Nan Yan's eyes lit up when she heard it.

"Xinping's handwritten letter? I want to read it!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to retrieve the letter.

Zhu Feng wrapped one hand around her waist to prevent her from moving, and held the letter aloft with one hand.

He smiled and said, "What are you looking at? These are all trivial things, so you don't need to watch."


Nan Yan was in a hurry, grabbing his arm with both hands and pulling down forcefully.

He kept muttering: "Give it to me, give it to me quickly."

Seeing that she was about to rush under the couch, Zhu Feng hurriedly reached out to catch her, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, no trouble. Hurry up and read the letter and don't fall down later."

Hearing what he said, Nan Yan sat down obediently.

He couldn't help but eagerly asked: "When did it come?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Sent from the station early in the morning. It seems that it was sent from the capital at least a few days ago."

Nan Yan saw that he was still opening the envelope and couldn't help but squeeze the corner of his mouth.

After receiving the letter, he didn't open it to look at it immediately, but brought it over to look at it with himself.

As Zhu Feng opened the envelope, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, and he smiled and said: "I thought this girl only knows how to eat and sleep. I didn't expect that she was so filial that she would write to us."

Nan Yan couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said, "The emperor. Does anyone say that about his daughter!"

"Well, I don't want to talk about her. After all, it's a way to learn."


The two people laughed and quarreled for a long time. They finally opened the envelope, pulled out a thin piece of letterhead, and opened it—

Nan Yan couldn't help but laughed out loud, "This, what is this?"

There is a ghost symbol on it.

Zhu Feng smiled, and put the letter paper in front of him, trying to identify it.

"Father... Mother... fly, hahahaha."

Nan Yan also laughed, and leaned in to look at it again. The two bosses' ink **** had condensed behind the honorific statement. After careful identification, they looked like the word "Wai Bai", but they almost couldn't see the strokes clearly. Crossed out again.

The following awkward sentence: Erchen misses you.

The tears of Nan Yan's smile were about to flow out.

He smiled and said, "She can't write these two words yet."

Zhu Feng also kept rubbing the bridge of his nose, holding back his smile so that his shoulders twitched slightly, and said: "These two words must have been written by Concubine Shun with her. This girl must have been impatient afterwards."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Sister Shun Fei is also literate."

"I didn't do it before. Later, I taught her a little bit with the queen. But she started too late and didn't learn much, so she can take this girl."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I can't bring it along."

Zhu Feng also laughed.

Just said: "Okay, just look at it, I won't force it."

The two got together and continued to look down.

The words at the back are a little more neat, and you can see that it was handwritten by Concubine Shun Xinqing who caught Xinping, and it was naturally about eating and studying on weekdays.

He even talked about Han Wang Chengjun.

Thinking about it, Xinqing also watched them leave the capital for too long, fearing that they were worried about the princess and the King of Han, so she sent such a letter specially.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Thanks to Sister Shun Fei and Concubine Yi, otherwise, my concubine would have gone uneasy this time."

Zhu Feng said: "Don't worry, when Wei Wang was a child, Concubine Shun also took him for a period of time. She will take good care of the child."

The two continued to look down.

After a few neater lines, another row of ghost symbols appeared behind him, which was obviously written by Xinping himself.

Nan Yan squinted his eyes, recognized it for a long time and finally reluctantly recognized it, and said: "Brother-brother, good boy, son... good, bad brother..."

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand and covered his face.

But even if he covers his face, he can see the corners of his mouth curl up, and the smile lines in the corners of his eyes are exposed.

Nan Yan gritted his teeth, angered and laughed, and said, "What's wrong, if you are so small, you will be suspicious."

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand and wiped his face, as if he wanted to erase the smile on his face and restore the serious expression of the past, but after all he couldn't control it, and tears were about to flow out of his smile, and said, "It must be everyone. They protect Cheng Jun when she is young, and when she grows up, she naturally won't let her be the same as before."

Nan Yan said: "It's because the emperor used to be too used to her before, that's why."


"Before my concubine left, I also greeted sister Shun Fei and sister Yi Fei. Xin Ping's meals should also be reduced, especially those snacks, so she can no longer let her eat Hesai as she used to."

Zhu Feng said, "I'm afraid this is a big grievance. No wonder I started talking gossip."

After speaking, he said to Nan Yan: "You should also tell me."

Nan Yan said: "It's just to take advantage of the emperor's absence, when we are all leaving. If the emperor is there, she will definitely not be able to withstand her two or three pleadings, it is not what she wants to give."

Zhu Feng smiled twice.

Nan Yan said with a serious face: "This time when I go back, the emperor will never be like before. She is not young anymore, so she has to take care of it."

Zhu Feng sighed and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

The two discussed a certain amount, and then looked at the back.

At the back, there are three crooked, almost half of them are written on the outside of the letter paper——

Brother Tian.

But under the word "Tian", there seem to be a few strokes.

Nan Yan recognized it for a while and murmured: "Tired, this is a tired word, she can't finish it."


"Xinping is saying that Wang Wei is very tired."

Nan Yan said, his eyes flickered, then turned to look at Zhu Feng.

But when Zhu Feng heard the words, he sighed softly.

After a while, he chuckled lightly and said, "This girl will sue her brother for blackness, and she will feel sorry for others."

Nan Yan smiled, looked at the letter again, carefully folded it according to the previous crease, put it back in the envelope, and then looked up at Zhu Feng: "Even Xinping would say that, it can be seen that Wei Wang is true. It's hard work."

Zhu Feng said: "He has joined the cabinet, so naturally he can't be as silly as he used to be.


"Now that Liu Yueze has gone to Shu, Xu Shifeng and Ye Hao will go south together. The cabinet affairs are overwhelming. It should be a good time for him. If he doesn't take advantage of doing more things now, where will his reputation and popularity come from in the future?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "This is true."

She thought for a while, and then suddenly remembered that He Yi, who was the chief minister of the cabinet, was now in charge of supervising the making of jade garments. It has not been in the cabinet for a long time. The people in the cabinet are so busy because of this.

Why did Zhu Feng alienate him?

Feeling her gaze, Zhu Feng turned to look at her: "Huh? What's wrong?"


Nan Yan hesitated, then smiled and shook his head: "It's okay."


"The concubine just remembered that the emperor seemed to say that that night, there are other arrangements for Jiangnan, especially Jinling, right?"

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