Nan Yan turned to look at him.

After a while, he whispered, "This is what the emperor said before, that there was an arrangement, right?"

Zhu Feng looked up at her.

There was a light and shadow in the eyes that seemed to be smiling, and he only said: "Tell me, what I have arranged, let me listen to it."

After speaking, I still eat.

Nan Yan was holding the small bowl of soup in both hands, and stopped drinking the soup. He was serious and even thought hard. After being sick for a few days, he fished out something from his brain that was almost messed up. , And sorted it out carefully.

Then he said: "It's... water."

Zhu Feng said: "Continue."

"Before the emperor, he went to inspect the Yulian River several times. Although it was with Xue Yun that she was allowed to enter the harem, in fact, the emperor did go to see the direction of the Yulian River."


"The White Tiger City is right by the Yulian River. It's not easy to get started."


"If you act on them, even we will be implicated. Therefore, the emperor thought of the lower reaches of the Yulian River. The military camp where Munch is stationed draws water from the Yulian River."

Zhu Feng was noncommittal, only saying: "What about then."


Nan Yan tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "The concubine was traveling alone in the city for a long time, and found that the water truck in the city began to carry a large amount of water back, at least it can provide the city for several months."


"When you think about it, the emperor is worried that the outbreak of the epidemic will be difficult to control. Therefore, we must first eliminate the possibility of infecting Handongwei from the source, that is, use clean water."

Zhu Feng said: "Then, how do you know that the epidemic is caused by me?"

Nanyan Road: "Because from those few days, even the concubine and the emperor could not eat too much meat."


"It stands to reason that the supply of the Kansai Seven Guards is provided by Chuan-Shan and other places. Otherwise, the road may be blocked and the supply may not be in good time; but everyone knows that the emperor inspected the northwest Handongwei and Chuan-Shan. Unless officials don't want to do it, there is absolutely no shortage of supplies here."


"Even if their supply is too late, but Chen Zixiao is such a loyal and good general, even if he cuts off his body, it is for the emperor's use, how could there be a shortage of concubine and the emperor's table."


"It is very likely that there will be a lot of consumption in the near future."


"Moreover, it's the emperor's expense."

Nan Yan looked at him and said earnestly: "The concubine knows that the emperor reads history books and likes the God of War II and Huo by Emperor Wu very much. He regards them as generals, and often sighs that Huo Qubing died young. They once heard the old grandmother talk about a field history, saying that Huo Qubing’s death was caused by the Huns who buried sick cattle and sheep around the water source. The water became infected with the disease. Huo Qubing was infected with the disease because of drinking such water. Eventually died young."


"The emperor uses this method..."

Zhu Feng didn't speak, only the corners of his lips were hooked.

Nan Yan opened his eyes wide: "Really!"

Zhu Feng still didn't speak, but Nan Yan looked into his eyes and knew the answer.

She sighed and said: "So when the emperor took his concubine to Munch's barracks before, he strictly controlled everyone's food and water. Even the people Yingshao brought with them all brought their own dry food and water. On the surface. The above is to beware of Munch poisoning them, in fact, it is because the water they use cannot be drunk."

Zhu Feng finished the bowl and put down the chopsticks.

Then he said, "You don't know it now, right."

Nan Yan blinked: "Huh?"

Zhu Feng said with a calm face, "I took you to Munch's camp. When I left, did you remind the guy named Xiujun to pay attention to her drinking water?"


Hearing this, Nan Yan lowered his head.

Zhu Feng said with a sullen face: "Do you know that if you say this, if the listener at Xiujun has the heart, and if he understands the meaning of your words, he tells Munch, then my plan will be defeated."

Nan Yan whispered: "The emperor forgive me."

In fact, at that time, she didn't fully guess Zhu Feng's plan, but knew that he often inspected the Yulian River, saw the water transporting cars in the city busy, and felt that there was a lot of meat on the table.

She faintly felt that there might be a problem with the water.

Later, when they returned from Munch camp, they even saw the vehicles transporting filth in the city going to the Yulian River, and she was even more sure of her guess.

Nan Yan whispered: "Actually, my concubine didn't want to save her. I just knew that she was pregnant and couldn't bear it."


"The child is innocent after all."

Zhu Feng glanced at her, and said Shen Shen: "Nothing."


"At least there is nothing wrong now." Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Then, Munch and the others have really withdrawn their troops now?"

Zhu Feng said: "According to Ying Shao's return, Munch's statistics are close to 30,000 people lost. Even if there is a difference, this number is not much different, but the disease is different."


"He sent troops this time and lost at least half of his troops."


"In the past few years, on his side, he will not send troops easily anymore."

Nan Yan asked hurriedly, "Then, where is Ajislan?"


"He is afraid that he won't be infected with the disease."

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said faintly: "He... there is no need for disease."

No disease?

When Nan Yan heard these four words, his heart moved slightly.

I don't know why, but when I listened to it, it seemed as if there was something in the words-no disease, what would it be?

But seeing Zhu Feng's unpredictable look, she couldn't ask if she wanted to. She could only obediently hold the bowl and drank the remaining warm soup in one gulp.

She wiped her mouth, and was about to get up and walk back to the couch to rest, when she suddenly remembered something.

Looking back at Zhu Feng: "By the way, the emperor, my concubine has fallen asleep for these two days, is there any news about Xue Yun?"

Zhu Feng said: "No."


Nan Yan's eyes widened: "Haven't found it yet?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her: "You are more anxious than me."

Nan Yan frowned and said in a deep voice: "The concubine doesn't want anything else, she just thinks that she is a lonely weak woman walking on the grassland like this, it is inevitable that something will happen."

Zhu Feng let out a heavy sigh.

Judging from his expression, it is obviously not easy.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to travel on the grasslands. Even the teams he sends out need guides and guards. Civilian caravans need to hire military guards to walk in these places.

She left alone like this, almost killing her life.

It seems that it really pushed her to a desperate situation.

I just don't know if I can force something out.

At this moment, Xiao Shunzi hurriedly walked in from the outside, bowed down on her knees, and said, "I'm the emperor Qi, there is news about Doctor Xue!"

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