A few days later, Xie Jiaojiao entered the palace.

Although there was a small **** sent by the imperial concubine in the palace to greet and lead the way, but Li Bushang was always by her side.

It was not the first time Xie Jiaojiao entered the palace. She had walked once before. She looked up on a familiar road. Then she smiled and said to Li Bushang beside her, "I didn't expect it. The imperial concubine will tell me to talk in the palace."

There was still no expression on Li Bushang's face.

Even under the sun, his eyes seemed a little cold.

Just said: "Yeah."

Xie Jiaojiao said, "You said, the imperial concubine let me enter the palace, what do you want to tell me?"

"do not know."

"Guess it, don't you often enter the palace?"

"Can not guess."


Xie Jiaojiao glared at him. Originally because he was injured, Li Bushang personally hugged her to his house that day. He has almost always been by his side these days. Although he didn't talk much, his attitude It was much better than the cold and hard look of the past.

Sometimes, he would take the initiative to speak to himself, especially when the doctor came to change his dressing every day, he would actively ask: Is it still painful?

This caused Xie Jiaojiao's heart to throb.

This boring gourd is finally open.

In fact, Xie Jiaojiao had never thought of "coercion and threats". At that moment, she didn't even think about what was going on, and her body reacted faster than her brain and rushed forward to help him stop him. I took that cut, but this is just what I want to do, it has nothing to do with him.

However, he exchanged this kind of pain for his gentleness to himself-even if it was not too gentle, she felt very happy.

But somehow, when he heard that the imperial concubine summoned himself into the palace, his attitude became cold again.

Thinking of this, Xie Jiaojiao lowered his head and sighed lightly.


I don't know if it's because the range of movements is a bit large. In the past few days, she lay down to sleep, eat and talk, and tried not to make too much movement. Just as she lowered her head, there was a tingling pain at the collarbone.


When she heard her cries of pain, Li Bushang immediately stretched out his hand to support her: "What's the matter? The wound opened?"

Xie Jiaojiao frowned. After the pain, he took a sigh of relief, then looked up at his nervousness, and then smiled: "I'm fine, but there is still a little pain."

"Do you want the doctor to come and see?"

"This is the palace, where is the doctor?"

Hearing what he said, Xie Jiaojiao was still a little bit painful, but a happy smile appeared on his face, and said, "Go and see the concubine empress first."


There was another haze in Li Bushang's eyes.

But he didn't say much, only said "um", and then protected Xie Jiaojiao to continue walking forward.

Listening to the voices of them, Tingfu, who was walking in the front, didn’t say much. After a while, they led them to Yonghe Palace. When the two of them walked in together, they saw the imperial concubine sitting in front of them, looking at them. Two smiles.

"Meet the imperial concubine."

Because she wanted to bow down, Xie Jiaojiao was a little weak with this action. She was embarrassed by the injury on her shoulder, and Li Buhuo glanced at her and could only stretch out her hands-this time she stretched out two hands, almost to her Half-supported and half-held, the two bowed down.

Seeing this scene, Nan Yan felt even more relieved.

I even forgot to say "free".

Aunt Tongyun who was on the side was really struggling to see Miss Xie kneeling down. She took a careful look at Nan Yan. Only then did Nan Yan suddenly wake up and hurriedly said, "You have injuries. Don't be polite. Get up quickly."

After finishing speaking, she winked at Aunt Tongyun.

Aunt Tongyun immediately stepped forward and helped Xie Jiaojiao with Li Bushang and asked her to stand up.

The two lowered their heads and said, "Thank you for your concubine."

Nan Yan nodded, then smiled and said, "Give you a seat."

The two thanked them, walked to the chair on the side, and sat down diagonally after accusing them.

Nan Yan looked at Xie Jiaojiao with a smile on his face, but it was a little pale. He probably just pulled the wound with some force, and some beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and said: "I heard that Miss Xie was injured. , I was very anxious. I didn't ask more about how you recovered, so I told you to enter the palace to talk. How are you now?"

Xie Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "Thank you Niang Niang for remembering, the injury of the girl is much better."

"Does it still hurt?"

"That is, it hurts a bit when I move, and it's fine at ordinary times."

"It seems that my palace is anxious, and you shouldn't have let you run so far into the palace."

"Niangniang is serious, and Niangniang's memory is a blessing to the people. Besides -" she said, and looked at the dumb-faced Li beside her without hurting, and said with a smile: "These days, Master Li has always taken care of her. , Minnv is much better."

Nan Yan also glanced at Li Bu hurt.

He smiled and said, "My palace doesn't know that Master Li is still such a careful person."

Li Bushang raised his head and glanced at her, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, as if to say something, but after earning a long time, he only said, "Weichen is ashamed."


"If it weren't for the support of the minister, Miss Xie would not get hurt."


"Take care of Miss Xie these days, but also a minister-atonement."


Hearing these two words, Xie Jiaojiao turned his head and glanced at him, and said displeasedly: "Who said you were guilty? Who wants you to atone again?"

Li Bushang lowered his head, but did not reply.

Nan Yan looked at him, then at Xie Jiaojiao, and smiled lightly.

At exactly this moment, if the water brought refreshment, Nan Yan said, "Drink some tea first."

So, the three of them drank tea and ate their snacks. Talking about what happened that night, Nan Yan was shocked by the treacherous scene and sighed again and again. Then he looked towards Li not hurt, and said softly, "Be careful from now on. Don’t be alone anymore."


Li Bushang looked up at her.

His eyes flickered for a long time, and then said in a depressed tone: "Yes."

Xie Jiaojiao looked at him with a bit of sadness in his eyes. At this moment, there was another pain from the wound on her shoulder, and her hand suddenly softened, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground and broke to pieces.


Nan Yan was taken aback, and immediately said, "What's the matter?"

Li Bushang also looked back at her: "What's the matter?"

Xie Jiaojiao stretched out his hand to cover his shoulders, frowning and said, "The wound is a little painful."

"Is it time to change the dressing?"

"seems like it."

"I take it with me, you—"

He said, looking up again, Nan Yan immediately said: "Tongyun knows the art of medicine. Tongyun, you take Miss Xie to the side hall to change the dressing."


Aunt Tongyun stepped forward and helped Xie Jiaojiao to the side hall.

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