Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2724: Is there a problem with this earth fairy?

"Earth Immortal? Earth Immortal Club? What is it?"


Zhu Feng was silent for a while, then sighed slightly, and then said: "Before, what you told me when you were in the northwest was true."

Nan Yan immediately said: "When did the concubine fool the emperor!"

After speaking, he asked, "What did the concubine say?"

Zhu Feng said: "That's how you said that because of natural and man-made disasters, and because of those lower-level officials, they really can't survive. They can only sell their land to the powerful gentry as tenant farmers."

Nan Yan said: "This, is it related to the Di Xianhui?"

Zhu Feng sighed and said, "Of course it's related."


"Because these people have lost their land and can't survive, the people are also complaining. In addition, Hebei and Henan have been hit by disasters, and the people have fled from their places of origin. Some people have organized a society called Di Xian Hui. Xianghui."

"What is it for?"

"They worship the earth immortal, saying that they can get the land if they worship the earth immortal."


Nan Yan almost laughed when he heard it.

She said: "You can get land by worshiping the gods? Could the land grow out of thin air?"

Zhu Feng said: "No, it came out of thin air?"


Nan Yan frowned: "What? The land really appeared out of thin air?"

Zhu Feng said: "It's not that the land appeared out of thin air. I heard that it was the land deed that appeared out of thin air."

"What do you mean?"

"As long as those who have participated in the Dixian Club are sincerely offering worship, it is said that some people go home to sleep and wake up in the morning, and a title deed will appear under their pillows. It is possible everywhere."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

"I don't believe it either, but the news that King Wei and the others have collected is like this.

"Wang Wei is also paying attention to this matter?"

"He originally thought that it was just the folks who created a fragrant society, and at first he didn't care about it, but later on, more and more people participated in this local immortal society, and even people from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism joined this The court began to pay attention to the Fairy Fair."


"He sent someone to inquire about it and heard about these things."

"is that true?"

"It looks like it is true. It is said that there are so many'miracles' every month. Nowadays, more and more people join the Dixian Club. There are tens of thousands of people in the capital alone. These people are sincere every day. Go and pray, and hope that such a miracle can appear on your body."

"it is true?"

Nan Yan was listening to the news at first, but when she heard this, she couldn't help frowning.

Muttered: "Is it the king's earth in the whole world? Is it the king's court that leads the earth? Where can the land come out to them out of thin air?"

Zhu Feng said: "I'm just wondering about this."


"In this world, there are no immortals. You are right. There is no king in the world. Even if the tyrants and gentry enclose the land, there is a place to come."


"Besides, where can such a generous and powerful gentry give them their land?"


"So, I don't think this matter is easy."

Nanyan Road: "The emperor is worried, this earth fairy will have problems?"

Zhu Feng thought about it, and said, "Although they are still dividing the land, where did the land come from? This is a question. Moreover, who is the person behind the Earth Fairy Association? What is your intention to distribute the land to others?"


"Once this person has too many hearts in his body, that is the person that the court must pay attention to."

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Concubine understands."

She frowned and thought for a while, and said, "There is one more thing, the emperor must pay attention to it."

Zhu Feng looked at her: "What's the matter?"

Nanyan said: "Didn't the emperor say that the land deeds that the immortal will give to people are available in the south and the north?"


"People who get the title deed are afraid that they will use the land in that place, right?"

"of course."

"In this way, along the way, this person may decide how to spread the magical powers of this immortal society. When he arrives in the local area, I am afraid that he will need a big book."

Zhu Feng frowned when he heard this.

Nan Yan said: "In this way, the influence of this local immortal society is not limited to the capital."

Zhu Feng took a deep breath and said, "Yes!"

He looked at Nan Yan again, and said with a smile: "Well, yes, I have become more careful and my vision has opened up a lot."

South flue: "The emperor teaches well."

The two looked at each other and smiled, but Zhu Feng immediately became serious again and murmured: "What you said makes sense. This situation should indeed be worth noting. If it's just an ordinary club, no matter how many people there are, I don't need it. I care too much, but the appearance of so much land for others for no apparent reason is gathering people's hearts, and it is still to be promoted, and the heart is shameful."


"It seems that I don't care about this Fairy Fair."

Nanyan Road: "What will the emperor do?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said, "My plan is to not rush and startle, send people into the Fairy Fair to see what kind of organization is inside, and the most important thing is to figure out who is inside. Where did it come from."


"I don't allow anyone to haunt someone under the eyes of the emperor."

Nan Yan said softly: "Leave this matter to the servants, and the emperor don't worry too much. Finally, I returned to the capital and stayed up all night. The emperor should go to bed early. Looking at you, his eyes are red."

"is it?"

"Of course, my concubine asked Tongyun to prepare a bath soup prepared with decoctions. The concubine has used it, it can relax the muscles and relieve fatigue. The emperor will take a shower first."

"it is good."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "You are still careful."

He got up and went to the bathroom. Nan Yan made a bed here, and Zhu Feng came back as he was cutting the candles.

After taking a transparent bath, his whole person was a little more energetic, and his long hair was scattered behind his head, still a little moisturized.

Nan Yan said immediately: "The emperor is coming soon, and the concubine helps the emperor wipe his hair."

Zhu Feng sat down by the bed, Nan Yan knelt behind him, took a dry kerchief and carefully wiped his hair.

Nan Yan said as he wiped it, "The emperor should wipe it over there and then come back. The hair is wet and cold wind is blowing along the way. What if I have a headache tomorrow?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "I am not afraid."


"Moreover, I like you to comb my hair, which is more comfortable than them."

Nan Yan immediately laughed when he heard it.

She also likes to comb Zhu Feng's hair. Although he was born tall and mighty, his hair is very soft and black. It is like a whole piece of black satin on the back of his head, and it slips on his hands like running water.

However, when Nan Yan was combing, he saw several more silver threads in the dark satin.

He has white hair again.

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