Murong Qiuming sneered and said, "Frontally, stick straight. Then, please ask this adult to look at me again."

He said, spread his arms, and said coldly: "This young man wears this dress all day today."


Li Bushang frowned slightly, and looked at him by the candlelight in the room. Murong Qiuming was wearing a white long dress, although it was not as white as snow—after all, as he said, he would wear it all day. After riding the horse for so long and then stopping to walk on the grassland, it must be contaminated with some mud.

However, there is not a drop of blood.

Everyone immediately understood what he meant.

Everyone found no murder weapon on the corpse or in this tent. It was obvious that the murderer pulled out after killing.

So, if he really came here to kill Cheng Ye, stab him straight from the front with a knife, and after pulling out the knife, blood would surely splash on him. He was dressed in white, it would be impossible not to splash any blood. .

Therefore, he is not a murderer.

Li Bushang looked at him in white, his eyes flickering slightly.

Several guards around said one after another: "We can testify that Mr. Murong wears this dress all day today and has not changed it."

Xue Huaien said: "Yes, I can also testify."

Li Bushang was silent for a while, and said, "Then, there is no one to suspect for now."


Murong Qiuming adjusted his collar and sneered at him.

Li Bushang continued: "But the person is dead, and the truth must be found out. Even if the murderer is not found now, there should be some clues left in this tent, in the camp, and even around the camp. If you agree, we will temporarily Stay here, how about finding out the truth?"

When he said this, Tian Ye and the others were all stunned.

I wanted to say something, but I looked at the surrounding situation and swallowed it all.

Murong Qiuming sneered and said, "I want to see what clues you Jinyiwei, the so-called elite, can find out. What I'm afraid of is that the thief shouts to catch the thief."

Li Bushang was not irritated at all, and only calmly said: "This tent is sealed up first, everyone should not step in easily."

So everyone left the tent.

Li Bushang asked Song Zhi a few of them and said, "I think it's best for us to dispatch people to investigate together. This is the fairest and fastest. What do you think?"

Originally, the people in White Dragon City were very dissatisfied with the questioning after he came, and they were very dissatisfied with the appearance of the master. Hearing this, the anger in everyone's hearts was slightly reduced.

Xue Huaien turned his head and discussed with Song Zhi.

Then Xue Huaien said: "This is naturally the best."

Li Buhuan turned his head and said to the guards around him: "We will transfer our troops into a team, fifteen people in a group, a total of eight groups, carefully survey in all directions, only within one mile, each Don't let the grass go."


Upon hearing this, Xue Huaien immediately discussed with Song Zhiwen and Murong Qiuming. The guards of each house also mobilized dozens of people. Together with Li Bu's men and horses, everyone raised torches and scratched the grass with knives. Slowly dispersed in all directions.

At this time, the sky was also brighter.

However, Ma Yuanju, their men and horses, and some Jinyi guards, who had been on the road all night, were somewhat sleepy.

Li did not hurt but showed no fatigue at all.

He just stood outside the tent, looking at the corpse inside through the rolled up curtain, his eyes deep and thoughtful.

At this moment, a slender figure walked around.

It's not someone else, it's Xie Jiaojiao, whose eyes are red and his nose is a little red. It is obvious that he has just shed tears, and there is a look of guilt on his face.

She whispered: "If only I could feel something wrong sooner."


"My hunch is always the most accurate. Last night, I just felt something bad happened, but I never thought that it would be Uncle Cheng."

Li Bushang didn't speak, only looked at the wound on Cheng Ye's chest.

The blood has completely dried up.

Xie Jiaojiao said for a long time, but he didn't respond with a single word, but Xie Jiaojiao was not angry, but turned to look at him, and he was on the road day and night. Although he was not tired, he was bloodshot. The eyes cannot hide from others.

Xie Jiaojiao said, "Aren't you tired?"

Li Bushang turned his head and glanced at her.

Xie Jiaojiao said, "You are so tired, so you should go to rest, right?"

Li Bushang did not speak, just looked at her, and said, "Tian Ye!"

Originally, Tian Ye stood a few steps away from him, and saw Xie Jiaojiao coming over, and subconsciously turned his face to one side, but he did not expect that the commander suddenly called him.

Frozen for a moment, hurried over.

"What's your command?"

Li Bu hurt said, "I want to go back to rest and let our people come over and guard this tent."


Tian Ye waved his hand hurriedly and summoned two Jinyiwei guards to come and guard, while Li Bushang had turned around and walked towards the camp where Jinyiwei was temporarily anchored.

Xie Jiaojiao stood still looking at him, his eyes flickering slightly.

At this moment, Song Zhiwen walked up to her and said softly: "Jiao Jiao, the commander--are you familiar with him?"

Xie Jiaojiao kept watching Li Bushang's back disappear in front of him, and then said, "It's very familiar."

Song Zhiwen frowned slightly: "You guys, just met for a few days."

Xie Jiaojiao turned his head to look at him, widened a pair of bright apricot-core eyes, and said seriously: "Some people, even if they only meet once, are as familiar as they have known in previous lives; while some people, even if they have known each other for a lifetime, unfamiliar."


"I treat him like the previous one."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Song Zhiwen frowned slightly, then turned to look at Jin Yiwei's camp, his expression became complicated.

Li Bushang entered the suggested tent arranged for him by his subordinates, and immediately said, "What about paper and pen?"

Tian Ye was stunned for a moment: "What does your lord want paper and pen for?"

Li Bu hurt said: "We can't rush back right away. We must immediately send a letter back to explain the matter here, lest the people in the captain's mansion think that something happened to us."

Hearing his words, Tian Ye hurriedly sent people paper and pen to come in.

Li was not hurt and wrote a letter on the desk.

Seeing him flying with his pen, after a while, a large piece of paper was already eloquently written, Tian Ye stood aside, frowning, and sighed lightly.

Li Bu hurt said: "What's the matter?"

Tian Ye said softly, "My lord, I don't understand why we don't leave quickly, but stay and investigate this matter."


"You know, there is danger on the road."

Li Bushang's pen kept writing, and he said, "Go? You think, if this happened, will they go?"

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