At the entrance to the branch hall of the Dixianhui, the crowd was still crowded.

Tao Jianbai was also standing in the yard like the people around. There were still a few old people sitting in the room, and the hall master was also sitting directly above, half-squinting, and lighting an incense burner beside him. His surroundings were dazzling, like a fairy sitting in the clouds.

He was slowly saying: "Earth immortal is the beginning of all things, and everyone who enters our earth celestial guild is all brothers. As long as we bow down piously, the earth immortals are treated equally. You have seen the previous miracles, right? ?"

Everyone nodded hurriedly: "I saw it all!"

The hall master went on to say: "In the past two days, this seat has received news from the incense lord, and the earth immortal instructed that there is another person in our earth celestial assembly who sincerely moved the earth immortal, and the earth celestial is about to give benefits."

When everyone heard this, their eyes widened in surprise, you look at me, I look at you.

"is it you?"

"Could it be me?"

"I have been in the conference for so long, so it's my turn, right?"

Everyone was talking about it, and they all hoped that such a miracle would come to their heads.

Seeing these people's expectations and even some desires, the hall master smiled slightly and said: "I know, you all hope that miracles will come to your heads, but it depends on whether you are usually religious to the earth immortals. Have you tried your best for the Earth Fairy?"

Everyone said: "We have all, we are all very religious."

The hall master smiled and said: "Religiousness is in my heart, only the earth immortal can see it, but if anyone will do his best to us, everyone can see it."


"For example, that day, this seat asked you to help the brothers in the western branch of the city. Some of you, why didn't you go?"

Some people in the crowd showed a hesitant look.

He whispered: "But, the government over there is to check, we, we dare not fight against the people in the government."

The hall master sneered and said: "Don't even dare to do this, do you still expect the earth immortal to bring happiness to you?"


"The government, what have you done for you?"


"For your sake, it is the earth immortals who bring your well-being to you, but you are afraid of offending the government and trapping your brother in dire straits."


"Does this kind of piety still count as piety?"

When everyone heard it, they were a little flustered.

Hurriedly said: "No, no, we won't do it again next time."

"Yes, we will do whatever the earth fairy asks us to do."

The hall master went on to say: "You must know that you have no tiles on top and no cones underneath. It is precisely because the people of the government are aggressively collecting you that have made you poor. If you still abide by the rules of the government-then Go back as soon as possible and see if the government will care about your life and death."

Someone in the crowd immediately said: "The government does not care about our life and death, our life and life are only in charge of the earth!"

Others immediately agreed: "Yes, only the land immortals care about us, the government is just a shit!"

"In the future, we will never listen to the government again, nor will we be afraid of them!"

"We only listen to the orders of the immortal!"


At this moment, everyone shouted loudly.

Standing in the crowd, Tao Jianbai looked at the passion of the people around him, and couldn't help but frown, but he immediately followed them and shouted.

At this moment, outside the house, there was a sound of horseshoes.

It seemed that there was a carriage parked not far from the door.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw that the door was pushed open, a groom still holding a whip in his hand, hurriedly walked in, walked directly through the crowd into the hall, and walked to the side of the hall master.

"Hall Master."

The hall master frowned slightly: "Didn't you go to the west of the city to do errands? Why are you back again?"

The groom attached to his ear and said a few words softly.

Tao Jianbai stepped forward subconsciously, but he was just standing in the yard with so many people in front of him. Even if he stepped forward two steps, it would be difficult for him to get close to the hall at all, and he was even more arrogant to hear what the man said.

However, as soon as the groom finished speaking, the hall master's eyes, which had been half-squinted, suddenly opened.

Looking at the groom in astonishment: "Really?"

The groom whispered: "He said it, he has seen..."


The hall master took a deep breath and said, "Then, what should I do?"

The groom said: "He meant to let people hurry over..."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth again, and the people around him were originally weird and talked a lot, Tao Jianbai couldn't hear a word, he could only stare in front of him.

After the horseman finished speaking, he saluted the hall master again, then turned and hurried away.

Tao Jianbai glanced back. The horseman parked the carriage some distance from the gate, and could only barely see when the curtain was shaking slightly, there seemed to be a person in white sitting inside.

The groom got into the carriage, shook the rein, and drove the carriage away.

Tao Jianbai frowned, watching the carriage go away.

At this moment, the hall master got down from his chair, walked a few steps to the entrance of the hall, and said to the people in the courtyard: "There is an urgent thing for you to do now, are you going?"

Everyone just got excited, and when they heard this, they all shouted: "We are going, of course we are going!"

"it is good!"

The hall master said: "Old Chen, you take your people, hurry up and—"

In the last few words, Brother Chen walked to the hall master, and he whispered to him. Brother Chen heard it and said immediately: "Yes."

He took his team of people. These people are all elderly people who have joined the Dixian Club for more than half a year. They are all very loyal. The hall master looked at them and then at the people around him, and he saw that they were tall and tall. Tao Jianbai.

Tao Jianbai's eyes flashed, and he immediately stepped forward and said: "Hall Master, let us go if you have anything!"

Several new entrants around the Earth Fairy Club were eager to show their loyalty, and they all said: "Yes, we are also willing to contribute to the Xianghui Club. If there is anything, we will leave it to us. We will do our best!"

The hall master nodded and said: "Okay, then, all of you will follow."


Tao Jianbai and the others bowed to the hall master, turned around and walked out with Brother Chen.

The group of people passed through a few alleys and then went up the main road. There were people coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic. Brother Chen kept saying to the people behind him: "Follow everyone, follow up."

Tao Jianbai walked up to him a few steps and said softly, "Big brother, where are we going? What are we going to do?"

Brother Chen said: "Let's go to Jinganfang."

"Jing'an Fang? There is no our entrance."

"No, it's just that something happened over there. Let's go over and take a look."

"Something happened? What's the matter?"

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