Nan Yan whispered: "You don't catch it, but you don't shoot it."



She looked up at the nest halfway up the mountain. Although she couldn't see what was going on up there from below, listening to the lively chattering voice, she could also imagine what it was like in the nest.

South Yandao: "It doesn't matter if you really shot that eagle, but the little cubs in that litter won't survive the winter."

When Zhu Feng heard this, he stopped.

There was silence for a while, then smiled and said, "Okay."

Seeing his persuasion, Nan Yan was also relieved, smiled and looked up for a while, and said with regret: "It's a pity that I can't see what's going on up there."

Zhu Feng said: "Want to see?"

South Yandao: "The emperor doesn't want to take his concubine to climb up, right? This mountain is so steep, you will fall to death if you climb up."

Zhu Feng glared at her and said, "I really can't hear anything good from your mouth."


"Look over there!"

Nan Yan looked in the direction of his fingers, and there was a soil **** not far from them. It was not a mountain, but it was a bit steep. Zhu Feng said: "If you can ride up, you should be able to see the eagle's nest halfway up the mountain from a distance."

Nan Yan was overjoyed and said, "Then let's go!"

Look again, the soil **** is also very steep, I can't help but say: "I can't climb there with my concubine's riding skills."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "I know you are useless!"


"Come on, I will take you there."

When Nan Yan heard this, he immediately dismounted happily, tied the horse he was riding to a large rock next to him, then walked to the side of Zhu Feng's horse, and Zhu Feng stretched out his hand and pulled her On horseback, he sat firmly in his arms.

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Hold on, I don't care if I fall down."

Having said that, that hand still wrapped her waist and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Nan Yan also grabbed his arm.

Since she learned to ride a horse, two people have rarely rode together like this, often riding one by one, galloping horizontally and horizontally. Although the feeling of being rushing is not bad, sometimes, she will miss when she doesn't know anything, Zhu Feng will take her with her everything.

Sure enough, girls know too much, and men will not spend too much time to accompany and protect.

However, if you learn more, you can also see more scenery.

So, should he learn it by himself, or let him protect it a lot?

Nan Yan's mind couldn't help but drift away.

Zhu Feng rode his horse for a while and began to climb the steep slope, feeling that the person in his arms seemed to be distracted, so he said: "What are you thinking about? Don't hurry up, I don't care if you fall down!"

Nan Yan couldn't help but glanced back at him.

That gaze made Zhu Feng's heart move slightly, and he smiled and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Nan Yan looked at him and asked softly: "The emperor, does the emperor like to ride a horse like this, or does he like the concubine to ride a horse and follow the emperor?"

Zhu Feng said: "Why do you want to ask this?"

Nan Yan said: "Since my concubine learned to ride a horse, it has been a long time since I rode with the emperor."


"Sometimes I think it's better not to learn."

Zhu Feng said: "Why, don't you like horse riding?"


Nan Yan shook his head and said: "The concubine still likes to ride horses. Riding on horses, it feels very good to run in the wind, which is completely different from sitting in the arms of the emperor."


"But, sitting in the arms of the emperor, it feels like this now--"

As she said, she leaned back specifically, her back pressed closer to Zhu Feng's arms, and she could even feel the breath and temperature of his body, separated by clothes, and also tainted, surrounding herself, that kind It feels very fulfilling.

She said, "I like it very much too."

Zhu Feng laughed.

Nan Yan held his arm around his waist and asked, "What does the emperor think?"

"I think--"

Nan Yan shakes the reins, and the horse under the horse is climbing, while dragging his voice for a while, then said: "Actually, it shouldn't be whether I like it or not, but ask yourself."

"Ask me?"

Zhu Feng smiled and looked down at her, and said, "You like both, right?"

Nan Yan laughed happily.

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Since you like both, then only if you learn how to ride a horse can you not only enjoy sitting in my arms, but also the feeling of riding a horse and galloping horizontally and horizontally."


"If you don't learn how to ride a horse, you can only sit in my arms and watch the scenery all your life."


"After learning, you have the right to choose."


"If you don't learn, you can only accept what others give you."


"What do you choose?"

Hearing these words from him, Nan Yan seemed to be empowered, he immediately understood, and said softly: "This way...concubine understands."

Holding the reins, Zhu Feng said while riding his horse: "You said before that I would only find her pitiful for the things that Xiujun did, but I would not praise her. I thought about it and felt that your words made sense. "


"Obviously she did the same thing as Yan Ye, but what I gave is different."


"Women can do the same as men, but in some cases, it depends on how women choose."


"First of all, you must be willing to work hard. If you can't learn to ride a horse and can't stand the turbulence, you can only watch the scenery in a man's arms for the rest of your life. It is comfortable and comfortable, but if you fall down, nobody really cares about it. Up."


"These days, you are willing to learn, I am very pleased."

Nan Yan smiled, looked back at him again, and said softly, "But my concubine still likes to sit here."

Zhu Feng looked at her and smiled.

Said: "Okay, I will hold you to see the scenery."

After finishing speaking, he rode his horse and galloped uphill. After a while, he climbed up the hillside against the wind. Looking around, the surrounding vast grassland has a panoramic view, even they just saw it, that On the towering mountain walls, the nests of large eagles also come into view.

Nan Yan said with joy: "Look, the emperor!"

In that huge nest, several winged little eagles were constantly shouting, arching each other, obviously fighting for the food that the eagles had just caught, and each one was contented.

Zhu Feng also watched it with gusto.

But looking around, Nan Yan's face changed. Because she saw that the big eagle just watched her child finish the food, and when she was satisfied, suddenly lowered her head and arched one of the small eagles out of the nest.

The little eagle was obviously frightened, and screamed desperately, as did the surrounding brothers and sisters.

Nanyan Road: "The emperor, what is it doing?!"

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