Song Zhiwen said with a complicated expression: "You, you treat him--"


"You seem to care about this person."

"Yeah, I think this person is very interesting."


Hearing Xie Jiaojiao's answer, Song Zhi asked's eyes trembled slightly, and even his breath was disturbed. He said in a deep voice, "You, do you like him?"


Hearing his question, Xie Jiaojiao himself seemed a little at a loss.


Do you like that person?

She hadn't experienced this kind of mood yet, and hadn't had any "like" mood for anyone in these years, which made her not quite understand what it is like to like.

She just wanted to see Li Bushang unconsciously, and wanted to look at the wolves with one eye to her, showing emotions other than indifference.

But this, do you like someone?

She murmured: "I don't know either."

Song Zhiwen felt even heavier when he saw her expression and her reply. He stepped forward and said solemnly to Xie Jiaojiao: "Jiao Jiao, you - of course, none of us have the right to take care of you, but this person is a member of the Yan Kingdom and a courtier of the Emperor Yan."


"Even if we really offer the city, there is no need to marry them like this."


Hearing these two words, Xie Jiaojiao laughed and said, "Brother Zhiwen, where did you think of it?"


"If I want to like someone, or if I want to meet someone, I just like it, I just want to see him. As for marriage or something, it doesn't matter if I like it."

After speaking, she waved her hand: "I'm going back to rest."

Turned around and walked to her own camp.

Song Zhiwen stood in place, looking at her going away, his mood and complexion became heavy.


The next morning, Zhu Feng got up when the sky didn't dawn.

He got up very early, because the memorial sent the previous two days has been reviewed-there is no major issue in Kyoto, and some things that can be handled by the cabinet and Jing Zhaoyin have also been dealt with, but the results have been sent, so, He has been idle these two days.

Just waiting for the arrival of the people from White Dragon City offering the city.

However, after all, he couldn't be idle, he only slept for one day, and got up early that morning.

Nan Yan slept in a daze, feeling the quilt being lifted, covered again, and tucked, his eyes opened, and he saw that Zhu Feng had got up and was putting on his clothes.

She said in a daze: "The emperor?"

Zhu Feng looked down at her: "Wake you up?"


"Go to sleep."


Nan Yan was in a daze for a while, a little sleepy, but when he put on his clothes, she couldn't sleep at ease because of the sound of the sorrowful voice. After all, she cheered up and opened her eyes, and asked, "The emperor gets up so early, what are you doing? "

"I will go to the camp to see how they train their troops."


"You don't need to accompany me anymore, just sleep a little longer."

Hearing what he said, Nan Yan finally relieved his heart, only nodded, buried his face in the quilt and fell asleep again. When he fell asleep, he heard the door open and closed again.

When she wakes up again, the sky is already bright.

Ruoshui, they came in with hot water to serve her and got up. After Nan Yan washed her, she sat in front of the dressing table and asked her to comb her hair, and asked, "Has the emperor come back?"

Ruoshui smiled and said: "The empress and the empress are really inseparable for a moment."

Nan Yan glared at her in the bronze mirror: "Only you talk a lot."

Ruoshui said with a smile, "I asked the servant when he just came here. The emperor went to the barracks and said that he was going to stay for a while, and even had breakfast there."

Nan Yan shook his head and smiled: "As soon as he saw those swords, guns and swords, he couldn't move his legs."

Ruo Shui smiled and said: "The slave and maid just heard that the joke from the military camp said that the emperor was going to practice against the soldiers. Master Chen was afraid of hurting the emperor and told everyone to give up. As a result, a few gave up. I couldn't afford to be beaten by the emperor, and asked if they dared to let it, everyone was terrified."

Nanyan Road: "It will bully people."

He was talking and laughing, and combed his head. The kitchen brought steaming chicken porridge and some side dishes. Nan Yan was holding a bowl to eat, and there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Looking up, Tingfu came in with a Jinyiwei.

Listening fortune walked to the door and reported: "Niangniang, Jinyi Wei Tianlian asks to see Niangniang."


Nan Yan was a little confused. You should know that most of the Jinyiwei had been taken out by Li Bushang to meet the people of White Dragon City. The remaining Jinyiwei was also dispatched by the emperor. How could he come to see him?

But she still said, "Just talk outside. What's the matter?"

Na Tian Lian knelt at the door, bowed his head to Nan Yan, and said: "Jinyi Wei Tian Lian pays homage to the imperial concubine empress, it was Commander Li who sent the humble post back to report the situation on the road to the emperor and empress."

"Give it to me too?"

Nan Yan was stunned for a moment, but immediately asked again: "Is it because he passed the letter back because something happened?"

Tian Lian lowered his head and said, "Yes."

"what's up?"

"This is all written in the letter."

Nan Yan immediately said, "Present it."

Only then did Tian Lian get up, walk in with his head down, and put the envelope in his hand in front of Nan Yan. As soon as Nan Yan took it over, his heart suddenly shook.

Under the envelope, there is also a thick veil attached.

South flue: "This is—"

Tian Lian said: "This is also the commander's confession and brought it back with the letter."


Nan Yan looked at the veil, frowned slightly for a moment, and said, "Go down first. Listen to the blessing and take Master Tian to the side room to wait. When the emperor returns, he will report it to the emperor immediately."


Tian Lian turned and went down.

Nan Yan held the kerchief in one hand and the flame-sealed envelope in the other, looking at this and that.

Ruo Shui asked, "Manny, do you still eat?"

"Stop eating, let them remove the dishes."


Nan Yan got up, took two things and walked to the other end of the room to sit down, still looking at this and that, until the dishes on the table were removed, if the water made a cup of tea and brought it to her, he watched again. Look at the veil and envelope.

Asked softly: "Manny, do you want to read this letter?"

"Of course not. This letter was passed to the emperor by the commander of Jin Yiwei. Even if the emperor is not there, the palace will keep it on his behalf, and he cannot watch it at will. This is a taboo.

"Then, what's the matter with this veil?"

Nan Yan frowned slightly, and said, "My palace is also wondering about this. What did he bring back this veil for?"

Ruo Shui blinked and said, "The servant girl suddenly remembered that the master used to hold a white supa in a daze and say some strange things."

"Oh? Your master?"

Nan Yan looked up at her: "What strange thing did she say?"

Ruo Shui Dao: "The horizontal is also silk, and the vertical is also silk."

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