Hearing this sentence, Nan Yan was stunned.

She looked up at Li Bu hurt, thought about it again, then smiled and said, "Of course I am happy, my palace."


"My palace, happy for you."

Li Bushang looked up at her, his eyes flickering, as if to say something, but before he could speak, Nan Yan went on to say: "However, this is your own marriage. It doesn't matter whether this palace is happy or not. "


"The important thing is that you are not happy."


"Furthermore, even if you are happy now, it is only temporary. What you have to face after getting a wife is to spend the second half of your life with the person you marry. In the second half of your life, whether you can be happy or not is the most important thing. important."


"Have you considered?"


Li Bushang didn't answer her immediately, but stood silently in front of her.

The two people were facing each other quietly, and the whole Yonghe Palace seemed to be quiet. Only Nan Yan's long breathing could be heard.

I don't know how long it took, but Li did not hurt with a deep "um".

He raised his head to look at Xiang Nanyan, and said, "I, I've figured it out."

Nan Yan nodded softly.

But this time, her face was no longer full of smiles like before, but a meaningful expression, and said softly: "That's it, that's fine."


"My palace will be happier for you."


"Now that the day has been set, please do it well. On that day, the palace will be there in person to send blessings to you."

Li Bushang shook slightly, and said, "Manny, you--will you come?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Should this palace come?"

"No, Weichen didn't mean that. Weichen just thought--"

"This palace knows what you are going to say, this palace is a noble concubine, so you definitely can't go to the courtier's house casually."


"But you, you were brought back by this palace from Yongzhou back then. This palace treats you differently from other ministers. This palace wants to see your wife and children."


"This matter, this palace will tell the emperor, you don't have to ask more."

Li Bushang looked at her for a long time, and said softly: "Weichen, Xie Niangniang's grace."

After he left, Nan Yan sat in the quiet palace. After staying alone for a long time, he heard a familiar footstep approaching slowly, opened the door, and walked in.

Looking up, it was Zhu Feng.

As soon as she got up, Zhu Feng pressed her shoulders back into the chair, and said in a deep voice, "Li Bushang just came here?"

"Yes, the emperor asked him to come?"

"Yeah. He said he wanted to tell you the good news, and I approved him."

"He said, the third day of next month."


"The concubine feels a little rushed, but Miss Xie decides the date. She thinks the sooner the better."

"I also feel rushed, but getting married is a matter for the two of them. They think it’s good. I allowed him to leave, and the errands of Jin Yiwei these days have been handed over to Fang Buyuan and the others, even if it’s rushed. It has to be lively."

"The gift thing—"

"Go and prepare. It doesn't matter if it is heavy. When I established Jin Yiwei, many veterans in the court questioned me and questioned them. Now, Jin Yiwei has made great achievements several times in succession, and it should be a good reward for them. For some time, use my grace to establish Jin Yiwei's prestige."

"The concubine understands that this congratulatory concubine will be done properly."


"and also,"

Nan Yan looked up at Zhu Feng, and said softly, "Concubine has a merciless request."

Zhu Feng turned his head and glanced at her, and said calmly: "What do you want to do?"

Nanyan said: "Concubine, concubine wants to go to his house to congratulate him on that day, can the emperor grant concubine grace?"


Zhu Feng was silent for a while, but he was not surprised at all. On the contrary, he sat down calmly and said, "I know you have this request."

Nan Yan immediately said, "The emperor agreed?"

Zhu Feng said: "I didn't say that."

"Huh? The emperor..."

Nan Yan was about to beg him again, but Zhu Feng continued: "I didn't say no to agree."


At this moment, Nan Yan was a little confused.

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and said: "You have to deal with the matters of the gift first. This matter will wait for me to think about it."

Seeing him saying this, Nan Yan knew that he must have his considerations. Although he had already "boasted to Haikou" in front of Li Bushang beforehand, Zhu Feng really had to call the shots, so he didn't talk too much.

Only whispered: "Concubine knows."


Soon, Jin Yiwei commanded Li Bushang's marriage to spread throughout the government and the public.

Although Li Bushang himself is a very cold and indifferent person, he has a special background-he is an orphan adopted by the emperor's favorite noble concubine, and in recent times, Jin Yiwei has not only followed the emperor to patrol the northwest and made military exploits. , The emperor gave the mansion personally, and he has done a good job of protecting him not long ago, which is very popular.

Therefore, both the ruling and the opposition parties discussed his marriage.

After this world, Gu Tingqiu was slowly walking out. As soon as he reached the steps, he heard someone calling himself behind him.

"Brother Gu."

Looking back, it was the official book of the Ministry of Rites and a few other senior officials.

As soon as he saw them, Gu Tingqiu immediately stopped and bowed his hands to them, so a few of them came over and bowed their hands to Gu Tingqiu, and then said with a smile: "These two days, brother Gu. What are you up to?"

Gu Tingqiu said: "The plan for a year lies in spring, and spring plowing is related to the whole year's livelihood. The official is naturally busy with this."

Several old officials looked at each other and smiled, and they all said: "Sure enough, Brother Gu is still young and powerful, and he is a courtier of the court."

"Yeah, without Brother Gu, the world wouldn't know what the chaos would be like."

"Not bad, you have to rely on Brother Gu for these major events."

Hearing what they said, Gu Tingqiu only smiled and said: "Several adults are in such a good mood, come to make a joke with the official, but it is really funny."

Several veterans laughed when he heard him say this.

Yan Gu said, "By the way, brother Gu, it will be the day of your grandson Li in a few days, I don't know, are you prepared?"

Gu Tingqiu blinked: "Which-Master Li?"

So the few of them stared at each other again.

One of them laughed and said, "Naturally, Jin Yiwei commanded the envoy, Li does not hurt Master Li.

"Oh, Lord Li."

Gu Tingqiu smiled and said, "I heard Master Yan say that'we', I'm still a surnamed Li, who knows it's not, hahahaha."

After several times, he hit Tai Chi with one hand without leaking.

So Yan Gu said, "Then, I wonder if Master Gu will go to Li Mansion on that day?"

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