Song Zhiwen's face immediately sank when he saw those people.

Because those few people are the guards who took turns to stand guard around the tent of Li Buhuan tonight, that is, the guards of the Xue family!

They were all tied back with their hands and rags stuffed in their mouths, struggling one by one, but they couldn't get rid of them. They could only be grasped by those powerful Jinyiwei and pushed directly.

"This, they are—"

Song Zhiwen recognized these people and immediately turned to look at Xue Huaien.

Xue Huaien stood there, his face changed.

Song Zhi asked, "Big Brother Xue, what's going on?"


Xue Huai'en frowned and said immediately: "I want to know what's going on too? Li doesn't hurt Master Li, you escaped from the dead, we are all happy for you, but what did your arrester do?"


"They were there just to look at you and didn't mean to offend you."

Li Bushang glanced at him.

Said: "Indeed, Master Xue is right. These people are standing outside that tent just to look at me."


"But what I don't understand is, since their responsibility is to look at me, why did these people who should have looked at me disappear when the fire started?"


Song Zhiwen was startled and looked at Xue Huai'en again.

Xue Huaien said: "Oh? Why don't I know?"

Li Bushang said, "That's right. When the fire started, all of you came to the camp gate and started fighting with my people. Naturally, I don't know what happened here. Why don't you let them make it clear. ."

After speaking, waved.

One of the Jinyiwei immediately pulled out the cloth ball stuffed in the mouth of one of the guards.

The man choked and coughed twice, then raised his head, but he was a little cowered. Song Zhi asked him this, and immediately said, "Make it clear, what's going on? Why did the tent catch fire for no reason? You obviously went to guard Li and didn't hurt him, why weren't you in the same place!"

"I, we—"

The man looked up, rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "We don't know, these Jinyiwei people suddenly grabbed us."


"Yes, they caught us, so we couldn't rush to put out the fire."

When he said this, the other guards who were still pouting all nodded, and kept whining in agreement.

Song Zhiwen frowned, then looked at Li Bu hurt.

I saw Li Bushang coldly said: "So, someone is going to set me on fire, or is my person arrested you and made me unable to ask for help?"


The man originally wanted to say something, but he was a little timid with those wolf-like eyes.

He could only lower his head and said, "Who knows what you are going to do?"


Li Bushang looked at him coldly.

This person dared not look at him more and more, his head was almost buried in his chest. After a while, he heard Li Bushang say coldly: "It seems that it is very easy to deny it."

Originally, Murong Qiuming watched coldly. Hearing these words, he immediately said: "Li is not hurt, even if the murder weapon has been found for the death of the Cheng Family Patriarch, don't you still plead guilty?"


"At least, we have found the weapon, what about you?"

Li Bushang looked up at him.

He said lightly: "Yes, if it weren't for Mr. Murong's reminder, I would have almost forgotten. Not only these people, but I also have physical evidence."

When everyone heard it, they were startled again.

For a while, everyone couldn’t say anything easily, but Li Bushang waved his hand, and a Jinyiwei came up behind him and took out a small cloth bag wrapped in a handkerchief from his arms. Li Bushang took it. , Spread out on the hand.

Everyone saw that there was a pinch of dirt inside.

Suddenly frowned, Song Zhi asked incomprehensibly, "Isn't this just a little bit of soil? The ground is full of ground, what kind of material evidence?"

Li Bushang said: "It's true that the ground is full of mud, but the only difference is that I took it first when the fire was burning, but it was not completely consumed."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't let it go and take a look to see what's inside."

Several people looked at each other.

Song Zhi asked, "Okay, let me have a look."

After speaking, he stepped forward two more steps, and looked down in front of Li Bushang, and immediately found something wrong.

Before that, there was still some distance from Lebanon, and the sky was already dark. Only some of the surrounding guards held torches in their hands. The flames kept swaying, making him hard to see, but when he got closer, he immediately saw it. In other words, it is obvious that there are some other things mixed in the mud.

Li Bushang said, "Master Song might as well smell it again and see what it is."

Song Zhiwen leaned in and frowned immediately.

He said, "This is medicine?"

"Specifically, did you smell any medicine?"

Song Zhiwen got closer, stretched out his hand to fan the wind and took a deep breath, and immediately said, "Yes, there is realgar, and - saltpeter?"


Li Bushang said coldly, "I believe everyone knows what the saltpeter does. So, I don't need to talk about how the fire started."

Song Zhiwen's face suddenly sank.

However, just as he just turned his head and was about to say something, Xue Huaien immediately said: "I spilled this medicine."

Song Zhiwen looked back at him: "Brother Xue, you--"

Xue Huai'en continued: "However, I didn't intend to do this. It was Jiaojiao who said that he had a snake in his tent and asked me to sprinkle some medicine around it to drive the snake away.


"Jiao Jiao can testify about this matter. Jiao Jiao, don't you think?"

Xie Jiaojiao had always been standing there, staring at Li without saying a word. It wasn't until this time that she was named, and she seemed to suddenly return to her soul.

He looked up at Li without hurting him.

He turned his face and looked at Xue Huaien.

With a complicated expression, he said, "Yes, it was me. I asked Brother Xue to spread medicine around the tent to drive away snakes."

Xue Huaien said: "To drive away snakes, saltpeter and realgar are both essential."


"If you want to talk about how the fire started, I would have spilled a lot of medicine. If you accidentally jump on a little spark, it will naturally cause a big fire."

With that, he looked towards Li not hurt.

"This, Master Li wouldn't say, is someone deliberately injuring him?"


"It's Jiaojiao who made me spray the medicine. If she doesn't call me, I will definitely not give you any medicine for no reason."


"And Jiaojiao—"

He glanced at Xie Jiaojiao, and said, "Everyone can see her to you."

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