nodded.

Only then did she realize that the yard, which was full of laughter and laughter, became quiet now, and there was no sound for a while.

I couldn't help but frowned slightly and turned his head: "What's the matter?"

At this moment, Hearing Fu stumbled in from the outside and stood at the door panting and said, "Niang Niang, Niang Niang!"

Nanyan Road: "What's wrong?"

Listening to the blessing: "Niang Niang, Niang Niang go and see!"

Seeing him like this, Nan Yan was afraid that something would happen to Xinping, so he hurriedly got up from the couch and rushed to the door.

Ruo Shui also hurriedly followed out and reached out to support her.

But Nan Yandai was standing at the gate.

Both eyes stared straight into the yard.

The few eunuchs led by Tingfu all stood there, and even Aunt Tongyun stood motionless under the eaves. Everyone's eyes were focused on the little figure in the courtyard.

The heart stood there alone.

Nan Yan's breath was held.

She seemed to realize something, but at this time, she didn't even dare to speak, for fear that she would say a word or a gust of wind would disrupt everything.

Even Ruoshui beside him held his breath.

I saw Xinping standing there, her small face was full of anxiety, but there was a little brave and firm gleam in her big eyes. She clenched her small fist, as if she was summoning the strength of her whole body, slowly Raise one leg.

Nan Yan's heart touched her throat.

In normal times, she couldn't support her body on one leg, and she would immediately fall down.

But this time, the standing leg trembled slightly, and it didn't even bend and fall.

Xin Ping seemed to be a little weak, but these days he had finally grown a little fleshy cheeks and swollen round, holding a breath, slowly took a step and stood still.

Then, take another step.

Although the entire Yonghe Palace was quiet and could not even hear a breath, Nan Yan seemed to hear the heavy and powerful footsteps, stomping heavily in her ears.

"Heart Ping!"

She was so excited that tears filled her eyes, and Xinping raised her head in disbelief.

"Mother, I can go!"

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