Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2540: Windy Sand, Boundary River, White Tiger City

Just after midsummer, even the wasteland in the northwest is lush green, but a piece of oil-green is separated by a piece of yellow sand, which looks like a leprosy head.

Zhu Feng spent the first half of his life on horseback. In the capital, he didn’t ride a horse for a long time, so he was really panicked. Ruthlessly ran a lot on the wasteland.

When he stopped to look, besides Chen Zixiao behind him, he could barely keep up, and the soldiers had already been dumped by him.


Zhu Feng laughed.

Chen Zixiao rode his horse to catch up, panting slightly, and said, "The emperor, the minister, **** it, and when you go back, you will drag all the soldiers down and play the board."


Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Why is it so harsh?"

Even the people he had trained himself in Beiping City back then, such as Ye Wei, who had been taught by himself, couldn't ride him on horseback. What's more, it was impossible for these little chicks to chase him off.

He rolled over and got off his horse, and stepped on the soft grass, half-high weeds almost swallowed his calves.

The flogging collapsed easily.

Said: "Wait for them here, so I can see the scenery."

Chen Zixiao immediately turned over and dismounted.

Zhu Feng continued to wave his whip and mow the grass while walking forward. He took the horses of two people, and while following him, he kept looking back to see if a few soldiers had followed.

There is also the secret post of the scout he has planted nearby.

This wasteland is a place where the national borders of the Kingdom of Lao and the Kingdom of Yan are relatively fuzzy. There is no wall, only a white tiger city on one side, and a Handongwei on the other, roughly enclosing its own territory. Occasionally, the other herdsmen drove cattle and sheep, or the carts and horses from here to the other side, which can easily cause disputes.

The emperor's arrival at the border was originally unsafe.

Moreover, it was even more dangerous to ride out with only a few soldiers.

However, there are all secret sentries he arranged around here, as well as scouts, as long as they don't get close to White Tiger City, there should be no major problems.

But he still looked around carefully.

After a while, the few soldiers who had fallen behind were all chasing up, one by one kneeling on the ground out of breath to plead guilty. Chen Zixiao said with a stern face, "Everyone will go back and bring their own twenty army sticks."


Zhu Feng heard it, looked back, and shook his head gently. Although he has already said that it is not necessary to be too harsh, Chen Zixiao still has to punish these people. Of course, he will not intercede. After all, it is easy for the emperor to speak, but it is not easy for the general to establish his authority.

So he turned his head and continued to move forward.

The wind blew the lush weeds, making a rushing sound, closing your eyes, as if you were in the vast sea, the sound of grass waves one after another.

Going further, the sound becomes more and more real.

Zhu Feng asked: "The one in front is—?"

Chen Zixiao said: "The emperor, we are almost at the Jiehe River."


Zhu Feng frowned slightly. Although he continued to go west from this place, there was indeed a river near Shazhouwei and Bailongcheng, but the river did not reach this boundary as indicated on the map.

Chen Zixiao knew what he was thinking, and said: "The other day, the river changed its course and got here."


Zhu Feng said with great interest: "Let's take a look."

Chen Zixiao hesitated for a moment and said, "The emperor, just ahead. Although he hasn't approached White Tiger City yet, White Tiger City has also set up secret guards around the city and sent out a lot of scouts. If we cross the boundary river, I am afraid we will meet. "

Zhu Feng said: "If I don't go there, I will take a look."

He is a master of art and bold, but the people around him don’t think so. Even if the emperor loses a strand of hair, it is enough for these soldiers to break their arms and legs, so they all followed carefully and surrounded Zhu. Feng's side.

Go ahead for a while and you will see Jiehe.

The river surface is wide, because the wind just started, so the river surface is not very calm, the waves are undulating, and the sand and gravel on the shore are constantly beating, and a lot of sand is rolled down. The river water is more turbid than what you saw in Bailong City. some.

Moreover, this river flows from south to north.

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Almost all rivers in the Central Plains flow from north to south. This river is strange."

Chen Zixiao originally looked around.

Hearing him say this, he immediately said: "Because the river has turned a few turns in this place, the emperor now sees the fourth turn, turning to the west of Baihu City, and then flowing south again."

Zhu Feng said, "So, this river also flows through White Tiger City?"



Zhu Feng nodded.

He continued to look up, but the road ahead was not smooth. The uneven slopes obstructed his vision, and Baihu City was completely invisible.

Chen Zixiao also said: "Here, I still can't see the White Tiger City. Not to mention there are a dozen miles away."

Zhu Feng let out a "um", still standing still, leaning down, and taking a handful of water to take a look.

Another gust of wind came, and the waves on the river became more turbulent.

A wave came over and patted directly on Zhu Feng's boots.


Several people hurried forward, and Zhu Feng said lightly: "It's okay."

Chen Zixiao looked at the sky, and then said, "Your Majesty, we have to go back. It's a bit later, and the sand is coming."


Zhu Feng did not speak. He squatted by the river and watched for a while. The water slowly overflowed and soaked the soles of his shoes. Then he stood up and said, "Let's go."

Chen Zixiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people immediately mounted their horses by the river, turned their horses around, and went to Han Dongwei.

However, before walking back on the road for a while, there was a wind.

There was also wind when it came, but it was just the gentle breeze blowing the grass up and down. This time, the wind gradually became stronger, and the yellow sand came from the north. Several times, several soldiers were on horseback. Shake up.

The horses also became uneasy and stopped twice, shaking their heads and snapping their noses.

Chen Zixiao still followed Zhu Feng not far behind, and turned back to several soldiers and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up!"


Everyone hurriedly clamped the horse's belly and followed up again.

Chen Zixiao looked up at the sky again, and was almost blinded by the blowing sand. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Originally, he saw that the weather was not so good today, but he didn't expect that the wind and sand came faster than he expected. , Of course, it is not a big event, but the emperor encounters sand on the first day, which is always a bad thing.

I just hope I can go back sooner and don't have any accidents.

Thinking of this, he raised his head.

However, Zhu Feng, who had been riding a horse galloping in the sand, suddenly swayed on his horse.

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