"The maidservant is going to tell the emperor that the maidservant is going back to the master!"

These days, as long as Nan Yan doesn't care about her body being messed up, she rolls coquettishly, but Nan Yan eats her style again, looking at the little girl's anger, it is funny and soft-hearted.

"Good, good,"

Nan Yan smiled and coaxed her softly: "I think I am afraid of you, so I won't open the window."


If the water wrinkled his nose, he was holding Nan Yan and immersed his hands in the hot water. Because the wind was blowing for a while, his hands were indeed frozen like ice cubes. The first time I put them in the hot water, I didn't feel anymore. If the water is soaked in the water for a long time, the ten fingers will regain their intuition.

His complexion also returned to ruddy a little.


Nan Yan sighed comfortably.

Ruo Shui was relieved and took out the cold water and poured it out. When he returned to the house, he saw Nan Yan craned his neck to look outside and asked her, "How is the emperor's side?"

If Shui put the sprayer back on the wooden stand, he shook his head and said, "The slave and maid don't know."

"My palace lets Tingfu go and see, how about others?"

"I'm afraid I'll still be staring there. The servant girl just came back from the outside and saw a lot of people along the road. I heard that they were all brought here from the White Dragon City."

"No trouble, right."

"They are very well-behaved. After entering the mansion, the atmosphere does not dare to take a breath."

Nan Yan smiled.

As he was talking, Listening Fu trot in from outside and knelt in front of Nan Yan: "Farewell to Niang Niang."

"You can count back."

Nan Yan asked hurriedly, "How is it outside?"

Ting Fu said: "The slaves were watching from the outside. After the people in White Dragon City arrived at the captain's mansion, they completely obeyed Master Chen's dispatch. By the way, the few Patriarchs over there, except for the dead, all went to see the emperor."

Nan Yan asked: "Then, how did the emperor arrange for it?"

Ting Fu said: "The slave and maidservant only heard that the emperor asked the two sons of the Murong family and the Xue family to be invited down to make it look like. Although they are not closed, they can’t meet each other in a room. There are people watching."

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Such a person naturally has to keep an eye on it."

She asked again: "What else?"

Listening to Fu said: "The other thing is, the son of the Song family has talked with the emperor for a long time."

"Song family?"

Nan Yan squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and said, "Is it the Song family who sells tea in Bailongcheng?"

Listening to Fu smiled bitterly: "This, the slave servant doesn't know."

Nan Yan asked, "What did the emperor talk to him?"

Tingfu smiled bitterly and said, "This, the servant girl really can't find out."


Nan Yan nodded and laughed in his heart. It was really embarrassing to ask him this way. After all, he was just a little **** who served him in the harem. He couldn't easily inquire about the affairs of the previous dynasty. He could hear this. It's pretty good.

Tingfu rolled his eyes, and then said: "However, the slave servant heard that Father Shun, who was serving in front of the emperor, talked about them, I'm afraid that Young Master Song will go back to Beijing with the emperor, just like Master Xue."


Ruo Shui was by the side and suddenly asked, "He, wouldn't he be a woman pretending to be?"

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.

Listening to Fu also smiled and said, "Auntie, grandma, where are so many women disguising themselves as men. Besides, I think that Young Master Song, although not tall, is also a magnificent character, quite like Master Jane back then. ."


Nan Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

You know, whether it is in the court or Zhu Feng's side, people like Jian Ruocheng are needed with integrity and determination. Unfortunately, Jian Ruocheng has been away for many years.

Now, if you can really get someone like him, that would be great.

But then, her mood fell again.

She has not forgotten what Jian Ruocheng left because of the massacre of Jian's family. After so many years, she still has no idea, and he has disappeared in the vast crowd.

Even if there are thousands of people like him, it is not him after all.

Jian Ruocheng, where is he?

What about him now?

Seeing Nan Yan's expression a little disappointed, if Shui has served her for so long, she has already known the past of this imperial concubine, and there is an inescapable name in her past that is Jian Ruocheng.

When Fu mentioned the name, her mood changed.

So he immediately interrupted: "Well, aren't there five big families in White Dragon City? Apart from the dead one, the two locked up, and this son, who else is there?"

Tingfu's eyes lit up when he mentioned this.

He leaned forward and said in a low voice, "I am here to report this to my mother."


Nan Yan's mood was still a little depressed, but suddenly seeing him look mysterious, he withdrew his mind and asked, "What's wrong? Which one is there?"

Ting Fu said: "There is a family named Xie, I heard that they are operating ironware in White Dragon City. Does the empress know, who are they sending?"


"It's a girl, said it's the eldest lady of the Xie family, she is young, she is beautiful, like a flower."


When Nan Yan heard that a young lady had come over, she was energetic: "There is actually a family who sent a girl to negotiate?"


Tingfu nodded, and continued: "However, this is not unusual."

Ruo Shui listened, opened his eyes and asked: "Singularity? What's rare about her?"

Listening to Fu said: "I heard the people below, especially some of them who came from Bailongcheng, said that this Miss Xie has an ability that no one in the world has. She can drive wolves."


Nan Yan was startled when he heard it.

"You said, she would, exorcism?"


Ting Fu said: "Not only the people on their side, even the Jinyiwei who followed Command Li to go out on errands came back and said that they saw with their own eyes that they were hit by wolves halfway through the road. Those wild wolves were cruel and cunning. When I met this girl, she was as good as a pug, let her come and let her go."

Ruo Shui said in surprise: "There is such a thing, it is really rare."

Listening to Fu said: "This, this is not rare."

"What? What's more rare?"

"of course,"

Hearing what Fu said, he looked at Nan Yan, and said with a smile: "Everyone said this in secret, and dare not say it in front of Commander Li. This Miss Xie somehow stuck Commander Li along the way. So, I will not leave."


Nan Yan's heart moved.

She straightened up and asked, "What is the girl's name?"

At this moment, Xiao Shunzi's voice came from outside the door: "The imperial concubine, Miss Xie from the White Dragon City made a special trip to visit the imperial concubine."

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