Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2575: Both sides meet the source, not leaking

Zhu Feng said: "I need you to kill as much as possible in this battle and weaken Munch's power."

Hearing this, Ajislan frowned.

Going to kill the enemy is naturally to weaken the opponent's strength, and he and Munch have reached the point of incompatible with fire and water. How can you be merciful in the battlefield?

Zhu Feng's words are not only inexplicable, but also suspicious.

He said solemnly: "What do you mean?"

Zhu Feng looked at him and said word by word: "That's why I will make this request, because-I will also agree to Munch and send troops to help him."


Upon hearing this, the eyebrows of Arislan's thick eyebrows almost tucked into one place. He looked at Zhu Feng, his eyes already showing a little coldness, and said: "Your Majesty meant that you want to eat both sides?"

Zhu Feng said calmly: "If I really want to eat both sides, I don't have to tell you so much to King Nanli."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Why don't you think about it, if I only agree to you, but not to him, what will happen to him?"

Hearing this, Ajislan frowned again.

Zhu Feng said: "I have dealt with you for so many years, even if I don't know you very well, I understand each one by eight or nine points. With Munch's character, he can think of coming to my concubine, how can he not think of it, You will come to me directly."


"How can he not think that he can propose the White Tiger City for a deal, and you will naturally propose the Great Wall trench. Because these two places are both irrelevant to you."


"If I shouldn't want him, how could he not think that I would answer you."


"In this way, his actions will naturally need to be adjusted."


"Before this, his gaze and strength were set in the northwest to confront you, but if I helped you, he would obviously understand that my purpose was the Great Wall trench. In this way, even if you give me the Great Wall trench, But he will definitely make adjustments in this battle, as long as the strongman breaks his wrist and abandons the White Tiger City, he must also hold the Great Wall trench."


"At that time, I'm not going to be empty with a bamboo basket?"


"So, I need you to annihilate his viable power as much as possible, so that he can neither win the battle here, nor can he look back."


"At that time, I can take down the Great Wall trench, and your pressure on White Tiger City can also be reduced."


"Let's take what we need."

Ajislan thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "That said, but your Majesty also said that you will send troops to help him."

"Not bad."

Arislan sneered and said: "This king and him were originally evenly matched. Because of this, I hope that his majesty will send troops to help each other. The purpose is to defeat the other party. If your majesty really wants to send troops to help him, he also asks this king to do his best. Weakened his power, is this possible?"

Zhu Feng said calmly: "This is what I want to tell you tonight, the arrangement on the battlefield."


Ajislan looked at him: "How does your Majesty plan to arrange?"

Zhu Feng said: "I will indeed send troops to help him, but there is a saying, "Work without effort," King Nanli has heard of."

"Work without effort?"

Ajislan frowned slightly and repeated these four words.

Although he is a native of Kuo, he is well versed in the way of life, and he is not completely ignorant of the customs and customs of the Yan Kingdom. Even if he has never heard of this sentence before, but after listening to it, he can't remember it.

He looked at Zhu Feng and said, "You mean, you sent troops to help him, only doing superficial articles?"

"Not bad."


"The people I send, I will first tune up clearly. On the battlefield, facing your troops, they will only behave, and they will never really fight life and death."


"In this way, your troops can focus on Munch's troops."

Ajislan said coldly: "Isn't this the king fighting him?"

Zhu Feng said: "If I send troops, it will be different."

"What is the difference?"

"As soon as the dispatched person, because I sent troops, then Munch will definitely have reservations. After all, he is different from you. Behind him is the city of Cullen, or in other words, there are my people in Peking watching him at any time. If the pressure can be relieved here, he will naturally not use his own elite soldiers."


"In this way, if he matches your strengths and weaknesses, there is no need for me to say more."


"At that time, if Nanli King's men attacked with all their strength, the result would be self-evident."


After hearing this, Ajislan didn't speak for a long time, but frowned in thought.

Obviously, there is still some hesitation.

After a long time, he looked up at Zhu Feng and said, "How do the king's men distinguish yours from Munch's men and horses?"

Zhu Feng said: "It's very simple. I dispatched the past men and horses, dressed in white."


"This is an agreement between Munch and Nan Yan. It was agreed on the way here, and it will not be changed."


"At that time, my people and horses will naturally not attack your people and horses, and you - your people and horses only need to focus on Munch's people and horses."

Ajislan looked at him deeply for a while.

Then said: "Okay."

Zhu Feng said: "Then, we'll make a decision."

After speaking, the two people raised their hands at the same time, giving a high-five.

Zhu Feng said: "Then, please ask King Nanli to go back and make good preparations. When the war begins, our troops will cross the Yulian River and go to Baihu City."

Ajislan said: "Please."

Zhu Feng turned around, waved to Xue Yun who was standing not far away, and was about to walk to the distant birch forest.

But just as he was about to leave, Ajslan's voice came from behind.

"His Majesty."


Zhu Feng looked back at him: "Why, what else does King Nanli want to ask?"

Ajislan glanced at Xue Yun, then looked at him, and said, "This king has only one digression."

Zhu Feng seemed to feel something in his eyes, so he turned around in his spare time: "You said."

Ajislan said: "What the Emperor did here...Does the imperial concubine all know about the decision he made?"

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

He felt that when Ajislan asked these words, he meant to irritate him.

But this anger is very limited.

Zhu Feng hugged his arms and said slowly: "She is a noble concubine. I should let her know. I will naturally let her know; if she shouldn't know, she won't know."

Ajislan looked at him for a while.

Shen Shen said: "The king is waiting for your majesty's arrangement."

Zhu Feng turned around and left with Xue Yun.

Waiting until their backs disappeared into the night, a cold light flashed in the eyes of Ajislan, who was standing still, and said coldly: "Well, Zhu Feng, both sides have the same source, no drips."

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