The two of them were the same as before, walking slowly towards the river with the red light of the setting sun. Following their steps, the red light of the setting sun slowly faded and dimmed.

In the end, the earth faded from its bright red and plunged into the gloomy night.

By the time they reached the river, the light had dimmed.

A bright moon slowly slid to the zenith.

The moonlight quietly sprinkled on the river surface, and with the continuous flow of the river, the sparkling waves continued to flicker, as if countless glowing fish were rolling in the quiet night, swimming into the distance.

And the distance... is the White Tiger City that they can't see.

Zhu Feng stood by the river, listening to the gurgling water in his ears, looking at the dark night in the distance, and did not speak.

Xue Yun naturally couldn't speak.

She was not in a relaxed mood at this time.

She has not forgotten that Zhu Feng took her to the Yulian River in the same way last time. She thought it was to see the scenery or inspect the border, but she did not expect that for the third time, he mentioned to her about entering the palace as a concubine.

Even more unexpectedly, King Nanli of the Kingdom of Suo would appear here.

Visited this place again today.

Do you want to meet with that king of Nanli again, or-do you want to mention that again?

She looked at Zhu Feng cautiously.

But I saw that the emperor only looked at the night ahead, motionless, and came here today on horseback for most of the day, just to see the night here.

Of course, it is good for him not to speak.

Xue Yun also walked to the river and looked at the quietly flowing river under his feet. He seemed to be in the same mood as the river. On the surface, it seemed calm, but the undercurrent in his heart kept rolling.

Time passed bit by bit.

The edge of the Yulian River gradually became pitch black, leaving only the brilliance cast by the bright moon above his head, and the surrounding area was already out of sight.

At this moment, Zhu Feng's voice sounded behind him.

"Xue Yun."


Suddenly hearing him call himself, Xue Yun was stunned for a while, then slowly turned his head to look at Xiang Zhu Feng for a while.

His eyes flickered: "The emperor...what's the order?"

Zhu Feng looked at her quietly.

Although she looked calm, she could still see clearly in the moonlight. When she heard Zhu Feng call her, her shoulder twitched slightly.

It feels like, when the needle is applied to detoxify, he is clearly prepared, but when the sharp and cold needle pierces the skin and penetrates the flesh, no matter how prepared it is, it still feels painful.

Zhu Feng looked at her for a while, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

Said: "You seem to know what I want to tell you?"


Xue Yun gasped.

Shen said: "The emperor... still have to ask the minister about entering the harem as a concubine?"


Zhu Fenghao looked at her in his spare time: "This time, what is your answer?"


"Or, you still haven't changed your mind. Still-dare, unwilling, can't?"

Xue Yun lowered his head and said softly: "Please forgive me, the emperor."

Zhu Feng smiled faintly and said, "It's okay."

After speaking, he turned around as if nothing had happened before, and continued to look at the scenery ahead.

Although it was already pitch black, I couldn't see anything at all.

Instead, it was Xue Yun, looking at him with a heavy face.

As if holding back something and holding it for a long time, she finally couldn't help it, and said softly: "The emperor, can you ask why?"

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