The next time is to prepare for the journey back to Beijing.

Nan Yan packed up his summer clothes and Zhu Feng's clothes and sent the first group back. After a few days, they set off.

Although a team of men and horses had been sent back first, the emperor's imperial driver was still mighty, and they lined up a long snake on the grassland.

The vast snowfields are frozen for thousands of miles.

But as soon as Nan Yan opened the curtain, you could see the flags fluttering outside.

You can also see many soldiers riding on horsebacks, heroic and heroic. Nan Yan especially looked at the team of Jin Yiwei who was not far behind the emperor's golden car. Li Bushang, like the past, rode his horse forward. .

And his side is the same as these days.

Always follow Xie Jiaojiao's figure.

The people around seemed to be surprised, and a few others showed secret smiles on their faces.

To all people, this commander Li, who is always cold and repelled thousands of miles away, looks too lonely, like a lone wolf on the grassland, walking alone, everyone is worried. Will he do this all his life?

After all, no girl can accept such a cold man.

Unexpectedly, there is such a girl now, who doesn't care about his coldness, even seems to be attracted by his character, and Commander Li, who doesn't know who he listened to, does not want to be cold to her as before. Yes, sometimes, he even said a few words to her.

Everyone thought, if this continues, things may not be far away.

Nan Yan looked at it and couldn't help but smile.

A cold wind blew into the carriage, and Zhu Feng was originally looking down at the book. At this time, he immediately said: "Hurry up and let it go, it will blow cold for a while."


Nan Yan reluctantly put the curtain down, and looked back at Zhu Feng. He rarely got on the horse on the way, but was nestled in the carriage with himself. However, holding the book in his hand, he stopped talking, although Nan Yan also likes to read books, but no one speaks for a long time, and she also feels bored.

In addition, the sway of the carriage made her a little sleepy.

Zhu Feng refused to allow her to see the scenery, so she moved to him, leaned on his shoulder, and began to doze off.

Feeling a sinking shoulder, Zhu Feng looked down at her and said softly: "Are you sleepy again?"


"Didn't you just slept?"

Nan Yan squinted his eyes and said softly, "I can't see the scenery, and the emperor doesn't chat with his concubine. What else can the concubine do besides sleeping?"

Saying, yawned.

"The emperor read the book, ignore the concubine, and get up after a while."

Zhu Feng laughed, but put down the book in his hand and reached out and pinched her nose.

Nan Yan opened his eyes immediately: "What are you doing?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Don't sleep all the time, now you are asleep, and you won't be able to sleep at night for a while."

"If you can't sleep, you can't sleep."

"If you can't sleep, you just made me alone."

Nan Yan couldn't help laughing when she heard it. I was still a little sleepy just now, but after a few words, people regained their energy and said, "Okay, okay, my concubine won't sleep anymore."


"But what are you doing without sleeping?"

Zhu Feng picked up the book in his hand again and said, "Read together with me."

Nan Yan looked a little surprised.

She thought that Zhu Feng must read books about the art of war. After all, this man was born in the army, and every day he thinks about the things of dancing and fighting the battlefield, but she did not expect that what he held in his hand was actually the same. This collection of poems.

Nan Yan laughed immediately.

Hearing her laughter, Zhu Feng bowed his head and said: "What are you laughing at?"

Looking at her appearance, he immediately understood what it seemed to be, and smiled: "Why, you think I should hold the book of war every day and not let go, shouldn't read these poems and songs, right?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "The concubine just thinks that it doesn't go well with the emperor."

"Huh, what do you know."


"Do you think that poems and songs are just singing the wind and making the moon? I tell you, there are also articles here, and there are even strategies for governing the country."


Nan Yan asked, "What is the big story in this? What is the strategy for governing the country?"

As soon as Zhu Feng heard it, he was energetic. He turned to the page he had just read, pointed to a poem on it and said, "You read this."

Nan Yan looked intently, and it was Bai Juyi's words.

When she was a child, she secretly read this poem with her husband at home. Even if she didn’t read it, she could recite this poem. She immediately said, “You don’t need to drill a tortoise and wish you a scorpion. Trying jade will last three days. It takes seven years to distinguish the material. Zhou Gong was afraid of the day of rumors, and Wang Mang was courteous. Xiangshi died in the first place. Who knows the truth of his life?"

After she finished reading, she thought about it again and looked at Zhu Feng: "This—"

Zhu Feng said: "Tell me, what is the root of governing the country?"

Nan Yan thought for a while, and after reading the poem, he immediately felt overwhelmed.

Said: "Employing people."

"Well, not stupid."


Zhu Feng said with a smile: "Employing people is a learning. When to use who, under what circumstances, and even-how to use different people, it's all about learning."


"The most important thing about this poem is to learn to distinguish talents, not just look at the front."

"This, my concubine knows,"

Nan Yan said: "The world only looks at Wang Mang in front of him, but he did not expect him to hide evil intentions and usurp the Han for fifteen years; and Zhou Gongdan, if he only looks in front of him, then the world can only see the power of Zhou Gong I think that he holds the highest power, but only silently gives, and finally returns to politics and becomes king.


Zhu Feng said: "Many times, many people can see their xinxing without just one or two glances."


"If you look carefully, and use the right person, you will get a lot of merit; if you don’t look carefully, leaving the person with the evil heart by your side, it is like nesting a snake in your arms, and you may die at any time, even— -Ruined."

Hearing the last four words, Nan Yan trembled for some reason.

She looked up at Zhu Feng, and saw a cold light flashing in his dark eyes, as if thinking of something.

Nan Yan whispered: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng did not speak. He still fixed his eyes on the book of poems and the poem, but his gaze seemed to have penetrated the paper and ink and saw deeper and farther.

Who did he think of?

Nan Yan's heart was also a little confused for a while.

Is it Qin Ruolan?

She knew that Zhu Feng had devoted her heart to this woman, but in the end, she was betrayed by her and her father was jealous, leaving behind an inexplicable nightmare for more than ten years.

Still, Ye Quan?

She knew that Ye Quan was also his nightmare, and even now, Zhu Feng couldn't tell Ye Wei the truth.

Or, who else is it?

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