"Niang, Niang!"

The sun was shining, and almost all the green grass on the ground was oily. Ruo Shui was riding a pony and following behind Yiqi Juechen's Nanyan, his face almost getting oily.

She was sweating profusely, but she had to keep yelling: "My mother, be slow, my mother can't do this."

Nan Yan was riding a tall horse, galloping for a while. Although he was wearing a drapery hat on his head, the wind still penetrated into the white gauze hanging around the brim of the hat and blew in. Even if he was sweating, he was very happy.

She listened and looked back at Ruoshui, then smiled and said, "Hurry up."

Ruo Shui's pony ran over with all four hoofs, and breathed, "I can't do this with my mother, and the people behind are almost unable to keep up. My mother has promised before, not to run like this, servants Just let the empress ride a horse."

South flue: "My palace didn't run around."

"But Niang Niang can't keep up with everyone behind."

"It's not that there is no road here, they can naturally follow."

"But this can't work!"

If Shui is so anxious that she is about to cry: "The reason is unreasonable, in case someone sue the emperor, or let the people in the capital know, or let people see, what can I do about the reputation of the empress?"

You know, the imperial concubine has the prestige of the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine also has the restriction of the imperial concubine.

As the emperor’s concubine, it is impossible for ordinary men to easily see their true face. Even if they go home to save their relatives, if the emperor is not with him, they must be separated from the uncle and the others. curtain.

Even more arrogant about going out.

Other concubines hardly have the opportunity to go out like this. Even if they go out, they are surrounded by three layers inside and outside, and they must not be easy for people to see themselves.

But this time when Nanyan was traveling, in order to get to Bailong City faster, she always sat in the car at first, but after Dingxi, she couldn't sit still, got out of the car and started riding forward.

The accompanying people are naturally persuaded.

This had to let the emperor know that his concubine went on horseback, and in case the pedestrians on the road saw the true face of the concubine empress again, they were afraid that nine heads would not be enough to cut.

But where did Nan Yan listen to them?

The only thing that can be said is that this time the commander of Jin Yiwei who is responsible for protecting the imperial concubine's westward journey, Li is not hurt.

But he didn't even persuade him.

He rode only one horse, and followed Nan Yan far away.

At this moment, Nan Yan was panting slightly, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the figure following him far away.

When she met this time, she found that Li Bushang was much more silent than before.

It feels a bit strange.

In fact, every time two people meet, there must be at least half a year in between. No matter how familiar the relationship is, it will inevitably be alienated. What's more, the incident that happened before is always a thorn in Nan Yan's heart. , Seeing it once, it's like a **** in the heart.

Better not to.

So Nan Yan turned his head and looked forward again. It was almost dusk at this time, and the blood-red sunset in the distance gradually went underground.

At this moment, a group of men and horses came out from the red sunset.

When I looked closely, it was an old carriage. Even the windows of the carriage were shaken off. At a glance, I could see seven or eight dancing girls sitting inside, all with impatient expressions on their faces. Complained--

"It's really unlucky."

"Yeah, I thought I could fly on a branch and turn into a phoenix. It's fine now, I almost didn't turn into a mud duck."

"Forget it, don't complain, at any rate, the Yi Cheng still gave the money."

"What's that little money? It's better for us to earn a few days in the city, besides, we have suffered so much along the way. This broken carriage, the old lady's bones are about to fall apart."

"Who makes so many of us less than a female doctor?"

"Huh, what a female imperial doctor, I think it is--"

As he said, his voice lowered, and a burst of frivolous laughter broke out in the carriage.

Hearing this, Nan Yan rode his horse and stopped by the carriage.

"Please stay."

The man who drove the car was an honest middle-aged man. Seeing Nan Yan riding a tall horse, although he was not wearing a palace costume, he was dressed gorgeously. There was a little girl by his side, and there was a man with the appearance of an extraordinary guard behind him. The wife of the family hurriedly stopped the car.

The dancers in the carriage were turned upside down, and immediately shouted, "What are you doing?"

The coachman asked, "What can I do, madam?"

Nan Yan took the riding whip, bowed his hand to them, and smiled: "Excuse me, I have something to do. I want to ask some girls in the car."

The dancers opened the shabby curtain on the carriage and looked at her.

I probably guessed what kind of lady she was. The lady of the happy field never looked down on such a lady, because the lady most looked down on them. The two identities are the same. However, the lady was polite, and they said lightly, "What is this lady doing?"

Nan Yandao: "I heard that several people just said, how many are here to'do business'?"

Several women sneered.

One of the older ones said: "Yes, we don't have such a good life, we are not born in wealthy families, and we cannot marry aristocrats. We can only ask for a living through the wind and the rain."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "That's hard money, really."

Hearing what she said, the faces of several women improved.

He asked, "What are you asking?"

Nanyan Road: "I heard that there are no towns nearby. How can there be business when a few people come here?"

The older dancer said, "Yes, we didn't expect it, but after we came, we found that the post in front of the post was actually looking for people to serve singing and dancing. We just came over and used some of us. ."

Nan Yan smiled slightly and said, "That's a coincidence."


"Those... are the business doing well?"

"What a good thing,"

Speaking of this, several dancers suddenly began to pour bitterness: "After so long and painstaking preparations, the emperor turned out to be the result--the host family didn't even see us.

"Just hang out with the female doctor I brought, and stay with me most of the night."

"Yeah, it's really annoying."

Listening to Nan Yan, she remained calm.

But Ruo Shui beside her listened, his face changed, and he whispered: "Mother-Madam?"

Li Bushang, who was not far behind, also rode over.

When he listened, he was silent, his indifferent face seemed to have added a layer of frost.

After being quiet for a while, Nan Yan smiled and said, "That's it. I see, I'll disturb a few people."

With that, she was about to turn around and leave.

But when he was about to turn his horse's head, he suddenly thought of something. He turned around and said: "Several people, I still don't understand, how did you think of coming here to solicit business in such a barren place?"

A dancer immediately sneered: "If it weren't for someone to spend money to let us come here for business, we wouldn't come to this place where birds don't shit."

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