Murong Qiuming pointed inside and said, "Didn't you see it? They have even withdrawn the stove!"


Everyone was shocked, and then they took a closer look at the light of the torch in their hands. Sure enough, a lot of the stoves in Jin Yiwei's camp had been removed.

This is a sign that a team is leaving.

Seeing this, the people in White Dragon City were angry, especially the Cheng family. A team of guards rushed forward and pointed at the Jinyi guards and shouted, "You came here to kill people, and you want to leave now? Nothing. Easy thing!"

The Jinyiwei was not to be outdone, and came forward and said, "What do you want?"

Just as the two sides were clamoring, a low voice came from behind.

"What are you doing?"

Everyone looked back, and it was Tian Ye who came out from inside.

Before Li Bushang was put under house arrest, he had already told his guard Tian Ye to take charge of all the affairs here. In fact, it was to appease everyone. He was still packing his clothes with everyone in the camp. He heard the noise outside, immediately Walking out, I saw people from White Dragon City blocking the entrance of the camp, with torches held high on both sides, clamoring loudly, as if they were about to fight.

He hurried over and asked, "What happened?"

Several Jinyi guards said, "Brother Tian, ​​they are here to find trouble."


Tian Ye turned his head to look at Song Zhi and asked them a few, but he saw Murong Qiuming sneered and said, "We are here for trouble? Why don't you tell me what you did behind your back?"


"You killed someone, you want to leave without an explanation?"


"Do you really think that people in White Dragon City are all soft persimmons, so easy to handle?"

Hearing what he said, everyone was even more excited.

They shouted: "Can't let them run!"

Tian Ye's brows wrinkled.

Although the order he came back to order everyone to pack up was communicated in private, and he also asked everyone to be careful not to make it too obvious, but after all, it is such a big camp, and the actions of hundreds of people are not completely blocked from both sides. , It is not so easy to achieve complete confidentiality.

It was really discovered by them.

When Tian Ye was in a dilemma, Murong Qiuming said again: "You were the Li commander who had been obeying orders before. Now that you want to pack up and leave, is it also his order?"


"Is he ready to run away after seeing things exposed?"

Seeing the other party's aggressive and aggressive appearance, Tian Ye's face also sank, and said: "Several, our Jin Yiwei's mission this time is to take care of you, not to follow orders. Come or go, There is no need to report to you what we are going to do."

"What else can you tell them?"

In the crowd, I don't know who it was who yelled angrily: "Our Patriarch is dead in their hands. If we don't take revenge at this time, do we really have to wait for them to leave?"

In a word, immediately ignited the anger in everyone's hearts.

The Cheng family's guards were filled with indignation, and immediately drew out the swords they carried. The Jinyi guards were very vigilant at first, and when they saw this situation, they all took out their weapons.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Song Zhiwen became nervous. He rushed forward to persuade him, but Xue Huaien held him tightly.


Song Zhi asked, looking back at him, frowning and said, "Big Brother Xue, what are you doing to stop me? I have to persuade them. If I really do something, there is really no way to turn around."

"Don't be stupid!"

Xue Huaien grabbed him tightly, refused to let go, and said, "It's going to be a knife. You go up at this time, what if you hurt you?"

"No way!"

"No, before going out, your dad specially told us to take care of you, no matter what, you can't take such a risk!"


Song Zhi asked what else he wanted to say, but he was forced out of the crowd.

And the guard of the Cheng family who rushed to the front had no scruples at this time, and rushed in directly at Jin Yiwei's camp: "Kill!"

With a roar, everyone behind followed.

Wherever Jin Yiwei's people were willing, they immediately rushed up when they saw the other party's hands. They saw the cold light flickering in their eyes. The sound of sword fighting broke the silent night instantly, and the harsh sound made people feel uncomfortable.

Although Tian Ye saw the other party's hands, he also drew out the sword, but at this time, he was still sober, and kept shouting: "Don't mess up, everyone."

While talking, a guard from the Cheng family slashed at him with a roar.

Tian Ye turned to one side, and the long knife swept across his shoulder, cutting off all of his clothes. Tian Ye's eyes sank, and his backhand stabbed into the man's shoulder.

Suddenly, the screams, accompanied by blood, spewed out from the person.

Around, several people have been injured and fallen.

When a person kills the red eye, he ignores the others. Seeing that these people have been killed into a group, Song Zhiwen was sweating profusely, but he was still pulled far away by Xue Huaien and Murong Qiuming, and at this moment, beside him A person ran up and looked at the killing shouts here in surprise, and was stunned.

"Why, what's the matter?"

Turning around, it was Xie Jiaojiao.

She originally planned to have dinner, and while Xue Huaien and the others were not paying attention, she went to see in the tent of Li Buhuan. As soon as she came out, she saw that most of the guards in her camp were gone, and the shouts were shaking. God, hurried over.

Unexpectedly, I saw this scene.

She was shocked: "How did you do it?"

Song Zhiwen said loudly, "Jiaojiao, go and persuade them to stop fighting, otherwise--"

Xie Jiaojiao frowned, and subconsciously looked at the place where the people on both sides had hacked and killed, but Xue Huaien hurriedly came over to grab her and said, "Jiaojiao, don't be stupid. People have been killed in front of you. Isn't it going to die?"


Xie Jiaojiao also hesitated, frowning and looking ahead.

But the people and horses on both sides had already smashed together. When the people turned their backs at the entrance of the camp, suddenly, in the camp of White Dragon City, there was a stern cry.

"Come on, it's on fire!"

This roar stunned everyone immediately.

Together with the people who had been struggling to kill, they stopped. Everyone turned around and saw a tent in the camp of White Dragon City lit up. The flames blazed into the sky, and thick black smoke billowed upwards. Skyrim.

And looking at the place where the fire started, Tian Ye and their eyes were red.

That's the tent where Li Bu hurt!

"Master Li!"

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