The next day, Song Mansion, which was also located in Baoningfang, but far away from Li Mansion, was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and it was as lively as a festival. Song Zhiwen took the servants at home and waited at the gate early.

The sky was getting dark, and the streets of the capital began to glow.

Just as everyone looked forward to the end of the long street, a lonely man and horse came from a distance.

At first everyone didn't care much, but when the rider approached, Song Zhiwen discovered that it was Li not hurt.

Everyone thought that as the commander of Jin Yiwei, Master Li Bu hurt Li, even if he didn't hug him, at least he should be accompanied by horses and horses, but he did not expect that he would come alone.

However, the speed is very fast.

In a short while, his horse galloped to the gate of Song Mansion. Song Zhiwen immediately stepped forward and bowed his hand to him: "Lord Li came to the humble house, and Pengxun was brilliant."

Li Bushang jumped off his horse, and a servant immediately stepped forward to help him lead the horse.

Although there was still no smile on his face, it was not as cold as before. He also bowed his hand to Song Zhiwen and bowed his hand: "Song Gongzi, bother."

"Where, please come in."

Li Bushang followed him into this mansion.

The location of Song Mansion is not too good. It is also because of the new arrivals and the fact that they are from the White Dragon City. They didn’t want to be too eye-catching, so I bought a mansion that is not too big, but it is also three in and out. , One by one came forward to serve very respectfully.

Song Zhiwen personally welcomed Li Bushang to the lobby.

The lights here are even more brilliant, looking like daylight, and there are a few familiar figures sitting in the lobby, naturally his two brothers Song Zhijie and Song Zhihui, sitting with them for tea, but Xie Jiaojiao.

As soon as everyone saw that Li was not hurt, they all got up to meet each other.

When Li Bushang saw Xie Jiaojiao, he subconsciously frowned and said, "Why are you here?"

Xie Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Why, just allow you to come, can't I come?"


"Even though Brother Song family hosted a banquet for you today, I still have to be a guest."


"Otherwise, you will definitely only eat from start to finish today, not talking!"

This is true.

Although Li Bushang agreed to be a guest, he has never consciously been a guest. In other words, he is not accustomed to such kind of human fireworks, and he is not familiar with people—he doesn’t have anyone familiar with him, so he can’t say anything more. Said.

When Xie Jiaojiao was with him, even if there was nothing to say, he would look for words.

Want to come, the scene will not be awkward.

Song Zhiwen said immediately, "It's already set up over there, Master Li, Jiaojiao, let's sit in first."

Li Bushang nodded, and walked over with kindness.

Although there were only five people at the table, the Song family was obviously very concerned about this banquet. The dishes on the table were very rich. There were also some exotic vegetables brought back from the White Dragon City. They were placed on the table, just to watch. I feel it is a kind of enjoyment.

When everyone was seated, Song Zhiwen naturally sat right above him as the master, Li Bushang sat next to him, and Xie Jiaojiao sat next to Li Bushang.

The other two brothers of the Song family sat on the side.

Song Zhi asked, "I don't know what wine Master Li is used to? We have prepared various liquors from the Central Plains, as well as wines from the Western Regions."

Li Bu hurt said, "I don't drink."

After saying this, he seemed to realize it himself, and this would embarrass the owner.

Added another sentence: "I drink tea."

Song Zhiwen immediately understood.

During the time they arrived in the capital, they had long understood that Jin Yiwei seemed to be different from ordinary officials and guards, and had a special status. It seemed that they should have the rules for not drinking, so they immediately sent a message.

Li Bushang said again: "You don't need to accompany me, just drink."

Song Zhiwen smiled and said, "Okay."

At this time, Xie Jiaojiao said, "I want to drink tea too."

Song Zhiqian glanced at her, sighed softly in his heart, and ordered to go on without saying anything. After a while, a few beautiful maids walked in and sent tea to Li Bushang and Xie Jiaojiao respectively, and to others. The wine was poured in front of people.

Song Zhi asked and stood up and said, "This first cup, I respect Master Li first."

Li Bushang stood up holding the teacup.

Song Zhi asked: "This time, the success of White Dragon City's contribution to the city, including those of us who can successfully move into the mainland, depends on Master Li's wise decision. A few of our brothers will first respect Master Li."

Song Zhijie and Song Zhihui also stood up.

Li Bushang said calmly: "I just did what I was supposed to do. I didn't dare to be a few false praises."

After speaking, several people drank the tea and wine in their hands.

When he sat down, Xie Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Should I toast you too?"

Li Bushang glanced at her and said lightly: "It's not necessary."

Xie Jiaojiao smiled and said, "That's right, I think it would be too much for us to respect and respect."

When Song Zhiwen on the side saw this scene, he lowered his head and said nothing, but Song Zhijie, who was sitting next to them, smiled and said, "Jiao Jiao, are you so familiar with Master Li? Are you using'we'?"

Xie Jiaojiao wrinkled his nose at him: "Don't worry about it."

Song Zhijie smiled and said: "You, you used to be like you when Uncle Xie was not in the city. You started messing around when he came back. Now, why don't you have any elders to control you?

Hearing this, Li Bushang turned his head to look at her and said, "Your foster father, hasn't you come to the capital yet?"

Xie Jiaojiao shook his head and said, "He has always been running around the world. I rarely see him all year round."


"Now that I moved into the mainland, I only gave him news. If I wait for him to come, I don't know when it will be."

As she said, she smiled suddenly at Li without hurting.

Said: "Do you want to see my foster father?"


Li Bushang frowned slightly.

Song Zhijie seemed to see something and immediately laughed. And Song Zhihui, who was sitting next to Song Zhiwen, looked at his elder brother's somewhat sad expression, and only interrupted: "Come on, I will offer another drink to Master Li."

Li Bushang also had a drink with him.

In a short while, several teams of maidservants delivered new dishes from the kitchen one after another. Song Zhiwen warmly entertained Li without hurting his chopsticks.

Li Bushang's eyes stopped for a moment on those maids.

Then he said: "Song Gongzi's mansion seems to be a lot of people. They are all brought from White Dragon City?"

Song Zhiwen smiled and said, "I didn't bring so many, only some personally called people were brought from my hometown, but these called servants were all hired from the capital."


Song Zhi asked, "Master Li, I will respect you again."

Just when he raised his glass to Li not hurting, his hand suddenly softened, and the wine glass dropped and fell to the ground and shattered.

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