When she was feeling at a loss, Zhu Feng said again: "By the way, did you change your mind when I asked you about that last time?"


Xue Yun was taken aback again.

Why would the emperor mention this matter after he had already declined him?

She was a little confused, a little dazed, and even more a little uneasy. She stammered and said: "I, weir, weir..."

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng said: "Still dare not, unwilling, can't?"

Xue Yun bit his lower lip and nodded lightly.

Zhu Feng was not angry, but calmly said: "Well, you can go down."


Xue Yun was a little puzzled. After Zhu Feng asked himself again and again, after getting the answer that he declined, what was going on with that strange attitude?

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand, rubbed the place where the needle had just been pierced, and said calmly: "It's okay, you can go down."


Xue Yun exited his room anxiously.

Standing at the door, she was still a little hesitant. After a while, she turned and left. When she walked out of the courtyard, it was already pitch black. Only the faint light from the lantern under the eaves in the distance barely illuminated the road in front of her.

But, where is the road ahead of her?

If you don't know where you are from, it is difficult to know where you are going, because every step you step out is likely to be empty. It is precisely because of this that Zhu Feng eagerly wants to restore his memory, even if he may take huge risks.

What about yourself?

Where is your own way forward?

She walked with great thoughts, and suddenly she felt a gust of wind blowing by her side, but when she raised her head, it was pitch black.

Is it an illusion? Just felt like someone?

She subconsciously glanced over there, but saw nothing, and there was a sound of footsteps ahead.

Looking up, a group of soldiers on patrol passed by.

It turns out that the illusion just now was these soldiers on patrol.

Xue Yun breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that people would see it, and hurriedly walked back to his home with the medicine box.

The soldiers on patrol saw the figure leaving in a hurry, and one of them said softly: "That, is the doctor Xue next to the emperor."

"It's her."

"It sounds strange that a woman entered the court as an official and became an imperial doctor."

"What's so strange about this. We are Han Dongwei here. It is thousands of miles away from the capital. If you really arrive in the capital and be on duty in the palace, there are many strange things there."

"I, hey, it's enough for me to be a soldier in Han Dongwei in my whole life. Going to the capital, I'm afraid I won't die."

Everyone was talking and laughing. At this moment, the captain of the patrol came forward and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't laugh, watch your surroundings carefully. Your Majesty the Emperor has arrived at the captain's mansion, which is different from the past, just in case. What accident happened, we are all going to lose our heads."

Someone asked, "However, why did the emperor let Master Chen remove all the guards near his residence?"

"Yeah, we don't understand."

"Isn't the neighborhood of the emperor's residence supposed to be guarded strictly? The guards have been withdrawn, and even our patrol team can't approach it, isn't it—"

The captain frowned.

This is something he cannot understand.

Everyone knows that the safety of the emperor is the most important thing. Even if everyone knows, his majesty was born in the army, his martial arts, his martial arts, ordinary generals are inferior, but that has been a long time ago, and this place is not so important. The guarded capital, but the border of the enemy country.

This way, all the guards are removed, and the patrol team is not allowed to approach the patrol. What if there is any spy, or even an assassin approaching, what should happen?

He also reacted to Chen Zixiao, but Master Chen was also very embarrassed.

It is the will of the emperor.

Everyone can only patrol closely outside the residence of the emperor to prevent any accident from happening.

So he cheered up and said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, do what you should do. Look around carefully, and immediately warn you if there is something unusual."


The same dark night was another scene in Nan Yan's eyes.

They did not go to the post, but after walking a long way, seeing the darkness, they camped on the spot.

This is not a difficult task for the accompanying Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei's training also includes training in camping in the wild, and even how to survive in the harshest environment.

Therefore, the camp was set up before it was completely dark.

There were pots on several bonfires, and within a short while, the smell of food wafted out of the night breeze.

Li Bushang filled a bowl of porridge and delivered it directly to Nan Yan.

Ruo Shui was watching, frowned slightly.

Although she didn't fully know Li Bushang's identity after coming to serve Nan Yan soon, Aunt Tongyun had already told her about the relationship between the commander and the imperial concubine and told her: He is right. As far as the empress is concerned, it is special, but you have to be careful not to let him get too close to the empress.

Nan Yan also raised his head and glanced at him. After a moment of silence, he stretched out his hand to take it, and then said: "You go to eat yours, don't care about my palace."

Li Bushang didn't speak, only stepped aside and looked at him quietly.

Being watched by such a young and handsome man who also enjoys the wealth of high-ranking officials may be the dream of many girls, but Nan Yan only feels like a throat.

Although the hot porridge was fragrant, she couldn't drink it.

What's more, what those people said during the day are still hanging in her heart.

She was silent for a while, put down the porridge bowl, and stood up.

Ruoshui immediately said, "Where are you going?"

South flue: "My palace wants to walk around and relax."

"The slave and maid accompany--"

"No need,"

Knowing what she was going to say, Nan Yan waved her hand faintly and said: "This palace will not go too far, don't follow, this palace wants to take it alone."


Ruo Shui could only sigh and take a step back.

Nan Yan paced slowly by himself, and after a while, his figure was swallowed by the dark night surrounding him.

Ruoshui sighed.

She knew that the imperial concubine must be scratching her heart with hundreds of claws, too many troubles entangled her like a poisonous snake, but unfortunately, as her servant, she can only take care of her diet and daily life. Others, everything. Can't help.

I don't know how a thin and weak woman like her lived through those difficult years.

Just looking at her now, it can be seen.


Ruo Shui lightly sighed and murmured: "Noble concubine, there are also the troubles of noble concubines, and they are no more comfortable than ordinary peasant women."

She was sighing, and when she looked back, she was surprised to find that the Jinyiwei commander who had just stood quietly no longer where she was.

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