"let me see."

Li Bushang stepped forward, only to see that there was a middle-aged woman lying on the bed, unkempt, ragged, skinny to almost nothing, her complexion was gray and her lips were black.

It seems that there is no more interest.

He frowned.

The little beggar cried and burst into tears. He pulled his mother with one hand, then turned to look at Li Bu hurt, and said eagerly: "Master, master, help me see, how is my mother? You help me. My mother!"


Li Bushang was silent, and reached out to the woman's nose to poke it.

Then he looked at the little beggar and said in a deep voice, "Your mother has gone."


When the little beggar heard this, his whole body trembled, and he shook his head vigorously and said, "No, my mother won't die! She said to take care of me, she won't die!"

Li Bushang kept a cold face, grabbed his hand and stretched it directly to her mother's nose.

Shen Sheng said: "Look at it for yourself."


"Your mother, has gone."


The child froze there, and his little hand was trembling to sniff his mother. After a long time, he couldn't feel any breath before he finally realized that his mother had really gone.


He cried with a wow, and threw himself on his mother, crying: "Mother! Don't die, mother, don't leave Xiaoxing, mother!"

Li Bushang stood by his side, watching the child cry out of breath.

He was motionless.

On the side, Xie Jiaojiao was a little unbearable, and was about to step forward to comfort her, but Li Bushang stretched out his hand to stop her.

Xie Jiaojiao looked at him suspiciously, and saw that Li Bushang's expression was indifferent, as if there was another imperceptible sadness, and he said in a deep voice, "Let him cry."


Xie Jiaojiao didn't know what he was.

He followed the child again, but the child's mother died, and the child cried like this, and he seemed to have nothing to do with him.

But when he said so, she could only stand quietly.

I don't know how long it took, the little beggar finally stopped crying slowly. He turned around and looked up at Xiang Li Bushang. His big eyes were red from crying and his face was full of embarrassed tears. He sobbed and said: "Master, I, I want to beg you one more thing."

Li Bu hurt said: "You said."

The little beggar said: "You, can you give me some money to bury my mother."

Li Bushang said, "I never give people money."


"Only if someone does something for me, I will pay him."


"You want to get money from me, just as you used to do things in my house to get the food. However, the money for your mother's burial is much more expensive than the cakes you took."

"I, I know."

The little beggar sniffed his nose, wiped away the tears from his face with his sleeve, and said, "I, I can sign the contract."


"I can be your servant, I will do whatever you ask me to do."


"As long as, as long as my mother can be buried properly."

Li Bushang glanced at the cold corpse on the bed, and then said, "Okay."


Soon, people from Lei Mansion came to help this little beggar named "Little Star" in the funeral.

Although Wang Sheng, the housekeeper, didn’t quite understand, as Li Bushang, the commander of the dignified Jinyiwei, a small beggar was simply not enough to catch him. Even if he had helped them pass the news before, he would have rewarded him with a few silver dollars. That's enough, how come to help them with the funeral?

However, the master gave an order and they could only do so.

Soon, the mourning hall was put up in this broken house with its walls about to collapse and the wind was all around.

It's just that they don't have any relatives and friends in such a poor and depressed home. Therefore, apart from inviting monks to be the land and water dojo to recite the sutras, the hall is still very deserted.

This little beggar named "Little Star" knelt beside the thin-skinned coffin, crying and burning paper.

Li Bushang sat aside, looking at this deserted mourning hall.

I don't know why, his eyes always seem to be frosty, cold and empty, but at this time, it seems that there is something, but it is also difficult to see.

Before you know it, it gets dark.

Xie Jiaojiao stayed with him all the time, turned his head to look at the sky outside, and said softly: "Are you going to stay here with him all the time?"

Li Bu hurt Shen Shen and said, "If you want to go, you can go back."


Xie Jiaojiao said, "I didn't say I want to go."

After speaking, she didn’t say much, she just sat quietly, the monks chanting the scriptures, and the people running around this day were a little tired. After sitting for a while, she started to doze off .

Little by little, he leaned against Li Bu's shoulder.


Li did not hurt his brows and frowned. He never liked that someone touched him, and immediately wanted to shake his shoulders away from her.

But he looked down at her, thought about it, and endured it.

In this way, the mourning hall was set for three days.

In addition to going back to Beizhen Fusi to work during the day, Li Bushang will come here to guard with Xiaoxing at night.

And Xie Jiaojiao also accompanied him for three days.

On the third night, the same as before, Xiaoxing knelt down in front of the spirit and burned the paper, Li Bushang sat aside and looked at him, while Xie Jiaojiao sat quietly, just sitting for a while, and then hit A long yawn.

Li Bu hurt said, "You don't have to come."

Xie Jiaojiao smiled and said, "You are here, I will be with you."

Li Bushang glanced at her without saying anything, then looked up at the deserted mourning hall.

Although all the enshrines and the servants of his family were prepared, there was no one coming and going, and he always seemed to be particularly lonely. Li Bushang murmured, "This is how one person comes and goes all the time. "

Xie Jiaojiao said, "This is his mother, and it's so without anyone accompanying him."


"You are the commanding envoy of Jin Yiwei, how do you say such a thing?"

Li Bushang said indifferently: "Jin Yiwei is commanding his envoy, isn't he coming and going alone?"

Xie Jiaojiao said, "At least, it's different from her."

Li Bu hurt said: "What's the difference."

Xie Jiaojiao frowned slightly, feeling a little strange, how could Li Bushang feel emotional about the death of a stranger, and about to ask him, he heard a sound of footsteps outside the hall.

It looks like someone is coming.

The mourning hall has been set up for three days, and no one came. I asked the little star and said that they have no relatives or friends on weekdays. How can anyone come at this time?

Li Bushang turned his head and saw a family-like person walking in.

In his hand, he also held a bag of heavy things.

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