Li Bushang said: "Originally, this kind of sabre is well known here, but just a few days ago, we experienced a big battle in the evening."

"War? With whom?"

"Follow the wolf."


The few people were stunned again when they heard the word "wolf", they all subconsciously turned their heads to look at Xie Jiaojiao, only to see Xie Jiaojiao nodding and saying, "That's right."


"When I, Uncle Ma, and Big Brother Xue rushed to join them, they were indeed attacked by wolves."

Song Zhi asked: "Why do wolves attack them?"

Xie Jiaojiao calmly said: "Autumn is here, and people have to pay for autumn fat. The wolves have to spend the long winter without food. Naturally, they have to come out to find food in autumn. This is not surprising."

When Song Zhiwen heard this, he took a deep breath.

Although everyone in White Dragon City knows the special relationship between this Miss Xie Jiaojiao and the wolves, and many people have witnessed her dancing with wolves. Under her influence, those wild wolves who were originally cruel and cunning, In people's eyes, it seems like a gentle domestic dog.

But as soon as she said this, she suddenly became sober.

That gentleness is only attributed to Xie Jiaojiao alone. Outside that, all wild wolves are blood-loss and ferocious beasts. He eats people and eats every living person they can hunt.

The complexions of those in Bailongcheng changed.

However, no one said much.

Xie Jiaojiao continued: "When we hurried away, they had already fought the wolf all night, and he—"

She said, turning her head to look at Li Bu hurt.

His eyes flickered and he whispered softly: "They also defeated the wolves."


"When I arrived, I just dispelled the wolves so that the two sides would not continue the **** battle, which only increased casualties."

Murong Qiuming said coldly: "What does this have to do with this knife."

Li Bushang said: "We were in the melee, and many people lost their sabers."


"It's just that the situation at the time left us no time to clean up the battlefield. Moreover, after meeting with the people in your city, our most important thing is to come and meet you to protect your safety. Therefore, the lost knife, we did not go. Get it back."


"I want to come, this is one of them."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at everyone.

Song Zhiwen and Xue Huai'en looked at each other, frowning, and did not speak for a while.

This rhetoric sounds reasonable, but it is very easy to break through.

I heard Murong Qiuming clapping his hands, and said with a sneer: "It's really high-sounding. If one sentence is lost, does this murder weapon have nothing to do with you?"


"But how do we know, what are you thinking?"


"How do we know whether this knife was lost during the fight with the wolves, or did you have this excuse after fighting with the wolves, so you sent someone to assassinate the Patriarch of the Cheng family?"

Li Bushang said calmly: "We are really as Mr Murong said, we are willing to assassinate the Cheng family's head, why use such an obvious knife that can immediately identify the owner?"


"After the murder, why not take it away, but throw it by the river?"

Murong Qiuming glanced at these Jinyiwei. Many people still had such knives slung around their waists, and said with a sneer: "You used such knives to assassinate, perhaps because you didn't prepare other knives. Moreover, the knives are in our camp. Killing requires time and means. If you use an unfamiliar weapon, it may increase the probability of failure."


"Any swords and tools, naturally the more familiar the better, what do you think?"

Li Bushang looked at him without speaking.

Murong Qiuming continued: "As for why I threw the knife by the river-this is even simpler. Don't forget, the river rose last night."


"Perhaps the murderer dropped the knife into the river in a hurry when he fled the scene. However, the river that rose this morning receded, and the knife that had fallen into the river slowly emerged. "


"My explanation, do you think it is more reasonable than you fight with the wolves and the knife is left behind?"

The surrounding Jin Yiwei frowned.

But Li Bushang looked at him coldly, was silent for a while, and said calmly, "It's more reasonable."

Tian Ye and the others were immediately anxious: "My lord!"

Li Bu hurt and raised his hand to stop them, and continued: "However, Mr. Murong's statement is reasonable, and what I just said is not unreasonable. Moreover, if this knife is really left, Jin Yiwei can use it, Guicheng When you get it, you can still use it."

Song Zhi asked them all in surprise.

Shen Sheng said: "You mean, our own people might get this knife to kill people?"

Li Bushang said calmly: "At least it seems that after my meeting with you, your relationship is not too harmonious."

"What a **** mouth!"

Murong Qiuming said with a sneer: "You can be sophistical. We sent Ma Yuanju and Xue Zhen to meet you there. There are a lot of people. You might as well ask, on this road, someone has left. The whereabouts of the team is unknown?"

Ma Yuanju heard this and immediately said: "This, I can prove it."


"Our men and horses are all ten people on the way, and they are moving forward in a uniform manner. If one person leaves the team, the other nine people will definitely find the notice."

Xue Huaien also said: "That's right, and the people in the team are all dispatched from various companies to group together, and there will be no mutual shelter."

Murong Qiuming sneered and looked towards Li not hurt.

"So, what about you?"


"You Jinyiwei, you look well-dressed, are you the same as ours, and the number of people is fixed? Will anyone take advantage of your carelessness and disappear?"

Li Bushang said calmly: "I brought a total of 528 people, a team of 16 people, a total of 33 teams. I also counted the number of people along the way. Even when we set off last night, we paid I counted the number of people, and there is no such thing as what you said, someone left the team and their whereabouts are unknown."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Jiaojiao suddenly let out a "uh".

But immediately he stopped and lowered his head.

Although her voice was very small, everyone here was very attentive and immediately heard her voice. Song Zhiwen turned to look at her and asked, "Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you?"

Xue Huaien frowned: "Did you remember something?"

Xie Jiaojiao raised his eyes, but he did not hurt Li.

With a complicated expression: "I--"

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