"He treats you as if—"

Nan Yan interrupted him coldly and said, "If you have anything to say, don't talk about gossip."


Munch seemed to have been hit directly in front of him, and he was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Okay. It seems that you are really married to someone, and your character is more like that person."

Without waiting for Nan Yan to get angry, he continued: "I want to cooperate with you."

Nan Yan raised his eyebrows: "Cooperation? What is cooperation?"

Munch smiled and said, "What do you say about cooperation?"


"You, and your emperor, why did you come here all the way?"

Nan Yan subconsciously wanted to argue, but Munch had already said: "I will be honest with you, and I hope you will not engage in useless arguments."


"After all, we have eyes and ears inserted in each other's place on both sides."


"So, there are some things, just click and stop."

Nan Yan's face sank.

Of course, she also knew that Zhu Feng's spying in Lao, and the emperor Lao's spying in the Yan country were common. It was strange to say that there was no such thing. For diplomatic relations between the two countries, there must be a calm gentleman on the table, and naturally, there must be shadows that cannot be seen under the sun.

Nanyan Road: "Well, I won't say much."


"You said cooperation, do you want us to help you?"


Munch said: "Your Majesty the emperor should have known for a long time that I and King Nanli will fight in White Tiger City. Except for the people guarding the border and the city of Kulun, our army has been mobilized to this place."


Nan Yan didn't speak, but gave him a flickering look.

You know, it is very unwise to talk to someone else, and the imperial concubine of an enemy country, about the direction of mobilizing the army.

However, Munch obviously will not make such a low-level mistake.

Therefore, he said one more thing, the people on the border and the city of Cullen have not moved.

That is to avoid their "crank thinking".

Nan Yan smiled faintly, just not caring, and then said, "So what?"

Munch said: "Whoever you help is helping the future Lao Guo."


"In the future, the country of Lai will naturally repair it with your country from generation to generation, and will never fight again."


Fix it for generations and never fight again.

This is the best kind of relationship between the two countries.

However, Nan Yan remained calm and said, "So what?"

Hearing her say this, Munch recovered, and gritted his teeth in his heart, but also a wry smile.

The innocent woman who had been deceived by them had already developed a heart of stone, not so easy to deceive, and not so easy to persuade.

She kept asking this, forcing herself to give in.

It is also for this possible "negotiation" to seek the greatest benefit Yan Guo can get.

Munch said: "If you help me and win this war, then I can promise—"

Nan Yan looked up at him.

Munch said, "All the ten miles of White Tiger City will be allocated to you."

Nan Yan took a deep breath.

This involves cutting the land.

Judging from some historical stories that she already knew, the cede of land between countries, a city with a radius of ten miles, is not worth mentioning.

However, this is the first time in decades that Kuo Kuo ceded land to Yan Kuo.

Moreover, it is in White Tiger City.

In fact, White Tiger City is just a small city on the border. Nanyan was looted to Kulun City by them, and he knew some of their domestic problems. White Tiger City had no major significance except for a palace.

Not only is it meaningless, it can also be a hassle.

Because Nanli King Azilan uses White Tiger City as his base and has been confronting Munch, that place and the surrounding forces are also a headache for Munch. If it is ceded out, it is like getting rid of it. Like a malignant tumor.

For Zhu Feng, the meaning is quite different.

White Tiger City is adjacent to White Dragon City.

He has always been thinking about taking down White Dragon City. If he can take down White Tiger City this time, then it is just around the corner to get the White Dragon City in his pocket.

For the future to open the door of the Western Regions, it will be profitable and harmless.

Nan Yan's heart beat faster.

But her face remained calm, and she only said lightly: "Ten miles around? A white tiger city?"

Munch immediately read the meaning of "just this point" from her tone.

He smiled and said, "Noble concubine, don't bargain with me. I understand the price and it is enough for you."


"If you want to take advantage of the fire, sit down and raise the price, then I can't agree."

Nan Yan raised his eyebrows again.

After all, she was just a noble concubine, and she had never really experienced such a negotiation occasion. At least from what she knows now, Munch's condition is attractive enough.

Moreover, help him fight Ajislan...

Can be regarded as helping the dog hit the dog.

She thought for a while, and then said: "You also know that this palace is just a noble concubine. Logically speaking, you shouldn't tell this palace about this kind of thing, and this palace can't be the master."

Munch smiled and said, "Of course I know you can't be the master."


"However, when you talk to the emperor of your country, you can speak the most directly and the most intriguing."


"So I just want to tell you this, and let you bring it to him."

Nan Yan looked at him for a while, and then said: "My palace can help you with this, but it is not my palace's ability to decide how the emperor will decide."

Munch smiled and said, "Then, I will wait for your news."

Nan Yan thought for a while and said, "However, if the emperor makes a decision, how will he deliver the message to you? You--"

When she rushed to Han Dongwei, she told Zhu Feng, and when a decision was made, there might have been a fight in White Tiger City.

How is the message delivered?

Munch thought for a while, smiled and stepped forward, leaning to her ear.

"what are you doing--?!"

Just as he was about to speak, an angry shout rang out behind him, and then a gust of wind hit him.

Before Nan Yan could react, she felt a cold light before her eyes.

It was Li Bushang who rushed down from the **** in an instant. His figure was like the wind, and a long sword in his sleeve swished out like a poisonous snake, and it was placed on Munch's neck.

At the same time, the guard named Temoor also got angry.

He followed Li Bu hurt and stretched out his hand, a steel knife in his hand slashed towards the back of Li Bu hurt, and the two confronted each other.

As long as Li's uninjured hand scores another point, he can cut off Li's uninjured head.

But Li does not hurt at all, regardless of the danger behind him.

He only clenched the hilt in his hand, gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Stay away from her!"

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