In a blink of an eye, more than two months passed.

After the beginning of spring, the weather became warmer day by day. On this day, Ruoshui took all the heavy quilts to the backyard to dry and pat. Nan Yan held Xiao Chengjun in one hand and sat on the corridor with Xinping to enjoy the sun.

Suddenly I heard a chattering sound.

Xinping pulled at the corner of her clothes and said: "Mother concubine, what is that?"

Nan Yan looked up and saw that it was under the eaves of the main hall of Yonghe Palace. I don’t know when a swallow’s nest was built. A big swallow flew back, and the small swallows in the nest opened their mouths and whirled towards it to eat .

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It's a swallow's nest."

Curiously stood on the bench and craned his neck to look, and said in surprise: "Wow, there are so many birds!"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Stop arguing with the little swallows, they are all small and scared."

"Why not before?"

"It was cold before. When it was cold, the swallows flew to the south to spend the winter. Now that spring is here and the weather gets warmer, the swallows flew back."

Xinping said: "They really pick time."

Nan Yan laughed and said, "Do you think that people will pick the time? Everything is alive, and everyone will pick it. Just like people, he likes to live in a good place and to live in a good time."

Xinping blinked.

A chubby hand touched Nan Yan's ear. As soon as Nan Yan lowered his head, he saw Cheng Jun in his arms also raising his head to look at the nest of chirping birds, and said, "Mother concubine, tweeted."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "What tweet? It's swallow."



She was amused by her son and laughed. Xinping on the side stepped directly on the chair and walked over to Xiao Chengjun, "It's so stupid, even Yanzi doesn't know how to say it, so she will tweet."

As soon as he saw his sister, Cheng Jun opened his mouth and laughed silly.

He opened his mouth, revealing a few white and small deciduous teeth, which looked particularly cute.

Although he didn't like him always dominating the arms of his brother and mother, when he saw the fleshy look on his face, Xinping felt funny again, so he rubbed his face with the palm of his hand, only feeling soft. Squeezed again.

Nan Yan said: "Don't bully your brother."


Xinping immediately retracted his hand and turned his head to ignore him.

At this time, the little **** guarding the door said: "The emperor."

When they heard that Zhu Feng was coming, Nan Yan hurriedly stood up holding Cheng Jun while Xin Ping had jumped off the bench and ran towards the gate.


As soon as Zhu Feng walked into the gate of Yonghe Palace, he saw his daughter running over. He was still a little sleepy and immediately became energetic.

However, Xinping did not crash into his arms like a meat ball as usual.

Instead, he stopped when he was two or three steps away, and bowed to him in a proper manner: "The son of the minister pays homage to the father."


Zhu Feng was taken aback.

Seeing his daughter behave like this, he felt relieved and a little bit disappointed, but he immediately stepped forward and took her hand, smiled and said, "Xin Ping is over today?"

"Yes, my father, my son has silently commented on an article today. The silence is good. The teacher also praised my son."

"Okay, so good."

Zhu Feng walked in with her, and saw Nan Yan holding the child up to salute him, and immediately reached out to help her, and squeezed his son's fleshy little face, and smiled: "What are you doing at the door? Caught a cold."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Where did you catch a cold? The sun is so good today, and my concubine takes them to bask in the sun."


Zhu Feng also raised his head and glanced, indeed, the sunshine is great.

A family of four stayed in the sun on the porch for a while. It was almost time for lunch. Nan Yan asked Aunt Tongyun and the others to take the two children away. Zhu Feng asked, "Should the children not eat with them?"

Nanyan said: "They have something for them to eat. Last time the emperor gave Chengjun a bite, he had trouble with his stomach for two days."

When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately laughed twice, and said: "He is a boy and shouldn't be so delicate."

"Boys are children too,"

South flue: "It absolutely cannot be like this in the future."

"Okay, listen to you."

However, when the dishes were served, Zhu Feng frowned again, and said, "It's Polygonum multiflorum stewed chicken soup again. Why do you eat this every day? I have been eating this with you for two months, why are those two? He Shouwu haven't finished eating yet?"

Nan Yan took a bowl with a bowl of soup and delivered it to his hand, and said, "I have finished eating it a long time ago, and my concubine asked me to find two bigger ones."

Zhu Feng only took a sip, then put down the bowl.

Said: "If you do this again, I won't come to your palace to eat, eat this every day..."

Nan Yan glanced at him, and could only coax softly: "Well, this time, the last time. The emperor should drink the soup."

Zhu Feng sighed, then picked up the bowl and took another sip.

Still frowning.

For more than two months, he has suffered a crime. As long as he comes to Yonghe Palace, the water he drank is Polygonum multiflorum soaked in water, the soup he drank is Polygonum multiflorum stew soup, and even the porridge is Polygonum multiflorum porridge. Suffering, sometimes hiding in the Shun Fei and Yi Fei palaces, Nan Yan also asked people to bring some snacks made by Polygonum multiflorum.

Everyone in the palace knew that the emperor was about to get sick after eating Polygonum multiflorum.

Nan Yan could only coax him to eat more, but Zhu Fengwei was really tired of eating. He only drank a bowl of soup, so he refused to eat any more. Nan Yan could only use the lost hastily with him. Had lunch.

Then he asked: "Does the emperor want to take a nap?"

Zhu Feng said: "I'm not sleepy, but the sun is better today. Let's go outside and enjoy the sun."


Nan Yan accompanied him out, but as soon as he walked out of the gate, he heard a whispering voice above his head. Zhu Feng looked up and smiled: "Why is there a swallow's nest here?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It wasn't there last year. I'm afraid it was built when the weather was warm."


After speaking, Zhu Feng didn't go out anymore. He stood under the eaves, looked up for a long time, and said with a smile: "Spring is here, it should be a lot of life."


Nan Yan stood beside him, also watching.

Suddenly remembering something, he sighed softly: "Unfortunately, it's a good spring, but my concubine can only stay in the palace and watch the swallows build their nests."

Zhu Feng looked down at her, frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"


"Not in the palace, where do you want to live?"


"I really took you out for a while and let you go wild. You haven't recovered your heart yet, right?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "The emperor forgive me, and my concubine is just-coming back from such a vast grassland, now there are walls on all sides, a little uncomfortable."


"The concubine still misses riding horses with the emperor and galloping on the grassland."

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