Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2579: Is she a noble concubine or a concubine?

She thought about it, and then suddenly asked, "Then this time, take Xue Yun there?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Said with a faint smile: "Go over there, what do you take her for?"


"She also followed me for a day outside. After all, she is a woman. Let her rest."


Nan Yan immediately said, "The emperor will pity and cherish jade."

Zhu Feng looked at her again, as if he was too lazy to take care of her, got up to go to the couch and sit down to rest. Nan Yan immediately got up and walked over, sat on the edge of the couch, and said, "My concubine is going too."


Zhu Feng had already closed his eyes, and when he heard this, he opened his eyes and looked at her again.

What she saw was the red blood in her eyes.

He said in a deep voice, "You didn't sleep last night, right."


"I stayed up all night like this, and still want to go out with me? This time I am not going out in a carriage, but still riding a horse. Can you bear it?"


"Stay in the captain's mansion obediently."

Nan Yan hurriedly said: "Where is the concubine so weak? Besides, I squinted for a while last night, and it was all right. The emperor let the concubine go."


"The emperor took Xue Yun to Yulianhe last time, but the concubine came to Han Dongwei and never went out with the emperor."


"Is she a noble concubine or a concubine?"


"The emperor is too partial!"

Hearing this, Zhu Feng was angry and funny, and directly stretched out his hand to pinch her face: "You are following me again, don't you?"

Nan Yan grinned to the side when he twisted his mouth.

But still firmly said: "The emperor is partial!"

Zhu Feng was so angry that he laughed, but let alone Nan Yan didn't sleep last night, in fact, he was outside and didn't sleep all night. At this time, he was really sleepy.

He pointed to the food on the table and said: "You go and finish the meal first, I will think about it, and I will tell you when I think about it."

Nan Yan had no choice but to return to the table by himself, and ate the remaining half of the bowl of rice hastily.

When I looked back, Zhu Feng was already asleep on the couch.

Just a few maids came in to clean up the dishes, she immediately made a silent gesture, everyone did not dare to move for a while, she whispered: "Be quiet, don't surprise the emperor."

Everyone responded and carefully took away the dishes.

The door was also closed.

Nan Yan walked back to the couch and looked down at Zhu Feng. He slept very deeply. He was obviously the same as himself last night. I was afraid that he didn't even squint for a while, got up early in the morning and had to ride back. No wonder it is so tired.

Nan Yan sighed lightly and murmured, "Who said that the emperor is the ninety-fifth supreme?"


"Emperor, it's clearly the biggest chore in the world."

She walked to the door, whispered a few words to Ruo Shui outside, then walked back and sat aside, yawning softly.

She barely slept last night and she was also very sleepy.

He simply lay on the edge of the couch, pinched a corner of Zhu Feng's clothes in his hand, and fell asleep.

About half an hour later, Zhu Feng, who had been asleep, seemed to feel something. He opened his eyes and immediately looked back at the sky outside the window.

It's already a moment.

It's almost time, let's get ready, it's time to go.

Thinking of this, he was about to stand up, but immediately saw Nan Yan next to him, sitting on a small stool beside him, with his upper body lying next to him, falling asleep deeply.

And one corner of her clothes was still pinched in her hand.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng couldn't help laughing.

Muttered: "There are quite a few eyes."

He was hesitant to take her with him. Hearing her complaints like that, it wouldn't hurt to take her with him. This girl's riding skills over the years are only better than in the past, and she definitely won't hold everyone back.

But seeing her sleeping like this, she was really sleepy.

According to the information returned by the spies sent by Chen Zixiao, the place where Munch camped was farther than Yulianhe—of course, after all, the two sides were facing each other and it was impossible to camp within the attack range of the other side.

They passed this way, and, if anything, they would not arrive until tomorrow morning.

In this way, she is not tired of being half dead.

Thinking of this, he gently pulled the corners of his clothes out, planning to leave without waking her up.

But at this moment, Ruoshui's soft knock on the door sounded outside the door, and he said carefully: "Niangniang, Shen Shi has arrived. The slave and maidservant have come to call you, is Niangniang awake?"

Zhu Feng's breath sank.

Before she reached out to cover Nan Yan's ears, she had already bounced off the couch suddenly, and she was still a little confused: "Eh? Go away?"

Zhu Feng looked at her, smiled and shook his head.


Nan Yan saw that he had woken up, he was still a little confused, but when he lowered his head to see that he was pulling the corners of his clothes, he immediately woke up and said, "The emperor really wants to leave his concubine!"

Ruoshui outside the door heard the sound inside and immediately did not dare to move.

Zhu Feng shook his head and smiled: "Well, I can't help you. Get up, it's time to go."

Nan Yan glared at him again.

Only then got up, let Ruoshui come in and serve them to freshen up a bit, while still muttering in his mouth: "Fortunately, my concubine was prepared, let Ruoshui look at the hour and wake up his concubine, otherwise, the emperor will definitely leave a concubine. People are gone."

Zhu Feng washed his face with cold water. Because the weather was too dry, Ruoshui also specially applied facial balm. He didn't want it, but Nan Yan took the box and picked a big tuft on his palm and wiped it away. Then apply it to his face.

While hiding, Zhu Feng said in disgust, "What do I want this to do?"

South flue: "It's useful for the emperor, the northwest is windy and sandy. If you blow it down like this, you will have a crack in your face."

"It's not a big deal if it splits."

"That won't work."

Nan Yan finally managed to smooth it evenly under his obstruction. He looked at his face again and said with a smile: "The emperor was born so good-looking, and a concubine with a crack in his face will feel distressed."

Zhu Feng listened very angry and funny.

Frowning and said: "Where did you learn these?"


"Good-looking? I don't need to look good."

Nan Yan snorted, then turned to face the bronze mirror and smeared a layer on his face, muttering: "This is the death of drought, drought, and flood. Good-looking people never care about their face. , The unsightly ones are also coated with grease layer by layer, which is maddening."

Zhu Feng couldn't help poking her in the head.

"Your gossip is getting more and more."

On the way back, he had already explained the schedule, and the two of them had finished freshening up, and when they left the house, Ying Shao had already taken someone to wait outside.

All the soldiers wear white clothes and light armor.

Everyone's face was really blown by the wind and sand, but looking from a distance, each one was very brilliant.

Chen Zixiao and others were not accompanied this time, but they all stood at the door of the captain's mansion.

Xue Yun also came.

Seeing Nan Yan coming over, she was stunned for a moment, and whispered, "I want to go too?"

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