The little **** said: "The emperor changed into casual clothes, and only Grandpa Li was following."

"Grandpa Li?"

Aunt Tongyun frowned slightly and said, "That's Li Quan, right?"


"He is so courageous. He has only just served with the emperor for a few days, and he dared to encourage the emperor to leave the palace. Isn't he afraid of being chopped off?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "How big is it that I will be chopped off?"

After finishing speaking, let the little **** go back and report that he changed his clothes and went immediately. The little **** responded and turned and ran back. Nan Yan asked Aunt Tongyun to find an ordinary commoner and put it on. .

Aunt Tongyun opened the cabinet to find clothes, and said softly: "Manny, can you go out like this? What if there is danger?"

Nan Yan laughed.

You know, the two of them are on the grassland, not far from the forces of White Tiger City Ajislan. At that time, they dared to ride around on horseback. When they arrived in the capital, how could they be more dangerous than that time?

Besides, she couldn't stand it for a long time. She wanted to go out and have a look. When complaining to Zhu Feng before, he scolded herself, thinking that there was no chance, but he still thought about it.

So he smiled and said, "Where is there any danger."

Aunt Tongyun found a water-red dress to serve her and put it on, and said: "The slave and maidservant are not talking too much, but the emperor and the empress are noble, even if there is no danger, going out and bumping into each other is a big deal.


"That Li Quan is too courageous."


"Speaking of, Grandpa Yu brought several apprentices, why did the emperor choose him to serve?"

Nan Yan only smiled faintly when he heard the words.

That Li Quan, who was only in his early twenties, had a baby face. Although he was not very handsome, he carried a little bit of Ye Yu's shadow.

Plus, there is a word "Quan" in his name.

Nan Yan guessed in his heart that Zhu Feng was probably the elder brother Ye Quan who was still thinking about Ye Yu in his heart, so he chose him to serve.

I just don't know, Ye Xu, Ran Xiaoyu, and Xu Shifeng have been to the south for so long, how are things going and when they will come back.

When I think about it, I think far away.

Aunt Tongyun fastened her belt and looked up at her: "Niang, what's the matter?"

"Ah, it's okay."

Nan Yan came back to his senses, shook her head, and sat down at the dressing table again, combed a little, and said, "You stay in the palace well, wait for Xinping to come back from get out of class, don't let her mess around."

After speaking, he left by himself.

Aunt Tongyun stood at the door, looking at her happy back, she only sighed, but couldn't help but smiled, and said: "The emperor, I said it was reprimanding the empress, but in the end, she didn't pet her. It's all. How can I train someone who is spoiled by myself."

With that, turned around and went back.

Nan Yan hurriedly walked to the Nangong Gate, and she saw an ordinary carriage parked there. Li Quan, who had changed casual clothes, stood by and waited. Seeing her coming, she hurried forward to ask for peace: "Meet the concubine."

Nan Yan only nodded, and got into the carriage.

As soon as I entered the carriage, I saw Zhu Feng sitting inside, and Nan Yan immediately said, "The emperor!"

Zhu Feng half-squinted his eyes: "Well, here it is."

Nan Yan smiled and leaned in front of him, and said softly, "What is the emperor doing out today?"

Zhu Feng looked down at her and said with a stern face: "Do you think you are going out to play? Today at the spring equinox, I will go out of town to see the situation in the ground. You know, people mistakenly take a look at one time, and one year is wrong."


"Don't stay in the palace all day long, you don't know the suffering of the people."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "The concubine has been taught."

Zhu Feng glanced at her again, still keeping his eyes closed, but the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked up, and Nan Yan moved to lean on his shoulder, and he did not move.

Li Quan outside said: "The emperor, mother, let's set off."

Zhu Feng said: "Yeah."


After more than half an hour, the carriage arrived south of the city.

Standing on the ridge of the field, Zhu Feng looked at the lush seedlings in front of him. They were furry like a thick blanket, spreading from the feet to the horizon, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were smiling.

A gust of wind blew, and he stood with his hands behind his back against the wind, smelling the faint fragrance of the earth, and he was very comfortable.

Nan Yan stood behind him, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, and also at him.

He laughed softly: "The emperor is so happy to see these seedlings?"

Zhu Feng said: "These, there are seedlings in front of me, what are they in a few days? They are food."


"This is the national foundation."


"I look at these, I am more happy than looking at gold and silver jewelry."

Nan Yan walked to him, took a deep breath, and said: "The concubine is in the palace and only knows the fragrance of rouge and gouache. Only now I know that the soil and seedlings are also fragrant, which is more comfortable than the fragrance of rouge and gouache."

Zhu Feng knelt down, grabbed a handful of soil and squeezed it in his hands.

Then he smiled and said, "Look at this soil, it's fertile, you can grab a handful of oil, as long as you cultivate it well, how can you be hungry?

Nan Yan also said, "What I want is the hard work of the people who cultivate the land."

"Not bad."

The two people squatted in the field and were chatting, and suddenly heard a sound of humming in front of them.

When I looked up, I saw a team of about a dozen or twenty people, waving some ribbons, sickles and other things in their hands, singing something in their mouths, walking slowly along the field path.

After walking for a while, the group stopped, and began to bow before the field.

South flue: "What is this?"

Zhu Feng also looked at them and didn't say a word. At exactly this moment, two old farmers picking dung came not far ahead. Zhu Feng greeted them and said with a smile: "Old man, excuse me, I'll ask you something. "

The two old peasants saw him dressed in decent clothes, surrounded by a flower-like lady, and a young man who looked like a small servant behind him. They guessed that they did not know which old lady of the big family was, and said: "What does the old lady want to ask? ?"

Zhu Feng pointed there and asked: "What do those people do?"

When the two old farmers saw it, they immediately smiled and said, "The old lady doesn't know, they belong to the Dixian Association."

Nan Yan frowned slightly, is it the Di Xianhui again?

Zhu Feng remained calm, only smiled and said, "What are they doing?"

The old farmer said: "Turn the head and worship the land immortal. It is good to celebrate the new year. This is what they said. Only by worshiping the land immortal can the fields be allocated."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "You guys, do you also worship?"

The old farmer smiled and said, "If you have old arms and legs, they won't be able to worship, and they won't accept them. However, my eldest nephew, who is young and strong, has gone."


Zhu Feng said thoughtfully: "Don't want the old, as long as the young and strong?"

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