As soon as the door of the imperial study room was closed, Nan Yan immediately turned to Zhu Feng and said, "The emperor, what is this local immortal society going to do?"

Zhu Feng squinted his eyes slightly and muttered: "It seems that I want to do something."

Nanyan Road: "Thousands of hectares of fertile fields, this is really a big deal."

"Not just a big deal,"

Zhu Feng said: "Moreover, there is a little bit of breaking the boat."

Nan Yan was even more puzzled: "What? Broken down? Why?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said: "Before, this land immortal would announce to the public that it was all land immortals distributed to pious people, but it was only a few acres, more than a dozen acres, and it was everywhere in the world. In addition, the land has changed ownership. Even if I let someone go to check it, it will take some time to verify it."


"But this time, it's a thousand hectares of fertile fields."


"Such a big deal is definitely not something ordinary people can get, and as long as it is taken out, the transfer of such a large land, the court should quickly find out who is behind it."

Nan Yan opened his eyes wide and said, "This messenger behind the scenes is taking the risk of being discovered."


"Then he, he has always been mysterious before, using so many halls, so many hall masters to hide his identity, this time he risked exposing himself, what does he want to do?"


Zhu Feng squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and said: "If this local immortal society is really hostile to the imperial court, then it must do a big thing."


"Only so many people will enter Beijing."

Nan Yan's heart sank when she heard it.

Hurriedly asked: "Then, what are they going to do?"

Zhu Feng said: "However, this is just my guess and cannot be confirmed."

"Then, do you want to close the capital so that no one can enter for now?"

"This is unrealistic. The capital is so big. Even if there are no such people entering the city, the number of people in the Dixian Club in the capital before is probably already quite large. We closed the city gate, but reminded them."


"Furthermore, this incident is just a piece of news that Li Mo inquired, and my guess. There is no evidence to prove it."


"The first thing that messed up the city was the hearts of ordinary people."

Having said that, Zhu Feng looked at her and said seriously: "Sometimes, even if a real disaster is approaching, people in high positions are more calm than anyone else. If you are steady, the people below will think you You can rely on it to execute your orders."


"If there is a chaos from above, even a small one, the people below should be in a big chaos."

Nan Yan nodded softly after hearing the words, "Concubine understands."


"However, this matter can't be completely ignored. Jin Yiwei's side—"

"Of course you can't sit and watch completely. I was worried that the people who Jinyiwei sent to sneak into the Dixianhui would be exposed before the incident happened at the Drunken Immortal Tower. I have to ask that person."


"It's just right, in a while, Li Bushang is coming, so I just want to ask him."

Nan Yan nodded.

After being silent for a while, he remembered something, and said, "The concubine has one thing. I want to talk to the emperor about not hurting."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "A few days ago, the little **** in the palace went out to buy things. The emperor guessed, what did they see on the street?"

Zhu Feng said, "Isn't it hurt to see Li?"


"What's this?"

"It's not him."

With a smile, Nan Yan told him what Xiaodouzi had relayed to Ruoshui. Zhu Feng listened and was silent for a while, and said, "Are they both at this point?"

"Don't believe me, the emperor, they saw it with their own eyes."


"I also carried a child. I heard that people on the street regarded them as young couples and took the children out to go shopping. He also ate things in other people's hands. He looked close and affectionate and envied others. "

For some reason, although Nan Yan was very happy to bring up this incident, Zhu Feng was not too happy.

Said: "I am not unbelieving."


"It's just a little unexpected."


"Has Li Bushang accepted this Miss Xie family so easily?"

"Does the emperor have any doubts?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, then asked, "What's the matter with that kid?"

Nanyan said: "The concubine didn't ask carefully, but wasn't a little beggar going to his house to post a message about the previous Zuixianlou incident? Later I heard that the kid often went to his house and got a lot of food. This is probably the kid."

Having said that, she smiled slightly and said: "Speaking of which, it is also interesting."

"What's interesting?"

"Before, it was the concubine and the emperor who picked him up in Yongzhou, but now, it was he and Miss Xie who picked up such a child in Beijing."


"It's as if God arranged it."

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "If he can obey God's arrangement, that would be a good thing."

The two stayed in the Imperial Study Room for a while. Zhu Feng drank the soup she had brought. Nan Yan saw that it was late and he still had a lot of memorials to deal with, so he quit the Imperial Study Room.

Closing the door, as soon as he turned around, he saw Li Wushang coming from a distance.

Nan Yan smiled and walked over.

Li Bushang also saw her, but when he saw her walking towards him with a smile on his face, he was still a little startled.

Since that incident, the emperor hadn’t said anything on the face, but he knew that he had been guarding him all the time. Although Nan Yan’s attitude towards him was still calm, he knew that she treated him from the heart What I have done is very disgusting and fearful.

She was afraid of him.

Therefore, if you can not speak on weekdays, you will not speak.

If you can't meet, you won't meet.

But he didn't expect that Nan Yan would walk towards him with a smile like this, as if he was no longer afraid at all, but intentionally got close.

He was dumbfounded.

After seeing Nan Yan walking up to him, he suddenly recovered.

He bowed and said: "Weichen... to meet the imperial concubine."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You come to see the emperor."


"The emperor is doing errands in the imperial study room, go."


After another salute, he stood up and walked slowly to the Imperial Study Room.

After just two steps, I heard Nan Yan calling him from behind, "Don't hurt..."

Li Buhuan's back spine seemed to be numb, and he quickly turned around to look at her, only to see Nan Yan smiling in the bright spring light, like a spring breeze.

It was exactly the same as the gentle appearance when I first saw her.

As if in the middle, all the discord has disappeared.

Have been forgotten.

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